CALL subqueries

The CALL clause can be used to invoke subqueries that execute operations within a defined scope, thereby optimizing data handling and query efficiency. Unlike other subqueries in Cypher®, CALL subqueries can be used to perform changes to the database (e.g. CREATE new nodes).

The CALL clause is also used for calling procedures. For descriptions of the CALL clause in this context, refer to the CALL procedure.

Example graph

A graph with the following schema is used for the examples below:

call subquery graph

To recreate the graph, run the following query in an empty Neo4j database:

CREATE (teamA:Team {name: 'Team A'}),
       (teamB:Team {name: 'Team B'}),
       (teamC:Team {name: 'Team C'}),
       (playerA:Player {name: 'Player A', age: 21}),
       (playerB:Player {name: 'Player B', age: 23}),
       (playerC:Player {name: 'Player C', age: 19}),
       (playerD:Player {name: 'Player D', age: 30}),
       (playerE:Player {name: 'Player E', age: 25}),
       (playerF:Player {name: 'Player F', age: 35}),
       (teamA)-[:OWES {dollars: 1500}]->(teamB),
       (teamA)-[:OWES {dollars: 3000}]->(teamB),
       (teamB)-[:OWES {dollars: 1700}]->(teamC),
       (teamC)-[:OWES {dollars: 5000}]->(teamB)

Semantics and performance

A CALL subquery is executed once for each incoming row. The variables returned in a subquery are available to the outer scope of the enclosing query.

Example 1. Basic example

In this example, the CALL subquery executes three times, one for each row that the UNWIND clause outputs.

UNWIND [0, 1, 2] AS x
CALL () {
  RETURN 'hello' AS innerReturn
RETURN innerReturn
Table 1. Result




Rows: 3

Each execution of a CALL subquery can observe changes from previous executions. This allows for the accumulation of results and the progressive transformation of data within a single Cypher query.

Example 2. Incremental updates

In this example, each iteration of the CALL subquery adds 1 to the age of Player A and the returned newAge reflects the age after each increment.

Incrementally update the age property of a Player
UNWIND [1, 2, 3] AS x
CALL () {
    MATCH (p:Player {name: 'Player A'})
    SET p.age = p.age + 1
    RETURN p.age AS newAge
MATCH (p:Player {name: 'Player A'})
RETURN x AS iteration, newAge, p.age AS totalAge
Table 2. Result
iteration newAge totalAge










Rows: 3

The scoping effect of a CALL subquery means that the work performed during each execution of each row can be cleaned up as soon its execution ends, before proceeding to the next row. This allows for efficient resource management and reduces memory overhead by ensuring that temporary data structures created during the subquery execution do not persist beyond their usefulness. As a result, CALL subqueries can help maintain optimal performance and scalability, especially in complex or large-scale queries.

Example 3. Performance

In this example, a CALL subquery is used to collect a LIST containing all players who play for a particular team.

Collect a list of all players playing for a particular team
MATCH (t:Team)
CALL (t) {
  MATCH (p:Player)-[:PLAYS_FOR]->(t)
  RETURN collect(p) as players
RETURN t AS team, players
Table 3. Result
team players

(:Team {name: "Team A"})

(:Player {name: "Player B", age: 23}), (:Player {name: "Player A", age: 24})]

(:Team {name: "Team B"})

[(:Player {name: "Player D", age: 30})]

(:Team {name: "Team C"})

[(:Player {name: "Player F", age: 35}), (:Player {name: "Player E", age: 25})]

Rows: 3

The CALL subquery ensures that each Team is processed separately (one row per Team node), rather than having to hold every Team and Player node in heap memory simultaneously before collecting them into lists. Using a CALL subquery can therefore reduce the amount of heap memory required for an operation.

Importing variables

Variables from the outer scope must be explicitly imported into the inner scope of the CALL subquery, either by using a variable scope clause or an importing WITH clause (deprecated). As the subquery is evaluated for each incoming input row, the imported variables are assigned the corresponding values from that row.

The variable scope clause

Variables can be imported into a CALL subquery using a scope clause: CALL (<variable>). Using the scope clause disables the deprecated importing WITH clause.

A scope clause can be used to import all, specific, or none of the variables from the outer scope.

