Sessions and transactions


A session is a container for a sequence of transactions. Sessions borrow connections from a pool as required and so should be considered lightweight and disposable. In languages where thread safety is an issue, a session should not be considered thread-safe.

In languages that support them, sessions are usually scoped within a context block. This ensures that they are properly closed and that any underlying connections are released and not leaked.

Example 1. Session
  • C#
  • Go
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python
public void AddPerson(string name)
    using (var session = Driver.Session())
        session.Run("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", new {name});
func addPersonInSession(driver neo4j.Driver, name string) error {
	session, err := driver.Session(neo4j.AccessModeWrite)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer session.Close()

	result, err := session.Run("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", map[string]interface{}{"name": name})
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if _, err = result.Consume(); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
public void addPerson(String name)
    try ( Session session = driver.session() )
    {"CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", parameters( "name", name ) );
const session = driver.session()

  .run('CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})', { name: personName })
  .then(() => {
    session.close(() => {
      console.log('Person created, session closed')
def add_person(self, name):
    with self._driver.session() as session:"CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", name=name)


Transactions are atomic units of work consisting of one or more Cypher statement executions. A transaction is executed within a session.

To execute a Cypher statement, two pieces of information are required: the statement template and a keyed set of parameters. The template is a string containing placeholders that are substituted with parameter values at runtime. While it is possible to run non-parameterized Cypher, good programming practice is to use parameters in Cypher statements. This allows for caching of statements within the Cypher engine, which is beneficial for performance. Parameter values should adhere to Working with Cypher values.

The Neo4j driver API provides for three forms of transaction:

  • Auto-commit transactions

  • Transaction functions

  • Explicit transactions

Of these, only transaction function can be automatically replayed on failure.

Auto-commit Transactions

An auto-commit transaction is a simple but limited form of transaction. Such a transaction consists of only one Cypher statement, cannot be automatically replayed on failure, and cannot take part in a causal chain.

An auto-commit transaction is invoked using the method:

Example 2. Auto-commit transaction
  • C#
  • Go
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python
public void AddPerson(string name)
    using (var session = Driver.Session())
        session.Run("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", new {name});
func addPersonInAutoCommitTx(driver neo4j.Driver, name string) error {
	session, err := driver.Session(neo4j.AccessModeWrite)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer session.Close()

	result, err := session.Run("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", map[string]interface{}{"name": name})
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if _, err = result.Consume(); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
public void addPerson( String name )
    try ( Session session = driver.session() )
    { "CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", parameters( "name", name ) );
function addPerson (name) {
  const session = driver.session()
  return session
    .run('CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})', { name: name })
    .then(result => {
      return result
def add_person(self, name):
    with self._driver.session() as session:"CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", name=name)

# Alternative implementation, with timeout
def add_person_within_half_a_second(self, name):
    with self._driver.session() as session:"CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", timeout=0.5), name=name)

Auto-commit transactions are sent to the network and acknowledged immediately. This means that multiple transactions cannot share network packets, thereby exhibiting a lesser network efficiency than other forms of transaction.

Auto-commit transactions are intended to be used for simple use cases such as when learning Cypher or writing one-off scripts. It is not recommended to use auto-commit transactions in production environments or when performance or resilience are a primary concern.

However, Auto-commit transactions are the only way to execute USING PERIODIC COMMIT Cypher statements.

Transaction functions

Transaction functions are the recommended form for containing transactional units of work. This form requires minimal boilerplate code and allows for a clear separation of database queries and application logic.

Example 3. Transaction function
  • C#
  • Go
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python
public void AddPerson(string name)
    using (var session = Driver.Session())
        session.WriteTransaction(tx => tx.Run("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", new {name}));
func addPersonInTxFunc(driver neo4j.Driver, name string) error {
	session, err := driver.Session(neo4j.AccessModeWrite)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer session.Close()

	_, err = session.WriteTransaction(func(tx neo4j.Transaction) (interface{}, error) {
		result, err := tx.Run("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", map[string]interface{}{"name": name})
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		return result.Consume()

	return err
public void addPerson( final String name )
    try ( Session session = driver.session() )
        session.writeTransaction( new TransactionWork<Integer>()
            public Integer execute( Transaction tx )
                return createPersonNode( tx, name );
        } );

private static int createPersonNode( Transaction tx, String name )
{ "CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", parameters( "name", name ) );
    return 1;
const session = driver.session()
const writeTxPromise = session.writeTransaction(tx =>'CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})', { name: personName })

writeTxPromise.then(result => {

  if (result) {
    console.log('Person created')
def add_person(driver, name):
    with driver.session() as session:
        # Caller for transactional unit of work
        return session.write_transaction(create_person_node, name)

