Custom logic

This is the documentation of the GraphQL Library version 6. For the long-term support (LTS) version 5, refer to GraphQL Library version 5 LTS.


The @cypher directive binds a GraphQL field to the results of a Cypher query. This directive can be used both for properties in a type or as top level queries.


Global variables

Global variables are available for use within the Cypher statement, and can be applied to the @cypher directive.

Variable Description Example


Refers to the currently resolved node, and can be used to traverse the graph.

type Movie {
    title: String
    similarMovies(limit: Int = 10): [Movie]
            statement: """
            MATCH (this)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(:Actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(rec:Movie)
            WITH rec, COUNT(*) AS score ORDER BY score DESC
            RETURN rec LIMIT $limit
            columnName: "rec"


This value is represented by the following TypeScript interface definition:

interface Auth {
    isAuthenticated: boolean;
    roles?: string[];
    jwt: any;

You can use the JWT in the request to return the value of the currently logged in User:

type User @node {
    id: String

type Query {
    me: User @cypher(
        statement: """
        MATCH (user:User {id: $jwt.sub})
        RETURN user
        columnName: "user"


Use it to inject values into the Cypher query from the GraphQL context function.

Inject into context:

const server = new ApolloServer({

await startStandaloneServer(server, {
    context: async ({ req }) => ({ cypherParams: { userId: "user-id-01" } }),

Use in Cypher query:

type Query {
    userPosts: [Post] @cypher(statement: """
        MATCH (:User {id: $userId})-[:POSTED]->(p:Post)
        RETURN p
    """, columnName: "p")

Return values

The return value of Cypher statements must always be of the same type to which the directive is applied.

The variable must also be aliased with a name that is the same as the one passed to columnName. This can be the name of a node, relationship query, or an alias in the RETURN statement of the Cypher statement.

Scalar values

Cypher statements must return a value which matches the scalar type to which the directive was applied. For example:

type Query {
    randomNumber: Int @cypher(statement: "RETURN rand() as result", columnName: "result")
Object types

When returning an object type, all fields of the type must be available in the Cypher return value. This can be achieved by either returning the entire object from the Cypher query, or returning a map of the fields which are required for the object type. Both approaches are demonstrated here:

type User @node {

type Query {
    users: [User]
            statement: """
            MATCH (u:User)
            RETURN u
            columnName: "u"
type User @node {

type Query {
    users: [User] @cypher(statement: """
        MATCH (u:User)
        RETURN {
        } as result
    """, columnName: "result")

The downside of the latter approach is that you need to adjust the return object as you change your object type definition.

Input arguments

The @cypher statement can access the query parameters by prepending $ to the parameter name. For example:

type Query {
    name(value: String): String @cypher(statement: "RETURN $value AS res", columnName: "res")

The following GraphQL query returns the parameter value:

query {
  name(value: "Jane Smith")


The @cypher directive can be used in different contexts, such as the ones described in this section.

On an object type field

In the following example, the field similarMovies is bound to the Movie type for finding other movies with an overlap of actors:

type Actor @node {
    actorId: ID!
    name: String
    movies: [Movie!]! @relationship(type: "ACTED_IN", direction: OUT)

type Movie @node {
    movieId: ID!
    title: String
    description: String
    year: Int
    actors(limit: Int = 10): [Actor!]!
        @relationship(type: "ACTED_IN", direction: IN)
    similarMovies(limit: Int = 10): [Movie]
            statement: """
            MATCH (this)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(:Actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(rec:Movie)
            WITH rec, COUNT(*) AS score ORDER BY score DESC
            RETURN rec LIMIT $limit
            columnName: "rec"

On a query type field

The following example demonstrates a query to return all of the actors in the database:

type Actor @node {
    actorId: ID!
    name: String

type Query {
    allActors: [Actor]
            statement: """
            MATCH (a:Actor)
            RETURN a
            columnName: "a"

On a mutation type field

The following example demonstrates a mutation using a Cypher query to insert a single actor with the specified name argument:

type Actor @node {
    actorId: ID!
    name: String

type Mutation {
    createActor(name: String!): Actor
            statement: """
            CREATE (a:Actor {name: $name})
            RETURN a
            columnName: "a"


When translating from GraphQL to Cypher, any instances of fields to which this directive is applied will be wrapped in a coalesce() function in the WHERE clause. For more information, see Understanding non-existent properties and working with nulls.

This directive helps querying against non-existent properties in a database. However, it is encouraged to populate these properties with meaningful values if it becomes the norm. The @coalesce directive is a primitive implementation of the function which only takes a static default value as opposed to using another property in a node or a Cypher expression.


"""Int | Float | String | Boolean | ID | DateTime | Enum"""
scalar ScalarOrEnum

"""Instructs @neo4j/graphql to wrap the property in a coalesce() function during queries, using the single value specified."""
directive @coalesce(
    """The value to use in the coalesce() function. Must be a scalar type and must match the type of the field with which this directive decorates."""
    value: Scalar!,


@coalesce may be used with enums. When setting the default value for an enum field, it must be one of the enumerated enum values:

enum Status {
type Movie @node {
    status: Status @coalesce(value: ACTIVE)


Available on nodes, this directive injects values into a query such as the limit.


"""The `@limit` is to be used on nodes, where applied will inject values into a query such as the `limit`."""
directive @limit(
    default: Int
    max: Int


The directive has two arguments:

  • default - if no limit argument is passed to the query, the default limit is used. The query may still pass a higher or lower limit.

