Command reference

The editor in Neo4j Browser understands a few client-side commands, which begin with a colon (:).

Browser commands

Table 1. List of commands
Command Description

:auto <Cypher query>

Send the Cypher query in an auto-commit transaction.

In general, auto-committing transactions is not recommended because of the lack of support for retrying the Cypher query on errors. However, some query types need to be sent in auto-committing transactions, such as CALL { …​ } IN TRANSACTIONS.


Remove all frames from the stream.


Show the configuration settings.

:config <key-value>

Set one configuration setting.
The key-value can be specified as "x": 1, 'x': 1, or x: 1.

:config {}

Reset the configuration settings to the default configuration.

:config {<key-value pairs>}

Reset the configuration settings to default and then set the key-value pairs.
The key-value pairs can be specified as {"x": 1, "y": 2}, {'x': 1, 'y': 2}, or {x: 1, y: 2}.


Show databases available for the current user.

:delete <request>

REST command, send an HTTP DELETE request.

:get <request>

REST command, send an HTTP GET request.


Show the guide drawer. The guide drawer contains interactive Neo4j Browser guides for learning concepts and tools with Neo4j.

:guide <guide-name>

Show the guide drawer with a specific Neo4j Browser guide. The name can be specified with or without the Hyphen (-) character, e.g, :guide movie-graph or :guide movie graph.

:guide <URL>

Show the guide drawer with a custom Neo4j Browser guide from the specified URL.

There are also other Neo4j Browser guides created by Neo4j staff and community members to help others learn Neo4j or how to use the tools in its ecosystem. You can check out the currently published list on the GraphGist Portal (Graph Guides section).
For more information on how to create a custom Browser guide, see creating a custom Browser guide.


Display help about topics and commands.

:head <request>

REST command, send an HTTP HEAD request.


Display Neo4j Browser history of your executed commands.

:history clear

Remove all commands from Neo4j Browser history.

:put <request>

REST command, send an HTTP PUT request.


Play Neo4j Browser guides.

:play <guide-name>

Play a specific Neo4j Browser guide. The name can be specified with or without the Hyphen (-) character, e.g, :play movie-graph or :play movie graph.

:play <URL>

Play a custom Neo4j Browser guide from the specified URL.

There are also other Neo4j Browser guides created by Neo4j staff and community members to help others learn Neo4j or how to use the tools in its ecosystem. You can check out the currently published list on the GraphGist Portal (Graph Guides section).
For more information on how to create a custom Browser guide, see creating a custom Browser guide.

:post <request>

REST command, send an HTTP POST request.

:param <key-value>

Set one parameter.
The key-value can be specified as "x" => 1 or x => 1.


Show all parameters.

:params {}

Remove all parameters.

:params {<key-value pairs>}

Remove all parameters and then set the parameters to the specified key-value pairs.
The key-value pairs can be specified as {"x": 1, "y": 2}, {'x': 1, 'y': 2}, or {x: 1, y: 2}.

Integers will be set as floats in this form.


List your servers and clusters that are running queries.


Show the current style configuration.

:style <CSS>

Modify the visual aspects of your graph.
CSS classes are overwritten with the new styling.

:style reset

Reset the style to the default styling.

:server change-password

Change password.

:server connect

Manage a connection to Neo4j.

:server disconnect

Disconnect the currently open connection to Neo4j.

:server status

Show metadata for the currently open connection.


Show information about database schema indexes and constraints.


Show information about Store Size, Id Allocation, Page Cache, Transactions, and Databases.

:use <database>

Set the database to query by default (the default database is set to neo4j).

You can also use Cypher, USE <database> ..., to specify a database.

Help commands

List of help commands available.

  • :help bolt

  • :help bolt-encryption

  • :help bolt-routing

  • :help clear

  • :help commands

  • :help contains

  • :help create

  • :help create-index

  • :help create-unique

  • :help cypher

  • :help delete

  • :help detach-delete

  • :help ends-with

  • :help explain

  • :help foreach

  • :help history

  • :help history clear

  • :help keys

  • :help load csv

  • :help match

  • :help merge

  • :help param

  • :help params

  • :help play

  • :help profile

  • :help queries

  • :help rest

  • :help rest-delete

  • :help rest-get

  • :help rest-post

  • :help rest-put

  • :help return

  • :help server

  • :help server-user

  • :help set

  • :help start

  • :help starts-with

  • :help unwind

  • :help where

  • :help with