Example 4. Import specific variables from the outer scope

This example only imports the p variable from the outer scope and uses it to create a new, randomly generated, rating property for each Player node. It then returns the Player node with the highest rating.

Import one variable from the outer scope
MATCH (p:Player), (t:Team)
CALL (p) {
  WITH rand() AS random
  SET p.rating = random
  RETURN AS playerName, p.rating AS rating
RETURN playerName, rating, t AS team
ORDER BY rating
Table 4. Result
playerName rating team

"Player C"


"Team A"

Rows: 1

To import additional variables, include them within the parentheses after CALL, separated by commas. For example, to import both variables from the MATCH clause in the above query, modify the scope clause accordingly: CALL (p, t).

Example 5. Import all variables

To import all variables from the outer scope, use CALL (*). This example imports both the p and t variables and sets a new lastUpdated property on both.

Import all variables from the outer scope
MATCH (p:Player), (t:Team)
CALL (*) {
  SET p.lastUpdated = timestamp()
  SET t.lastUpdated = timestamp()
RETURN AS playerName,
       p.lastUpdated AS playerUpdated, AS teamName,
       t.lastUpdated AS teamUpdated
Table 5. Result
playerName playerUpdated teamName teamUpdated

"Player A"


"Team A"


Rows: 1

Example 6. Import no variables

To import no variables from the outer scope, use CALL ().

Import no variables from the outer scope
MATCH (t:Team)
CALL () {
  MATCH (p:Player)
  RETURN count(p) AS totalPlayers
RETURN count(t) AS totalTeams, totalPlayers
Table 6. Result
totalTeams totalPlayers



Rows: 1

CALL subqueries without a variable scope clause are deprecated.

MATCH (t:Team)
  MATCH (p:Player)
  RETURN count(p) AS totalPlayers
RETURN count(t) AS totalTeams, totalPlayers


  • The scope clause’s variables can be globally referenced in the subquery. A subsequent WITH within the subquery cannot delist an imported variable. The deprecated importing WITH clause behaves differently because imported variables can only be referenced from the first line and can be delisted by subsequent clauses.

  • Variables cannot be aliased in the scope clause. Only simple variable references are allowed.

Not allowed
MATCH (t:Team)
CALL (t AS teams) {
  MATCH (p:Player)-[:PLAYS_FOR]->(teams)
  RETURN collect(p) as players
RETURN t AS teams, players
  • The scope clause’s variables cannot be re-declared in the subquery.

Not allowed
MATCH (t:Team)
CALL (t) {
  WITH 'New team' AS t
  MATCH (p:Player)-[:PLAYS_FOR]->(t)
  RETURN collect(p) as players
RETURN t AS team, players
  • The subquery cannot return a variable name which already exists in the outer scope. To return imported variables they must be renamed.

Not allowed
MATCH (t:Team)
CALL (t) {

Importing WITH clause

Variables can also be imported into a CALL subquery using an importing WITH clause. Note that this syntax is not GQL conformant.

Variables imported by WITH clause
MATCH (t:Team)
  WITH t
  MATCH (p:Player)-[:PLAYS_FOR]->(t)
  RETURN collect(p) as players
RETURN t AS teams, players
Click to read more about importing variables using the WITH clause
  • Just as when using a variable scope clause, a subquery using an importing WITH clause cannot return a variable name which already exists in the outer scope. To return imported variables they must be renamed.

  • The importing WITH clause must the first clause of a subquery (or the second clause, if directly following a USE clause).

  • It is not possible to follow an importing WITH clause with any of the following clauses: DISTINCT, ORDER BY, WHERE, SKIP, and LIMIT.

Attempting any of the above, will throw an error. For example, the following query using a WHERE clause after an importing WITH clause will throw an error:

Not Allowed
UNWIND [[1,2],[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4,5]] AS l
  WITH l
  WHERE size(l) > 2
  RETURN l AS largeLists
RETURN largeLists
Error message
Importing WITH should consist only of simple references to outside variables.
WHERE is not allowed.