# Simple implementation of the unit of work
def create_person_node(tx, name):
    return"CREATE (a:Person {name: $name}) RETURN id(a)", name=name).single().value()

# Alternative implementation, with timeout
def create_person_node_within_half_a_second(tx, name):
    return"CREATE (a:Person {name: $name}) RETURN id(a)", name=name).single().value()

Transaction functions are also able to handle connection problems and transient errors using an automatic retry mechanism. This retry capability can be configured on Driver construction.

Any query results obtained within a transaction function should be consumed within that function. Transaction functions can return values but these should be derived values rather than raw results.

Explicit transactions

Explicit transactions are the longhand form of transaction functions, providing access to explicit BEGIN, COMMIT and ROLLBACK operations. While this form is useful for a handful of use cases, it is recommended to use transaction functions wherever possible.

Transaction configuration

Both auto-commit and explicit transactions can be assigned metadata, and a timeout.

Metadata is a map of arbitrary values that will be attached to the executing transaction. It will be visible in the output of the procedures dbms.listQueries and dbms.listTransactions. It will also get logged to the query.log.

A timeout will cause the related transaction to be terminated by the database if its execution time is longer than the provided value. This functionality allows to limit query/transaction execution time. A specified timeout overrides the default timeout defined by the configuration setting config_dbms.transaction.timeout.

For usage patterns, please refer to the API documentation for your specific language.

Cypher errors

When executing Cypher, it is possible for an exception to be thrown by the Cypher engine. Each such exception is associated with a status code that describes the nature of the error and a message that provides more detail.

The error classifications are listed in the table below.

Table 1. Error classifications
Classification Description


The client application has caused an error. The application should amend and retry the operation.


The server has caused an error. Retrying the operation will generally be unsuccessful.


A temporary error has occurred. The application should retry the operation.

Causal chaining

When working with a Causal Cluster, transactions can be chained to ensure causal consistency. This means that for any two transactions, it is guaranteed that the second transaction will begin only after the first has been successfully committed. This is true even if the transactions are carried out on different physical cluster members.

Causal chaining is carried out by passing bookmarks between transactions. Each bookmark records a point in transactional history and can be used to inform cluster members to carry out units of work in a particular sequence. Internally, a bookmark is passed from server to client on successful completion of a transaction and back from client to server on start of a new transaction, even if the transaction is an auto-commit transaction. On receipt of one or more bookmarks, the transaction will block until the server has fast forwarded to catch up with the latest of these.

If you use the 1.7 driver to connect to a Neo4j database that is version 3.4 or earlier, auto-commit transactions cannot take part in the causal chain. In that configuration, calls should be avoided in places where causal consistency is important.

Within a session, bookmark propagation is carried out automatically and does not require any explicit signal or setting from the application. To opt out of this mechanism for unrelated units of work, applications can use multiple sessions. This avoids the small latency overhead of the causal chain. Propagation between sessions can be achieved by extracting the last bookmarks from one or more sessions and passing these into the construction of another. This is generally the only case in which an application will need to work with bookmarks directly.

driver passing bookmarks
Figure 1. Passing bookmarks

The following example illustrates the passing of bookmarks between sessions. First consider the code:

Example 4. Passing bookmarks between sessions
  • C#
  • Go
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python
// Create a company node
private void AddCompany(ITransaction tx, string name)
    tx.Run("CREATE (a:Company {name: $name})", new {name});

// Create a person node
private void AddPerson(ITransaction tx, string name)
    tx.Run("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", new {name});

// Create an employment relationship to a pre-existing company node.
// This relies on the person first having been created.
private void Employ(ITransaction tx, string personName, string companyName)
    tx.Run(@"MATCH (person:Person {name: $personName}) 
             MATCH (company:Company {name: $companyName}) 
             CREATE (person)-[:WORKS_FOR]->(company)", new {personName, companyName});

