Instance actions
Perform multiple instance actions directly from an instance card: Pause/resume, develop, inspect and instance’s details, clone to new instance/clone to existing instance, edit secondaries, delete, resize, view resources/view all metrics.
Inspect an instance’s details
From the instance card, select the more menu (…) then select instance details. From the instance details you can rename an instance and view instance details. See Instance details for more information.

Resize an instance
Resizing an instance means changing the memory, CPU and storage size. Note that this option is not available for Free instances.
You can change the size of an existing instance using the Resize button on the instance you want to resize. An instance remains available during the resize operation.
Pause an instance
Pausing a Neo4j instance temporarily stops the database, which means:
No Access to Data: The data stored in the database becomes inaccessible. Any applications or users trying to connect to the instance won’t be able to run queries or retrieve data until the instance is resumed.
No Processing: The database won’t process any operations or transactions while it is paused. Any ongoing operations are halted.
Data is Preserved: Your data remains safe and unchanged while the instance is paused. When you resume the instance, you can pick up right where you left off.
Pausing is putting the database on hold without shutting it down completely, so you can restart it quickly when needed.
You cannot manually pause an AuraDB Free instance; they are paused automatically after 72 hours of inactivity. |
You can pause an instance when not needed and resume it at any time. Do so by using the Pause button on the instance card.
After confirming, the instance begins pausing, and a play button replaces the pause button.
Paused instances run at a discounted rate compared to standard consumption, as outlined in the confirmation window. You can pause an instance for up to 30 days, after which point Aura automatically resumes the instance. |
Resume a paused instance
Resume a paused instance with the Play button on the instance card.
After confirming, the instance begins resuming, which may take a few minutes.
Aura Free instances do not automatically resume after 30 days. If an Aura Free instance remains paused for more than 30 days, Aura deletes the instance, and all information is lost. |
Clone an instance
You can clone an existing instance to create a new instance with the same data. You can clone across regions, and from Neo4j version 4 to Neo4j latest version.
There are two options to clone an instance:
Clone to a new instance
Clone to an existing instance
You can access all the cloning options from the more menu (…) on the instance.
You cannot clone from a Neo4j latest version instance to a Neo4j version 4 instance. |
Clone to a new instance
From the more menu (…) on the instance you want to clone, select Clone to and then New instance from the contextual menu.
Set your desired settings for the new database. For more information on AuraDB database creation, see Create an instance.
Check the I accept box and select Create.
Make sure that the username and password are stored safely before continuing. Credentials cannot be recovered afterwards.
Clone to an existing instance
When you clone an instance to an existing instance, the database connection URI stays the same, but the data is replaced with the data from the cloned instance.
Cloning into an existing instance will replace all existing data. If you want to keep the current data, take a snapshot and export it. |
From the more menu (…) on the instance you want to clone, select Clone to and then Existing instance from the contextual menu.
Select the existing AuraDB database to clone to from the dropdown menu.
Existing instances that are not large enough to clone into will not be available for selection.
Check the I understand the target instance will be overwritten box and select Clone.
Delete an instance
Delete an instance using the trashcan icon on the instance card.
Type the exact name of the instance (as instructed) to confirm your decision, and select Destroy.
There is no way to recover data from a deleted Aura instance. |
Mark an instance as production
AuraDB Virtual Dedicated Cloud AuraDB Business Critical
Admins can mark a database instance as production
in AuraDB Virtual Dedicated Cloud and AuraDB Business Critical.
When Neo4j updates Aura Database versions, instances marked as production
are last to have the Aura Database version updated.
Because updates are applied to these database instances after other database instances receive updates, you can monitor any potential impact on less critical instances first.
After marking the instance as production
the label is applied immediately, and all instance actions (such as pause or clone) are temporarily unavailable while the instance is set to production
in the Neo4j backend.
Use the more menu (…) on the instance card to mark it as production