A solution to this restriction, necessary for any filtering or ordering of an importing WITH clause, is to declare a second WITH clause after the importing WITH clause. This second WITH clause will act as a regular WITH clause. For example, the following query will not throw an error:

UNWIND [[1,2],[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4,5]] AS l
  WITH l
	WHERE size(l) > 2
  RETURN l AS largeLists
RETURN largeLists
Table 7. Result

[1, 2, 3, 4]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Rows: 2

Optional subquery calls

OPTIONAL CALL allows for optional execution of a CALL subquery. Similar to OPTIONAL MATCH any empty rows produced by the OPTIONAL CALL subquery will return null.

Example 7. Difference between using CALL and OPTIONAL CALL

This example, which finds the team that each Player plays for, highlights the difference between using CALL and OPTIONAL CALL.

Regular subquery CALL
MATCH (p:Player)
CALL (p) {
    MATCH (p)-[:PLAYS_FOR]->(team:Team)
    RETURN team
RETURN AS playerName, AS team
Table 8. Result
playerName team

"Player A"

"Team A"

"Player B"

"Team A"

"Player D"

"Team B"

"Player E"

"Team C"

"Player F"

"Team C"

Rows: 5

Note that no results are returned for Player C, since they are not connected to any Team with a PLAYS_FOR relationship.

Query using regular OPTIONAL CALL
MATCH (p:Player)
    MATCH (p)-[:PLAYS_FOR]->(team:Team)
    RETURN team
RETURN AS playerName, AS team

Now all Player nodes, regardless of whether they have any PLAYS_FOR relationships connected to a Team, are returned.

Table 9. Result
playerName team

"Player A"

"Team A"

"Player B"

"Team A"

"Player C"


"Player D"

"Team B"

"Player E"

"Team C"

"Player F"

"Team C"

Rows: 6

Conditional CALL subqueries

WHEN can be used inside CALL subqueries to execute branches conditionally when a predicate evaluates to true. Note that the names and the number of columns returned by the different WHEN branches must be identical. For more information, see Conditional queries → Conditional subqueries.

Example 8. Conditional CALL subqueries

This example uses conditional logic to categorize players based on age by executing WHEN/ELSE branches, setting the ageGroup property as either "Senior" or "Junior" for each player depending on their age.

Categorize players by age using a conditional WHEN and ELSE for each team.
MATCH (t:Team)
CALL (*) {
  WHEN p.age > 25 THEN {
    SET p.ageGroup = "Senior"
    RETURN AS player, p.ageGroup AS ageGroup
  ELSE {
     SET p.ageGroup = "Junior"
     RETURN AS player, p.ageGroup AS ageGroup
RETURN player, ageGroup
Table 10. Result
player ageGroup

"Player A"


"Player B"


"Player D"


"Player E"


"Player F"


Rows: 5

Execution order of CALL subqueries

The order in which rows from the outer scope are passed into subqueries is not defined. If the results of the subquery depend on the order of these rows, use an ORDER BY clause before the CALL clause to guarantee a specific processing order for the rows.

Example 9. Ordering results before CALL subquery

This example creates a linked list of all Player nodes in order of ascending age.

The CALL clause is relying on the incoming row ordering to ensure that a correctly ordered linked list is created, thus the incoming rows must be ordered with a preceding ORDER BY clause.

Order results before a CALL subquery
MATCH (player:Player)
WITH player
ORDER BY player.age ASC LIMIT 1
  SET player:ListHead
MATCH (nextPlayer: Player&!ListHead)
WITH nextPlayer
ORDER BY nextPlayer.age
CALL (nextPlayer) {
  MATCH (current:ListHead)
    REMOVE current:ListHead
    SET nextPlayer:ListHead
  RETURN current AS from, nextPlayer AS to
  from.age AS age, AS closestOlderName,
  to.age AS closestOlderAge
Table 11. Result
name age closestOlderName closestOlderAge

"Player C"


"Player B"


"Player B"


"Player A"


"Player A"


"Player E"


"Player E"


"Player D"


"Player D"


"Player F"


Rows: 5

Post-union processing

Call subqueries can be used to further process the results of a Combined queries (UNION) query.

Example 10. Using UNION within a CALL subquery

This example query finds the youngest and the oldest Player in the graph.

