Transaction Handling
This version of Graph Data Science is EOL. You can find the most recent version here. |
This section describes the usage of transactions during the execution of an algorithm. When an algorithm procedure is called from Cypher, the procedure call is executed within the same transaction as the Cypher statement.
During graph projection
During graph projection, new transactions are used that do not inherit the transaction state of the Cypher transaction. This means that changes from the Cypher transaction state are not visible to the graph projection transactions.
This only applies to native projections, as Cypher projections use the same Cypher transaction instead. |
For example, the following statement will only project an empty graph (assuming the MyLabel
label was not already present in the Neo4j database):
CREATE (n:MyLabel) // the new node is part of Cypher transaction state
CALL gds.graph.project('myGraph', 'MyLabel', '*')
YIELD nodeCount
RETURN nodeCount
nodeCount |
0 |
During results writing
Results from algorithms (node properties, for example) are written to the graph in new transactions.
The number of transactions used depends on the size of the results and the writeConcurrency
configuration parameter (for more details, please refer to sections Write and Common Configuration parameters).
These transactions are committed independently from the Cypher transaction.
This means, if the Cypher transaction is terminated (either by the user or by the database system), already committed write transactions will not be rolled back.
Transaction writing examples
The code in this section is for illustrative purposes. The goal is to demonstrate correct usage of the GDS library write functionality with Cypher Shell and Java API. |
Cypher Shell
Example for incorrect use.
// Project a graph
MATCH (a:Artist)<-[:RELEASED_BY]-(:Album)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(g:Genre)
RETURN gds.graph.project('test', g, a, { relationshipType: 'IS_ASSOCIATED_WITH' });
// Delete the old stuff
// Run the algorithm
CALL gds.nodeSimilarity.write(
'test', {
writeRelationshipType: 'SIMILAR_TO',
writeProperty: 'score'
The issue with the above statement is that all the queries run in the same transaction.
A correct handling of the above statement would be to run each statement in its own transaction, which is shown below. Notice the reordering of the statements, this ensures that the in-memory graph will have the most recent changes after the removal of the relationships.
First remove the unwanted relationships.
Project a graph.
MATCH (a:Artist)<-[:RELEASED_BY]-(:Album)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(g:Genre)
RETURN gds.graph.project('test', g, a, { relationshipType: 'IS_ASSOCIATED_WITH' });
Run the algorithm.
CALL gds.nodeSimilarity.write(
'test', {
writeRelationshipType: 'SIMILAR_TO',
writeProperty: 'score'
Java API
The same issue can be seen using the Java API, the examples are below.
// Removes the in-memory graph (if exists) from the graph catalog
"CALL gds.graph.drop('test', false)";
// Projects a graph
"MATCH (a:Artist)<-[:RELEASED_BY]-(:Album)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(g:Genre)" +
"RETURN gds.graph.project(" +
" 'test', g, a, { relationshipType: 'IS_ASSOCIATED_WITH' }" +
// Runs NodeSimilarity in `write` mode over the in-memory graph
static final String CYPHER_WRITE_SIMILAR_TO =
"CALL gds.nodeSimilarity.write(" +
" 'test', {" +
" writeRelationshipType: 'SIMILAR_TO'," +
" writeProperty: 'score'"+
" }"
try (var session = driver.session()) {
var params = Map.<String, Object>of("graphName", "genre-related-to-artist");
session.writeTransaction(tx -> {, params).consume();, params).consume();"MATCH ()-[r:SIMILAR_TO]->() DELETE r").consume();
return, params).consume();
Here we are facing the same issue with running everything in the same transaction. This can be written correctly by splitting each statement in its own transaction.
try (var session = driver.session()) {
// First run the remove statement
session.writeTransaction(tx -> {
return"MATCH ()-[r:SIMILAR_TO]->() DELETE r").consume();
// Project a graph
var params = Map.<String, Object>of("graphName", "genre-related-to-artist");
session.writeTransaction(tx -> {, params).consume();
return, params).consume();
// Run the algorithm
session.writeTransaction(tx -> {
return, params).consume();
Transaction termination
The Cypher transaction can be terminated by either the user or the database system. This will eventually terminate all transactions that have been opened during graph projection, algorithm execution, or results writing. It is not immediately visible and can take a moment for the transactions to recognize that the Cypher transaction has been terminated.