Check if a graph exists

This version of Graph Data Science is EOL. You can find the most recent version here.

We can check if a graph is stored in the catalog by looking up its name.


Check if a graph exists in the catalog:
CALL gds.graph.exists(graphName: String) YIELD
  graphName: String,
  exists: Boolean
Table 1. Parameters
Name Type Optional Description




The name under which the graph is stored in the catalog.

Table 2. Results
Name Type Description



Name of the removed graph.



If the graph exists in the graph catalog.

Additionally, to the procedure, we provide a function which directly returns the exists field from the procedure.

Check if a graph exists in the catalog:
RETURN gds.graph.exists(graphName: String)::Boolean


All the examples below should be run in an empty database.

The examples use Cypher projections as the norm. Native projections will be deprecated in a future release.

In order to demonstrate the GDS Graph Exists capabilities we are going to create a small social network graph in Neo4j and project it into our graph catalog.

The following Cypher statement will create the example graph in the Neo4j database:
  (florentin:Person { name: 'Florentin', age: 16 }),
  (adam:Person { name: 'Adam', age: 18 }),
  (veselin:Person { name: 'Veselin', age: 20 }),
  (florentin)-[:KNOWS { since: 2010 }]->(adam),
  (florentin)-[:KNOWS { since: 2018 }]->(veselin)
Project Person nodes and KNOWS relationships:
MATCH (n:Person)-[r:KNOWS]->(m:Person)
RETURN gds.graph.project('persons', n, m)


Check if graphs exist in the catalog:
UNWIND ['persons', 'books'] AS graph
CALL gds.graph.exists(graph)
  YIELD graphName, exists
RETURN graphName, exists
Table 3. Results
graphName exists





We can verify the projected persons graph exists while a books graph does not.


As an alternative to the procedure, we can also use the corresponding function. Unlike procedures, functions can be inlined in other cypher-statements such as RETURN or WHERE.

Check if graphs exists in the catalog:
RETURN gds.graph.exists('persons') AS personsExists, gds.graph.exists('books') AS booksExists
Table 4. Results
personsExists booksExists



As before, we can verify the projected persons graph exists while a books graph does not.