UNION combines the results of two or more queries into a single result set that includes all the rows that belong to any queries in the union.

The number and the names of the columns must be identical in all queries combined by using UNION.

To keep all the result rows, use UNION ALL. Using just UNION (or UNION DISTINCT) will combine and remove duplicates from the result set.

If any of the queries in a UNION contain updates, the order of queries in the UNION is relevant.

Any clause before the UNION cannot observe writes made by a clause after the UNION. Any clause after UNION can observe all writes made by a clause before the UNION.

Example graph

The following graph is used for the examples below:

graph union clause

To recreate the graph, run the following query against an empty Neo4j database:

CREATE (johnny:Actor {name: 'Johnny Depp'}),
       (sarah:Actor {name: 'Sarah Jessica Parker'}),
       (ed:Actor&Director {name: 'Ed Wood'}),
       (edWoodMovie:Movie {title: 'Ed Wood'}),

Combine two queries and retain duplicates

Combining the results from two queries is done using UNION ALL.

MATCH (n:Actor)
RETURN n.name AS name
MATCH (n:Movie)
RETURN n.title AS name

The combined result is returned, including duplicates.

Table 1. Result

"Johnny Depp"

"Sarah Jessica Parker"

"Ed Wood"

"Ed Wood"

Rows: 4

Combine two queries and remove duplicates

By not including ALL in the UNION, duplicates are removed from the combined result set.

MATCH (n:Actor)
RETURN n.name AS name
MATCH (n:Movie)
RETURN n.title AS name

The combined result is returned, without duplicates.

Table 2. Result

"Johnny Depp"

"Sarah Jessica Parker"

"Ed Wood"

Rows: 3


Removal of duplicates can also be accomplished by explicitly including DISTINCT in the UNION. The UNION DISTINCT keyword was introduced as part of Cypher®'s GQL conformance, and using it is functionally the same as using simple UNION.

MATCH (n:Actor)
RETURN n.name AS name
MATCH (n:Movie)
RETURN n.title AS name

The combined result is returned, without duplicates.

Table 3. Result

"Johnny Depp"

"Sarah Jessica Parker"

"Ed Wood"

Rows: 3

Post-union processing

The UNION clause can be used within a CALL subquery to further process the combined results before a final output is returned. For example, the below query counts the occurrences of each name property returned after the UNION ALL within the CALL subquery.

The below query uses an empty variable scope clause: CALL () { …​ } (introduced in Neo4j 5.23). If you are using an older version of Neo4j, use CALL { …​ } instead. For more information, see CALL subqueries → Importing variables.
CALL () {
  MATCH (a:Actor)
  RETURN a.name AS name
  MATCH (m:Movie)
  RETURN m.title AS name
RETURN name, count(*) AS count
ORDER BY count
Table 4. Result
name count

"Ed Wood"


"Johnny Depp"


"Sarah Jessica Parker"


Rows: 3

For more information, see CALL subqueries → Post-union processing.