Quick start
The Import service consists of three tabs; Data sources, Graph models, and Import jobs. If you haven’t previously imported any data, all three are empty, otherwise sources, models, and import jobs are listed here.

Provide the data
To get started you need to connect to a data source. Import supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, as well as locally hosted flat files.

For SQL-files, you need to configure the data source, add user credentials for the SQL-database, and give the data source a name. If you want to stream local files, you can drag and drop them into the data source panel or browse for them.
Model the data
When you have connected a data source, you have the option to have a model generated based on primary and foreign key constraints in the source database. The quickest way is to accept to have a model generated, but you can draw your own later, see Data modeling for more information.
If you use local files, you can upload a .json file containing your model, if available, or draw your own.
If you generate a model from your relational data the model is already mapped to your tables. This is indicated by a green checkmark in the model. If you upload a local model, this may or may not be mapped already (it depends on whether it was mapped when first exported or not). If any element is unmapped, the import will fail and you will be prompted to add the missing mapping information. For more information on this, see Mapping. When all elements in the model are mapped, as indicated with the green checkmark, you can run the import.

Run the import
When you have connected a SQL data source, you need to provide credentials to the source and the destination (your Aura instance) in order to run the import. However, if you are streaming local files, you just need to make sure that they are available in the data source panel and re-provide them if they are not.
If you have selected to go forward with a data source or an existing model and change your mind, click on Graph models to find the three tabs again. From here, you can go back to Data sources to select a different source, if you want.

Connected data sources, models, and past import jobs are then listed under the respective tabs.
For more detailed information on file provision, data models, and import, see the respective pages.