Listing graphs

This version of Graph Data Science is EOL. You can find the most recent version here.

Information about graphs in the catalog can be retrieved using the gds.graph.list() procedure.


List information about graphs in the catalog:
CALL gds.graph.list(
  graphName: String
  graphName: String,
  database: String,
  databaseLocation: String,
  configuration: Map,
  nodeCount: Integer,
  relationshipCount: Integer,
  schema: Map,
  schemaWithOrientation: Map,
  degreeDistribution: Map,
  density: Float,
  creationTime: Datetime,
  modificationTime: Datetime,
  sizeInBytes: Integer,
  memoryUsage: String
Table 1. Parameters
Name Type Optional Description




The name under which the graph is stored in the catalog. If no graph name is given, information about all graphs will be listed. If a graph name is given but not found in the catalog, an empty list will be returned.

Table 2. Results
Name Type Description



Name of the graph.



Name of the database in which the graph has been projected.



Location of the database from which the graph has been projected. Can be one of local, remote or none.



The configuration used to project the graph in memory.



Number of nodes in the graph.



Number of relationships in the graph.

schema [1]


Node labels, relationship types and properties contained in the projected graph.



Node labels, relationship types, relationship orientation and properties contained in the projected graph.



Histogram of degrees in the graph.



Density of the graph.



Time when the graph was projected.



Time when the graph was last modified.



Number of bytes used in the Java heap to store the graph. This feature is not supported on all JDKs and might return -1 instead.



Human readable description of sizeInBytes. This feature is not supported on all JDKs and might return null instead.

1. In the next major release this field will get the semantics of schemaWithOrientation.

The information contains basic statistics about the graph, e.g., the node and relationship count. The result field creationTime indicates when the graph was projected in memory. The result field modificationTime indicates when the graph was updated by an algorithm running in mutate mode.

The database column refers to the name of the database the corresponding graph has been projected on. Referring to a named graph in a procedure is only allowed on the database it has been projected on.

The schema consists of information about the nodes and relationships stored in the graph. For each node label, the schema maps the label to its property keys and their corresponding property types. Similarly, the schema maps the relationship types to their property keys and property types. The property type is either Integer, Float, List of Integer or List of Float.

The schemaWithOrientation is an extended version of the schema, where for each relationship types it maps to their orientation and properties.

The degreeDistribution field can be fairly time-consuming to compute for larger graphs. Its computation is cached per graph, so subsequent listing for the same graph will be fast. To avoid computing the degree distribution, specify a YIELD clause that omits it. Note that not specifying a YIELD clause is the same as requesting all possible return fields to be returned.

The density is the result of relationshipCount divided by the maximal number of relationships for a simple graph with the given nodeCount.


All the examples below should be run in an empty database.

The examples use Cypher projections as the norm. Native projections will be deprecated in a future release.

In order to demonstrate the GDS Graph List capabilities we are going to create a small social network graph in Neo4j.

The following Cypher statement will create the example graph in the Neo4j database:
  (florentin:Person { name: 'Florentin', age: 16 }),
  (adam:Person { name: 'Adam', age: 18 }),
  (veselin:Person { name: 'Veselin', age: 20 }),
  (florentin)-[:KNOWS { since: 2010 }]->(adam),
  (florentin)-[:KNOWS { since: 2018 }]->(veselin)

Additionally, we will project a few graphs to the graph catalog, for more details see Cypher projections and native projections.

Project Person nodes and KNOWS relationships using Cypher projections:
MATCH (n:Person)
OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r:KNOWS]->(m:Person)
RETURN gds.graph.project('personsCypher', n, m,
    sourceNodeLabels: labels(n),
    targetNodeLabels: labels(m),
    relationshipType: type(r)
Project Person nodes with property age and KNOWS relationships using Cypher projections:
MATCH (n:Person)
OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r:KNOWS]->(m:Person)
RETURN gds.graph.project('personsWithAgeCypher', n, m,
    sourceNodeLabels: labels(n),
    targetNodeLabels: labels(m),
    sourceNodeProperties: n { .age },
    targetNodeProperties: m { .age },
    relationshipType: type(r)
Project Person nodes and KNOWS relationships using native projections:
CALL gds.graph.project('personsNative', 'Person', 'KNOWS')

List basic information about all graphs in the catalog

List basic information about all graphs in the catalog:
CALL gds.graph.list()
YIELD graphName, nodeCount, relationshipCount
RETURN graphName, nodeCount, relationshipCount
ORDER BY graphName ASC
Table 3. Results
graphName nodeCount relationshipCount










List extended information about a specific named graph in the catalog

List extended information about a specific Cypher named graph in the catalog:
CALL gds.graph.list('personsCypher')
YIELD graphName, configuration, schemaWithOrientation
RETURN graphName, configuration.query AS query, schemaWithOrientation
Table 4. Results
graphName query schemaWithOrientation


"MATCH (n:Person) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r:KNOWS]->(m:Person) RETURN gds.graph.project('personsCypher', n, m, { sourceNodeLabels: labels(n), targetNodeLabels: labels(m), relationshipType: type(r) } )"

{graphProperties={}, nodes={Person={}}, relationships={KNOWS={direction="DIRECTED", properties={}}}}

List extended information about a specific native named graph in the catalog:
CALL gds.graph.list('personsNative')
YIELD graphName, schemaWithOrientation, configuration
RETURN graphName, schemaWithOrientation, configuration.nodeProjection AS nodeProjection
Table 5. Results
graphName schemaWithOrientation nodeProjection


{graphProperties={}, nodes={Person={}}, relationships={KNOWS={direction="DIRECTED", properties={}}}}

{Person={label="Person", properties={}}}

The above examples demonstrate that nodeProjection and relationshipProjection only have a value when the graph is projected using native projection while query is present when we have a Cypher projected graph.

Despite different result columns being present for the different projections that we can use, other data such as the Graph Schema is the same, as we can see in the examples above.

Degree distribution of a specific graph

List information about the degree distribution of a specific graph:
CALL gds.graph.list('personsNative')
YIELD graphName, degreeDistribution;
Table 6. Results
graphName degreeDistribution


{max=2, mean=0.6666666667, min=0, p50=0, p75=2, p90=2, p95=2, p99=2, p999=2}