// Create a friendship between two people.
private void MakeFriends(ITransaction tx, string name1, string name2)
    tx.Run(@"MATCH (a:Person {name: $name1}) 
             MATCH (b:Person {name: $name2})
             MERGE (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b)", new {name1, name2});

// Match and display all friendships.
private void PrintFriendships(ITransaction tx)
    var result = tx.Run("MATCH (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b) RETURN,");

    foreach (var record in result)
        Console.WriteLine($"{record[""]} knows {record[""]}");

public void AddEmployAndMakeFriends()
    // To collect the session bookmarks
    var savedBookmarks = new List<string>();

    // Create the first person and employment relationship.
    using (var session1 = Driver.Session(AccessMode.Write))
        session1.WriteTransaction(tx => AddCompany(tx, "Wayne Enterprises"));
        session1.WriteTransaction(tx => AddPerson(tx, "Alice"));
        session1.WriteTransaction(tx => Employ(tx, "Alice", "Wayne Enterprises"));


    // Create the second person and employment relationship.
    using (var session2 = Driver.Session(AccessMode.Write))
        session2.WriteTransaction(tx => AddCompany(tx, "LexCorp"));
        session2.WriteTransaction(tx => AddPerson(tx, "Bob"));
        session2.WriteTransaction(tx => Employ(tx, "Bob", "LexCorp"));


    // Create a friendship between the two people created above.
    using (var session3 = Driver.Session(AccessMode.Write, savedBookmarks))
        session3.WriteTransaction(tx => MakeFriends(tx, "Alice", "Bob"));

func addCompanyTxFunc(name string) neo4j.TransactionWork {
	return func(tx neo4j.Transaction) (interface{}, error) {
		return tx.Run("CREATE (a:Company {name: $name})", map[string]interface{}{"name": name})

func addPersonTxFunc(name string) neo4j.TransactionWork {
	return func(tx neo4j.Transaction) (interface{}, error) {
		return tx.Run("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", map[string]interface{}{"name": name})

func employTxFunc(person string, company string) neo4j.TransactionWork {
	return func(tx neo4j.Transaction) (interface{}, error) {
		return tx.Run(
			"MATCH (person:Person {name: $personName}) "+
				"MATCH (company:Company {name: $companyName}) "+
				"CREATE (person)-[:WORKS_FOR]->(company)", map[string]interface{}{"personName": person, "companyName": company})

func makeFriendTxFunc(person1 string, person2 string) neo4j.TransactionWork {
	return func(tx neo4j.Transaction) (interface{}, error) {
		return tx.Run(
			"MATCH (a:Person {name: $name1}) "+
				"MATCH (b:Person {name: $name2}) "+
				"MERGE (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b)", map[string]interface{}{"name1": person1, "name2": person2})

func printFriendsTxFunc() neo4j.TransactionWork {
	return func(tx neo4j.Transaction) (interface{}, error) {
		result, err := tx.Run("MATCH (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b) RETURN,", nil)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		for result.Next() {
			fmt.Printf("%s knows %s\n", result.Record().GetByIndex(0), result.Record().GetByIndex(1))

		return result.Summary()

func addAndEmploy(driver neo4j.Driver, person string, company string) (string, error) {
	session, err := driver.Session(neo4j.AccessModeWrite)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer session.Close()

	if _, err = session.WriteTransaction(addCompanyTxFunc(company)); err != nil {
		return "", err
	if _, err = session.WriteTransaction(addPersonTxFunc(person)); err != nil {
		return "", err
	if _, err = session.WriteTransaction(employTxFunc(person, company)); err != nil {
		return "", err

	return session.LastBookmark(), nil

func makeFriend(driver neo4j.Driver, person1 string, person2 string, bookmarks ...string) (string, error) {
	session, err := driver.Session(neo4j.AccessModeWrite, bookmarks...)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer session.Close()

	if _, err = session.WriteTransaction(makeFriendTxFunc(person1, person2)); err != nil {
		return "", err

	return session.LastBookmark(), nil

func addEmployAndMakeFriends(driver neo4j.Driver) error {
	var bookmark1, bookmark2, bookmark3 string
	var err error

	if bookmark1, err = addAndEmploy(driver, "Alice", "Wayne Enterprises"); err != nil {
		return err

	if bookmark2, err = addAndEmploy(driver, "Bob", "LexCorp"); err != nil {
		return err

	if bookmark3, err = makeFriend(driver, "Bob", "Alice", bookmark1, bookmark2); err != nil {
		return err

	session, err := driver.Session(neo4j.AccessModeRead, bookmark1, bookmark2, bookmark3)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer session.Close()

	if _, err = session.ReadTransaction(printFriendsTxFunc()); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
// Create a company node
private StatementResult addCompany( final Transaction tx, final String name )
    return "CREATE (:Company {name: $name})", parameters( "name", name ) );

