Basic queries
This page contains information about how to create, query, and delete a graph database using Cypher®. For more advanced queries, see the section on Subqueries.
The examples below uses the publicly available Neo4j movie database.
Creating a data model
Before creating a property graph database, it is important to develop an appropriate data model. This will provide structure to the data, and allow users of the graph to efficiently retrieve the information they are looking for.
The following data model is used for the Neo4j data model:
It includes two types of node labels:
nodes, which have the following properties:name
. -
nodes, which have the following properties:title
, andtagline
The data model also contains five different relationship types between the Person
and Movie
nodes: ACTED_IN
. Two of the relationship types have properties:
relationship type, which has theroles
property. -
relationship type, which has asummary
property and arating
To learn more about data modelling for graph databases, enroll in the free Graph Data Modelling Fundamentals course offered by GraphAcademy.
Creating a property graph database
The complete Cypher query to create the Neo4j movie database, can be found here. To create the full graph, run the full query against an empty Neo4j database.
Finding nodes
clause is used to find a specific pattern in the graph, such as a specific node.
clause specifies what of the found graph pattern to return.
For example, this query will find the nodes with Person
label and the name Keanu Reeves
, and return the name
and born
properties of the found nodes:
MATCH (keanu:Person {name:'Keanu Reeves'})
RETURN AS name, keanu.born AS born
name | born |
Rows: 1 |
It is also possible to query a graph for several nodes.
This query matches all nodes with the Person
label, and limits the results to only include five rows.
MATCH (people:Person)
RETURN people
people |
Rows: 5 |
Note on clause composition
Similar to SQL, Cypher queries are constructed using various clauses which are chained together to feed intermediate results between each other. Each clause has as input the state of the graph and a table of intermediate results consisting of the referenced variables. The first clause takes as input the state of the graph before the query and an empty table of intermediate results. The output of a clause is a new state of the graph and a new table of intermediate results, serving as input to the next clause. The output of the last clause is the result of the query.
Note that if one of the clauses returns an empty table of intermediate results, there is nothing to pass on to subsequent clauses, thus ending the query.
(There are ways to circumvent this behaviour.
For example, by replacing a MATCH
clause with OPTIONAL MATCH.)
In the below example, the first MATCH
clause finds all nodes with the Person
The second clause will then filter those nodes to find all Person
nodes who were born in the 1980s.
The final clause returns the result in a descending chronological order.
MATCH (bornInEighties:Person)
WHERE bornInEighties.born >= 1980 AND bornInEighties.born < 1990
RETURN as name, bornInEighties.born as born
name | born |
Rows: 4 |
For more details, see the section on Clause composition.
Finding connected nodes
To discover how nodes are connected to one another, relationships must be added to queries. Queries can specify relationship types, properties, and direction, as well as the start and end nodes of the pattern.
For example, the following query matches the graph for the director of the movie the Matrix, and returns the name
property of its directors.
MATCH (m:Movie {title: 'The Matrix'})<-[d:DIRECTED]-(p:Person)
RETURN as director
director |
Rows: 2 |
It also possible to look for the type of relationships that connect nodes to one another.
The below query searches the graph for outgoing relationships from the Tom Hanks
node to any Movie
nodes, and returns the relationships and the titles of the movies connected to him.
MATCH (tom:Person {name:'Tom Hanks'})-[r]->(m:Movie)
RETURN type(r) AS type, m.title AS movie
The result shows that he has 13 outgoing relationships connected to 12 different Movie
nodes (12 have the ACTED_IN
type and one has the DIRECTED
type | movie |
Rows: 13 |
It is possible to further modify Cypher queries by adding label expressions to the clauses.
For example, the below query uses a NOT
label expression (!
) to return all relationships connected to Tom Hanks
that are not of type ACTED_IN
MATCH (:Person {name:'Tom Hanks'})-[r:!ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
Return type(r) AS type, m.title AS movies
type | movie |
Rows: 1 |
For more information about the different label expressions supported by Cypher, see the section on label expressions.
Finding paths
There are several ways in which Cypher can be used to search a graph for paths between nodes.
To search for patterns of a fixed length, specify the distance (hops) between the nodes in the pattern by using a quantifier ({n}
For example, the following query matches all Person
nodes exactly 2 hops away from Tom Hanks
and returns the first five rows.
The DISTINCT operator ensures that the result contain no duplicate values.
MATCH (tom:Person {name:'Tom Hanks'})--{2}(colleagues:Person)
RETURN DISTINCT AS name, colleagues.born AS bornIn
name | bornIn |
Rows: 5 |
It is also possible to match a graph for patterns of a variable length.
The below query matches all Person
nodes between 1
and 4
hops away from Tom Hanks
and returns the first five rows.
MATCH (p:Person {name:'Tom Hanks'})--{1,4}(colleagues:Person)
RETURN DISTINCT AS name, colleagues.born AS bornIn
ORDER BY bornIn, name
name | bornIn |
Rows: 5 |
The quantifier used in the above two examples was introduced with the release of quantified path patterns. Before that, the only way in Cypher to match paths of a variable length was with a variable-length relationship. This syntax is still available in Cypher, but it is not GQL conformant. For more information, see Patterns → Syntax and semantics → Variable-length relationships. |
keyword can be used to find a variation of the shortest paths between two nodes.
In this example, ALL SHORTEST
paths between the two nodes Keanu Reeves
and Tom Cruise
are found.
The count()
function calculates the number of these shortest paths while the length()
function calculates the length of each path in terms of traversed relationships.
MATCH p = ALL SHORTEST (:Person {name:"Keanu Reeves"})--+(:Person {name:"Tom Cruise"})
RETURN count(p) AS pathCount, length(p) AS pathLength
The results show that 2 different paths are tied for the shortest length.
pathCount | pathLength |
Rows: 1 |
The SHORTEST keyword functionally replaces and extendes the shortestPath() and allShortestPaths() functions.
Both functions can still be used, but they are not GQL conformant.
For more information, see Patterns → Syntax and semantics → The shortestPath() and allShortestPaths() functions.
For more information about graph pattern matching, see Patterns.
Finding recommendations
Cypher allows for more complex queries.
The following query tries to recommend co-actors for Keanu Reeves
, who he has yet to work with but who his co-actors have worked with.
The query then orders the results by how frequently a matched co-co-actor has collaborated with one of Keanu Reeves' co-actors.
MATCH (keanu:Person {name:'Keanu Reeves'})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActors:Person),
WHERE NOT (keanu)-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-(cocoActors) AND keanu <> cocoActors
RETURN AS recommended, count(cocoActors) AS strength
ORDER BY strength DESC
recommended | strength |
Rows: 5 |
There are several connections between the Keanu Reeves
and Tom Hanks
nodes in the movie database, but the two have never worked together in a film.
The following query matches coactors who could introduce the two, by looking for co-actors who have worked with both of them in separate movies:
MATCH (:Person {name: 'Keanu Reeves'})-[:ACTED_IN]->(:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActor:Person),
(coActor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(:Person {name:'Tom Hanks'})
coActor |
Rows: 2 |
Delete a graph
To delete all nodes and relationships in a graph, run the following query:
DETACH DELETE is not suitable for deleting large amounts of data, nor does it delete indexes and constraints.
For more information, and alternatives to DETACH DELETE , see DELETE → Delete all nodes and relationships.