Find the oldest and youngest players
CALL () {
  MATCH (p:Player)
  ORDER BY p.age ASC
  MATCH (p:Player)
RETURN AS playerName, p.age AS age
Table 12. Result
playerName age

"Player C"


"Player F"


Rows: 2

If different parts of a result should be matched differently, with some aggregation over the whole result, subqueries need to be used. The example below query uses a CALL subquery in combination with UNION ALL to determine how much each Team in the graph owes or is owed.

Find how much every team is owed
MATCH (t:Team)
CALL (t) {
  OPTIONAL MATCH (t)-[o:OWES]->(other:Team)
  RETURN o.dollars * -1 AS moneyOwed
  OPTIONAL MATCH (other)-[o:OWES]->(t)
  RETURN o.dollars AS moneyOwed
RETURN AS team, sum(moneyOwed) AS amountOwed
ORDER BY amountOwed DESC
Table 13. Result
team amountOwed

"Team B"


"Team C"


"Team A"


Rows: 3


Returning subqueries change the number of results of the query. The result of the CALL subquery is the combined result of evaluating the subquery for each input row.

Example 11. CALL subquery changing returned rows of outer query

The following example finds the name of each Player and the team they play for. No rows are returned for Player C, since they are not connected to a Team with a PLAYS_FOR relationship. The number of results of the subquery thus changed the number of results of the enclosing query.

Find the friends of players
MATCH (p:Player)
CALL (p) {
  MATCH (p)-[:PLAYS_FOR]->(team:Team)
  RETURN AS team
RETURN AS playerName, team
Table 14. Result
playerName team

"Player A"

"Team A"

"Player B"

"Team A"

"Player D"

"Team B"

"Player E"

"Team C"

"Player F"

"Team C"

Rows: 5

Example 12. CALL subqueries and isolated aggregations

Subqueries can also perform isolated aggregations. The below example uses the sum() function to count how much money is owed between the Team nodes in the graph. Note that the owedAmount for Team A is the aggregated results of two OWES relationships to Team B.

Find how much each team owes
MATCH (t:Team)
CALL (t) {
  MATCH (t)-[o:OWES]->(t2:Team)
  RETURN sum(o.dollars) AS owedAmount, AS owedTeam
RETURN AS owingTeam, owedAmount, owedTeam
Table 15. Result
owingTeam owedAmount owedTeam

"Team A"


"Team B"

"Team B"


"Team C"

"Team C"


"Team B"

Rows: 4

Note on returning subqueries and unit subqueries

The examples above have all used subqueries which end with a RETURN clause. These subqueries are called returning subqueries.

A subquery is evaluated for each incoming input row. Every output row of a returning subquery is combined with the input row to build the result of the subquery. That means that a returning subquery will influence the number of rows. If the subquery does not return any rows, there will be no rows available after the subquery.

Subqueries without a RETURN statement are called unit subqueries. Unit subqueries are used for their ability to alter the graph with clauses such as CREATE, MERGE, SET, and DELETE. They do not explicitly return anything, and this means that the number of rows present after the subquery is the same as was going into the subquery.

Unit subqueries

Unit subqueries are used for their ability to alter the graph with updating clauses. They do not impact the amount of rows returned by the enclosing query.

This example query creates 3 clones of each existing Player node in the graph. As the subquery is a unit subquery, it does not change the number of rows of the enclosing query.

Create cloned nodes
MATCH (p:Player)
CALL (p) {
  UNWIND range (1, 3) AS i
  CREATE (:Person {name:})
RETURN count(*)
Table 16. Result


Rows: 1
Nodes created: 18
Properties set: 18
Labels added: 18


  • CALL subqueries optimize data handling and query efficiency, and can perform changes to the database.

  • CALL subqueries allow for row-by-row data transformation and enable the accumulation of results across multiple rows, facilitating complex operations that depend on intermediate or aggregated data.

  • CALL subqueries can only refer to variables from the enclosing query if they are explicitly imported by either a variable scope clause or an importing WITH clause (deprecated).

  • All variables that are returned from a CALL subquery are afterwards available in the enclosing query.

  • Returning subqueries (with RETURN clause) influence the number of output rows, while unit subqueries (without RETURN clause) perform graph updates without changing the number of rows.

  • An ORDER BY clause can be used before CALL subqueries to ensure a specific order.

  • CALL subqueries can be used in combination with UNION to process and aggregate different parts of a query result.