// Create a person node
private StatementResult addPerson( final Transaction tx, final String name )
    return "CREATE (:Person {name: $name})", parameters( "name", name ) );

// Create an employment relationship to a pre-existing company node.
// This relies on the person first having been created.
private StatementResult employ( final Transaction tx, final String person, final String company )
    return "MATCH (person:Person {name: $person_name}) " +
                    "MATCH (company:Company {name: $company_name}) " +
                    "CREATE (person)-[:WORKS_FOR]->(company)",
            parameters( "person_name", person, "company_name", company ) );

// Create a friendship between two people.
private StatementResult makeFriends( final Transaction tx, final String person1, final String person2 )
    return "MATCH (a:Person {name: $person_1}) " +
                    "MATCH (b:Person {name: $person_2}) " +
                    "MERGE (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b)",
            parameters( "person_1", person1, "person_2", person2 ) );

// Match and display all friendships.
private StatementResult printFriends( final Transaction tx )
    StatementResult result = "MATCH (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b) RETURN," );
    while ( result.hasNext() )
        Record record =;
        System.out.println( String.format( "%s knows %s", record.get( "" ).asString(), record.get( "" ).toString() ) );
    return result;

public void addEmployAndMakeFriends()
    // To collect the session bookmarks
    List<String> savedBookmarks = new ArrayList<>();

    // Create the first person and employment relationship.
    try ( Session session1 = driver.session( AccessMode.WRITE ) )
        session1.writeTransaction( tx -> addCompany( tx, "Wayne Enterprises" ) );
        session1.writeTransaction( tx -> addPerson( tx, "Alice" ) );
        session1.writeTransaction( tx -> employ( tx, "Alice", "Wayne Enterprises" ) );

        savedBookmarks.add( session1.lastBookmark() );

    // Create the second person and employment relationship.
    try ( Session session2 = driver.session( AccessMode.WRITE ) )
        session2.writeTransaction( tx -> addCompany( tx, "LexCorp" ) );
        session2.writeTransaction( tx -> addPerson( tx, "Bob" ) );
        session2.writeTransaction( tx -> employ( tx, "Bob", "LexCorp" ) );

        savedBookmarks.add( session2.lastBookmark() );

    // Create a friendship between the two people created above.
    try ( Session session3 = driver.session( AccessMode.WRITE, savedBookmarks ) )
        session3.writeTransaction( tx -> makeFriends( tx, "Alice", "Bob" ) );

        session3.readTransaction( this::printFriends );
// Create a company node
function addCompany (tx, name) {
  return'CREATE (a:Company {name: $name})', { name: name })

// Create a person node
function addPerson (tx, name) {
  return'CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})', { name: name })

// Create an employment relationship to a pre-existing company node.
// This relies on the person first having been created.
function addEmployee (tx, personName, companyName) {
    'MATCH (person:Person {name: $personName}) ' +
      'MATCH (company:Company {name: $companyName}) ' +
      'CREATE (person)-[:WORKS_FOR]->(company)',
    { personName: personName, companyName: companyName }

// Create a friendship between two people.
function makeFriends (tx, name1, name2) {
    'MATCH (a:Person {name: $name1}) ' +
      'MATCH (b:Person {name: $name2}) ' +
      'MERGE (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b)',
    { name1: name1, name2: name2 }

// To collect friend relationships
const friends = []

// Match and display all friendships.
function findFriendships (tx) {
  const result ='MATCH (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b) RETURN,')

    onNext: record => {
      const name1 = record.get(0)
      const name2 = record.get(1)

      friends.push({ name1: name1, name2: name2 })

// To collect the session bookmarks
const savedBookmarks = []