  • max - defines the maximum limit to be passed to the query. If a higher value is passed, it is used instead.

If no default value is set, max is used for queries without limit.
type Movie @limit(max: 100, default: 10) @node {
    id: ID


The Neo4j GraphQL Library generates query and mutation resolvers, so you don’t need to implement them yourself. However, if you need additional behaviors besides the autogenerated CRUD operations, you can specify custom resolvers for these scenarios.

To add a field to an object type which is resolved from existing values in the type, rather than storing new values, you should mark it with the @customResolver directive, and define a custom resolver for it.

Take, for instance, this schema:

const typeDefs = `
    type User @node {
        firstName: String!
        lastName: String!
        fullName: String! @customResolver(requires: "firstName lastName")

const resolvers = {
    User: {
        fullName(source) {
            return `${source.firstName} ${source.lastName}`;

const neoSchema = new Neo4jGraphQL({

Here fullName is a value that is resolved from the fields firstName and lastName. Specifying the @customResolver directive on the field definition keeps fullName from being included in any query or mutation fields and hence as a property on the :User node in the database.

The inclusion of the fields firstName and lastName in the requires argument means that, in the definition of the resolver, the properties firstName and lastName will always be defined on the source object. If these fields are not specified, this cannot be guaranteed.


"""Informs @neo4j/graphql that a field will be resolved by a custom resolver, and allows specification of any field dependencies."""
directive @customResolver(
    """Selection set of the fields that the custom resolver will depend on. These fields are passed as an object to the first argument of the custom resolver."""
    requires: SelectionSet


The requires argument can be used:

  • For a selection set string.

  • In any field, as long as it is not another @customResolver field.

  • In case the custom resolver depends on any fields. This ensures that, during the Cypher generation process, these properties are selected from the database.

Using a selection set string makes it possible to select fields from related types, as shown in the following example:

const typeDefs = `
    type Address @node {
        houseNumber: Int!
        street: String!
        city: String!

    type User @node {
        id: ID!
        firstName: String!
        lastName: String!
        address: Address! @relationship(type: "LIVES_AT", direction: OUT)
        fullName: String
            @customResolver(requires: "firstName lastName address { city street }")

const resolvers = {
    User: {
        fullName({ firstName, lastName, address }) {
            return `${firstName} ${lastName} from ${address.street} in ${}`;

const neoSchema = new Neo4jGraphQL({

Here the firstName, lastName, address.street, and fields are always selected from the database if the fullName field is selected, and is available to the custom resolver.

It is also possible to inline fragments to conditionally select fields from interface/union types:

interface Publication {
    publicationYear: Int!

type Author @node {
    name: String!
    publications: [Publication!]! @relationship(type: "WROTE", direction: OUT)
    publicationsWithAuthor: [String!]!
            requires: "name publications { publicationYear ...on Book { title } ... on Journal { subject } }"

type Book implements Publication @node {
    title: String!
    publicationYear: Int!
    author: [Author!]! @relationship(type: "WROTE", direction: IN)

type Journal implements Publication @node {
    subject: String!
    publicationYear: Int!
    author: [Author!]! @relationship(type: "WROTE", direction: IN)

However, it is not possible to require extra fields generated by the library such as aggregations and connections. For example, the following type definitions would throw an error since they attempt to require the publicationsAggregate:

interface Publication {
    publicationYear: Int!

type Author @node {
    name: String!
    publications: [Publication!]! @relationship(type: "WROTE", direction: OUT)
    publicationsWithAuthor: [String!]!
            requires: "name publicationsAggregate { count }"

type Book implements Publication @node {
    title: String!
    publicationYear: Int!
    author: [Author!]! @relationship(type: "WROTE", direction: IN)

type Journal implements Publication @node {
    subject: String!
    publicationYear: Int!
    author: [Author!]! @relationship(type: "WROTE", direction: IN)


This directive is used to specify a callback function, which is executed during GraphQL query parsing, to populate fields which have not been provided within the input.

For non-required values, callbacks may return undefined (meaning that nothing is changed or added to the property) or null (meaning that the property will be removed).

The @populatedBy directive can only be used on scalar fields.


enum PopulatedByOperation {

"""Instructs @neo4j/graphql to invoke the specified callback function to populate the field when updating or creating the properties on a node or relationship."""
directive @populatedBy(
    """The name of the callback function."""
    callback: String!
    """Which events to invoke the callback on."""
    operations: [PopulatedByOperation!]! = [CREATE, UPDATE]


Type definitions:

type Product @node {
    name: String!
    slug: String! @populatedBy(callback: "slug", operations: [CREATE, UPDATE])

Schema construction (note that the callback is asynchronous):

const slugCallback = async (root) => {
    return `${}_slug`

new Neo4jGraphQL({
    features: {
        populatedBy: {
            callbacks: {
                slug: slugCallback

Context values

The GraphQL context for the request is available as the third argument in a callback. This maps to the argument pattern for GraphQL resolvers.

For example, if you want a field modifiedBy:

type Record @node {
    content: String!
    modifiedBy: @populatedBy(callback: "modifiedBy", operations: [CREATE, UPDATE])

And if the username is located in context.username, you could define a callback such as:

const modifiedByCallback = async (_parent, _args, context) => {
    return context.username;

new Neo4jGraphQL({
    features: {
        populatedBy: {
            callbacks: {
                modifiedBy: modifiedByCallback

Note that the second positional argument, in this case _args, has a type of Record<string, never>, and as such it will always be an empty object.