Supported optional GQL features
This page lists the optional GQL features Cypher® is either fully or partially conformant with.
Optional GQL features are assigned a feature ID code. These codes order the features in the table below.
GQL Feature ID | Description | Documentation | Comment |
G002 |
Different-edges match mode |
The semantic for this feature is the default Cypher semantic. |
G004 |
Path variables |
G016 |
Any path search |
G017 |
All shortest path search |
G018 |
Any shortest path search |
G019 |
Counted shortest path search |
G020 |
Counted shortest group search |
G035 |
Quantified paths |
G036 |
Quantified edges |
G050 |
Parenthesized path pattern: |
G051 |
Parenthesized path pattern: non-local predicate |
G060 |
Bounded graph pattern quantifier |
G061 |
Unbounded graph pattern quantifier |
G074 |
Label expressions: wildcard label |
GA06 |
Value type predicates |
GA07 |
Ordering by discarded binding variables |
GB01 |
Long identifiers |
GD01 |
Updatable graphs |
GF01 |
Enhanced numeric functions |
Note the following exceptions:
GQL supports |
GF02 |
Trigonometric functions |
GF03 |
Logarithmic functions |
Note the following exceptions:
GF05 |
Multi-character trim functions |
GF06 |
Explicit |
In GQL, |
GG01 |
Graph with open graph type |
GP01 |
Inline procedure |
GP03 |
Inline procedure with explicit nested variable scope |
GP04 |
Named procedure calls |
GQ01 |
Cypher’s |
GQ03 |
Composite query: |
GQ08 |
GQ13 |
Cypher requires using the |
GV39 |
Temporal types: date, local datetime, and local time support |
Note the following exceptions:
GV40 |
Temporal types: zoned datetime and zoned time support |
Note the following exceptions:
GV50 |
List value types |
GV55 |
Path value types |
GV66 |
Open dynamic unions |
GV67 |
Closed dynamic unions |
GV70 |
Immaterial value types: null type support ( |
GV71 |
Immaterial value types: empty type support ( |
Cypher and GQL sometimes name functions differently and, as a result, several Cypher functions offer the same (or very similar) functionality to their GQL counterpart. For more information, see the page Optional GQL features and analogous Cypher. |