// Create the first person and employment relationship.
const session1 = driver.session(neo4j.WRITE)
const first = session1
  .writeTransaction(tx => addCompany(tx, 'Wayne Enterprises'))
  .then(() => session1.writeTransaction(tx => addPerson(tx, 'Alice')))
  .then(() =>
    session1.writeTransaction(tx =>
      addEmployee(tx, 'Alice', 'Wayne Enterprises')
  .then(() => {

    return session1.close()

// Create the second person and employment relationship.
const session2 = driver.session(neo4j.WRITE)
const second = session2
  .writeTransaction(tx => addCompany(tx, 'LexCorp'))
  .then(() => session2.writeTransaction(tx => addPerson(tx, 'Bob')))
  .then(() =>
    session2.writeTransaction(tx => addEmployee(tx, 'Bob', 'LexCorp'))
  .then(() => {

    return session2.close()

// Create a friendship between the two people created above.
const last = Promise.all([first, second]).then(ignore => {
  const session3 = driver.session(neo4j.WRITE, savedBookmarks)

  return session3
    .writeTransaction(tx => makeFriends(tx, 'Alice', 'Bob'))
    .then(() =>
      session3.readTransaction(findFriendships).then(() => session3.close())
class BookmarksExample(object):

    def __init__(self, uri, user, password):
        self._driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))

    def close(self):

    # Create a person node.
    def create_person(cls, tx, name):"CREATE (:Person {name: $name})", name=name)

    # Create an employment relationship to a pre-existing company node.
    # This relies on the person first having been created.
    def employ(cls, tx, person_name, company_name):"MATCH (person:Person {name: $person_name}) "
               "MATCH (company:Company {name: $company_name}) "
               "CREATE (person)-[:WORKS_FOR]->(company)",
               person_name=person_name, company_name=company_name)

    # Create a friendship between two people.
    def create_friendship(cls, tx, name_a, name_b):"MATCH (a:Person {name: $name_a}) "
               "MATCH (b:Person {name: $name_b}) "
               "MERGE (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b)",
               name_a=name_a, name_b=name_b)

    # Match and display all friendships.
    def print_friendships(cls, tx):
        result ="MATCH (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b) RETURN,")
        for record in result:
            print("{} knows {}".format(record[""] ,record[""]))

    def main(self):
        saved_bookmarks = []  # To collect the session bookmarks

        # Create the first person and employment relationship.
        with self._driver.session() as session_a:
            session_a.write_transaction(self.create_person, "Alice")
            session_a.write_transaction(self.employ, "Alice", "Wayne Enterprises")

        # Create the second person and employment relationship.
        with self._driver.session() as session_b:
            session_b.write_transaction(self.create_person, "Bob")
            session_b.write_transaction(self.employ, "Bob", "LexCorp")

        # Create a friendship between the two people created above.
        with self._driver.session(bookmarks=saved_bookmarks) as session_c:
            session_c.write_transaction(self.create_friendship, "Alice", "Bob")

We are using three separate sessions: A, B and C. In Session A we run two separate transactions. In the first one we create the person Alice, and in the second one we record that she works at Wayne Enterprises. The bookmark being passed between the two transactions is handled by the session. The bookmark from the last transaction is saved into an array for future use.

In Session B we also run two separate transactions. In the first one we create the person Bob, and in the second one we record that he works at LexCorp. Again, the bookmark being passed between the two transactions is handled by the session. The bookmark from the last transaction is saved into an array for future use.

In the last session, Session C, we wish to create a friendship between Alice and Bob. This can only be done if both Alice and Bob have been created first. In order to ensure this, we pass the bookmarks from the last transactions in Session A and Session B, respectively.

If you try to extract a bookmark from a database which is not running in Causal Cluster mode, you will receive a null result.

Access modes

Transactions can be executed in either read or write mode. In a Causal Cluster, each transaction will be routed to an appropriate server based on the mode. When using a single instance, all transactions will be passed to that one server. Routing Cypher by identifying reads and writes can improve the utilization of available cluster resources: as read servers are typically more plentiful than write servers, it is beneficial to direct as much as possible of read transactions to read servers. Doing so helps keeping write servers available for write transactions.

Access modes can be supplied in two ways: per transaction or per session. An access mode specified at session creation can be overridden by the access mode of a transaction within that session. In the general case, access mode should always be specified at transaction level, using transaction functions. The session-level setting is only necessary for explicit and auto-commit transactions.

