Memory estimation

This version of Graph Data Science is EOL. You can find the most recent version here.

Table 1. Estimating memory for algorithms without loading the graph:
1.x 2.x

Algorithm estimation on anonymous graphs:

CALL gds.ALGO_NAME.estimate(
    nodeProjection: NODE_PROJECTION,
    relationshipProjection: REL_PROJECTION,
    // algorithm specific configuration
CALL gds.ALGO_NAME.estimate(
    nodeProjection: NODE_PROJECTION,
    relationshipProjection: REL_PROJECTION
Algorithm estimation on fictive graphs
CALL gds.ALGO_NAME.estimate(
    nodeCount: NODE_COUNT,
    relationshipCount: RELATIONSHIP_COUNT,
    [ nodeProjection: NODE_PROJECTION, ]
    [ relationshipProjection: REL_PROJECTION, ]
    // algorithm specific configuration
CALL gds.ALGO_NAME.estimate(
    nodeCount: NODE_COUNT,
    relationshipCount: RELATIONSHIP_COUNT,
    [ nodeProjection: NODE_PROJECTION, ]
    [ relationshipProjection: REL_PROJECTION, ]