Migrate from 5.0 to 5.1

When upgrading the Neo4j Connector for Kafka to 5.1, be aware that many of the configuration properties have been changed and updated. Read over What’s New? to familiarize with the recent changes, and make sure that the new configuration logically matches the previous configuration.

For generic Kafka Connect plugin upgrade documentation see: Confluent Documentation → Upgrade a Connector Plugin.

Connector MUST be at version 5.0.6 before following the migration guides as it includes a configuration conversion helper to make the upgrade easier.

Migration guides

Follow the relevant instructions to configure and deploy the new connector.


  1. Failing to connect to Neo4j instance?

    The configuration migration process does not migrate the password of the Neo4j instance or other sensitive properties. You need to enter these properties again. Once updated, restart the connector.

  2. Unexpected error

    Looking at the logs of Kafka Connect may reveal other errors in configuration.

    1. On Confluent Cloud, the logs are accessible through the Logs section on the Connector run page.

    2. On Confluent Platform, the logs are accessible through the Docker command docker-compose logs -f connect.