Note that the driver does not parse Cypher and cannot determine whether a transaction is intended to carry out read or write operations. As a result of this, a write transaction tagged for read will be sent to a read server, but will fail on execution.

Example 5. Read-write transaction
  • C#
  • Go
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python
public long AddPerson(string name)
    using (var session = Driver.Session())
        session.WriteTransaction(tx => CreatePersonNode(tx, name));
        return session.ReadTransaction(tx => MatchPersonNode(tx, name));

private static void CreatePersonNode(ITransaction tx, string name)
    tx.Run("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", new {name});

private static long MatchPersonNode(ITransaction tx, string name)
    var result = tx.Run("MATCH (a:Person {name: $name}) RETURN id(a)", new {name});
    return result.Single()[0].As<long>();
func addPersonNodeTxFunc(name string) neo4j.TransactionWork {
	return func(tx neo4j.Transaction) (interface{}, error) {
		result, err := tx.Run("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", map[string]interface{}{"name": name})
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		return result.Consume()

func matchPersonNodeTxFunc(name string) neo4j.TransactionWork {
	return func(tx neo4j.Transaction) (interface{}, error) {
		result, err := tx.Run("MATCH (a:Person {name: $name}) RETURN id(a)", map[string]interface{}{"name": name})
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if result.Next() {
			return result.Record().GetByIndex(0), nil

		return nil, errors.New("one record was expected")

func addPersonNode(driver neo4j.Driver, name string) (int64, error) {
	session, err := driver.Session(neo4j.AccessModeWrite)
	if err != nil {
		return -1, err
	defer session.Close()

	if _, err = session.WriteTransaction(addPersonNodeTxFunc(name)); err != nil {
		return -1, err

	var id interface{}
	if id, err = session.ReadTransaction(matchPersonNodeTxFunc(name)); err != nil {
		return -1, err

	return id.(int64), nil
public long addPerson( final String name )
    try ( Session session = driver.session() )
        session.writeTransaction( new TransactionWork<Void>()
            public Void execute( Transaction tx )
                return createPersonNode( tx, name );
        } );
        return session.readTransaction( new TransactionWork<Long>()
            public Long execute( Transaction tx )
                return matchPersonNode( tx, name );
        } );

private static Void createPersonNode( Transaction tx, String name )
{ "CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", parameters( "name", name ) );
    return null;

private static long matchPersonNode( Transaction tx, String name )
    StatementResult result = "MATCH (a:Person {name: $name}) RETURN id(a)", parameters( "name", name ) );
    return result.single().get( 0 ).asLong();
const session = driver.session()

const writeTxPromise = session.writeTransaction(tx =>'CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})', { name: personName })

writeTxPromise.then(() => {
  const readTxPromise = session.readTransaction(tx =>'MATCH (a:Person {name: $name}) RETURN id(a)', {
      name: personName

  readTxPromise.then(result => {

    const singleRecord = result.records[0]
    const createdNodeId = singleRecord.get(0)

    console.log('Matched created node with id: ' + createdNodeId)
def add_person(self, name):
    with self._driver.session() as session:
        session.write_transaction(self.create_person_node, name)
        return session.read_transaction(self.match_person_node, name)

def create_person_node(tx, name):"CREATE (a:Person {name: $name})", name=name)
    return None

def match_person_node(tx, name):
    result ="MATCH (a:Person {name: $name}) RETURN count(a)", name=name)
    return result.single()[0]

Asynchronous programming

Java, .NET and JavaScript all support asynchronous programming. The examples here highlight specifically how Java and .NET provide for this programming model alongside their blocking API.

In addition to the methods listed in the previous sections, there also exist several asynchronous methods which allow for better integration with applications written in an asynchronous style. Asynchronous methods are named as their synchronous counterparts but with an additional async prefix.

Example 6. Asynchronous programming examples
  • C#
  • Java
Auto-commit transactions
var records = new List<string>();
var session = Driver.Session();

    // Send cypher statement to the database.
    // The existing IStatementResult interface implements IEnumerable
    // and does not play well with asynchronous use cases. The replacement
    // IStatementResultCursor interface is returned from the RunAsync
    // family of methods instead and provides async capable methods. 
    var reader = await session.RunAsync(
        "MATCH (p:Product) WHERE = $id RETURN p.title", // Cypher statement
        new { id = 0 } // Parameters in the statement, if any

    // Loop through the records asynchronously
    while (await reader.FetchAsync())
        // Each current read in buffer can be reached via Current
    // asynchronously close session
    await session.CloseAsync();
Transaction functions
var session = Driver.Session();

    // Wrap whole operation into an implicit transaction and
    // get the results back.
    result = await session.ReadTransactionAsync(async tx =>
        var records = new List<string>();

        // Send cypher statement to the database
        var reader = await tx.RunAsync(
            "MATCH (p:Product) WHERE = $id RETURN p.title", // Cypher statement
            new { id = 0 } // Parameters in the statement, if any

        // Loop through the records asynchronously
        while (await reader.FetchAsync())
            // Each current read in buffer can be reached via Current

        return records;
    // asynchronously close session
    await session.CloseAsync();
Explicit transactions
var records = new List<string>();
var session = Driver.Session();

    // Start an explicit transaction
    var tx = await session.BeginTransactionAsync();

    // Send cypher statement to the database through the explicit
    // transaction acquired
    var reader = await tx.RunAsync(
        "MATCH (p:Product) WHERE = $id RETURN p.title", // Cypher statement
        new { id = 0 } // Parameters in the statement, if any

    // Loop through the records asynchronously
    while (await reader.FetchAsync())
        // Each current read in buffer can be reached via Current

    // Commit the transaction
    await tx.CommitAsync();
    // asynchronously close session
    await session.CloseAsync();

It is always important to close the session object and it is suggested to keep session.CloseAsync in a finally block to make sure all resources (such as network connection) obtained by the session will always be cleaned up properly. The session close method also enforces rolling back of the last uncommitted or failed transaction in this session. Thus it is optional to put tx.CommitAsync or tx.RollbackAsync in a finally block as long as the close of session where the transaction is created will be executed in an outer finally block.

Auto-commit transactions
String query = "MATCH (p:Product) WHERE = $id RETURN p.title";
Map<String,Object> parameters = Collections.singletonMap( "id", 0 );

Session session = driver.session();

return session.runAsync( query, parameters )
        .thenCompose( cursor -> cursor.listAsync( record -> record.get( 0 ).asString() ) )
        .exceptionally( error ->
            // query execution failed, print error and fallback to empty list of titles
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } )
        .thenCompose( titles -> session.closeAsync().thenApply( ignore -> titles ) );
Transaction functions
String query = "MATCH (p:Product) WHERE = $id RETURN p.title";
Map<String,Object> parameters = Collections.singletonMap( "id", 0 );

Session session = driver.session();

return session.readTransactionAsync( tx ->
        tx.runAsync( query, parameters )
                .thenCompose( cursor -> cursor.forEachAsync( record ->
                        // asynchronously print every record
                        System.out.println( record.get( 0 ).asString() ) ) )
Explicit transactions
String query = "MATCH (p:Product) WHERE = $id RETURN p.title";
Map<String,Object> parameters = Collections.singletonMap( "id", 0 );

Session session = driver.session();

Function<Transaction,CompletionStage<Void>> printSingleTitle = tx ->
        tx.runAsync( query, parameters )
                .thenCompose( StatementResultCursor::singleAsync )
                .thenApply( record -> record.get( 0 ).asString() )
                .thenApply( title ->
                    // single title fetched successfully
                    System.out.println( title );
                    return true; // signal to commit the transaction
                } )
                .exceptionally( error ->
                    // query execution failed
                    return false; // signal to rollback the transaction
                } )
                .thenCompose( commit -> commit ? tx.commitAsync() : tx.rollbackAsync() );

return session.beginTransactionAsync()
        .thenCompose( printSingleTitle )
        .exceptionally( error ->
            // either commit or rollback failed
            return null;
        } )
        .thenCompose( ignore -> session.closeAsync() );

It is important to close the session object to make sure all resources (such as network connections) obtained by the session are cleaned up properly. It is therefore suggested to always do Session#closeAsync() at the end of the whole CompletionStage chain. Sessions should be closed regardless of whether the completes normally or exceptionally. Closing the session also enforces the rollback of the last uncommitted or failed transaction in the session. Thus it is optional to roll back the transaction using Transaction#rollbackAsync(), as long as the session is closed at the end of the full chain.