Managing databases in a cluster

The number of both primary and secondary servers to host a database can be set when the database is created and altered after creation. The command CREATE DATABASE can be used to specify the initial topology and ALTER DATABASE can be used to change the topology once the database is created. If a database is no longer needed, the command DROP DATABASE deletes the database from the cluster.


The command to create a database in a cluster is not significantly different from the command to create a database in a non-clustered environment (see Create, start, and stop databases for more information on database management on single servers). The difference in a clustered environment is that the topology can be specified, i.e. how many primaries and secondaries are desired for the database. To create a database foo with 3 servers hosting the database in primary mode and 2 servers in secondary mode, the command looks like this:


Alternatively, you can use parameters to provide the number of primaries and secondaries:

  "dbname": "foo",
  "primary": 3,
  "secondary": 2

The command can only be executed successfully if the cluster’s servers are able to satisfy the specified topology. If they are not, the command results in an error. For example, if the cluster’s servers are set up with mode constraints to contain two primaries and three secondaries, or if only four servers exist, the command fails with an error.

If TOPOLOGY is not specified, the database is created according to initial.dbms.default_primaries_count and initial.dbms.default_secondaries_count specified in neo4j.conf. After cluster startup, these values can be overwritten using the dbms.setDefaultAllocationNumbers procedure.

A CREATE DATABASE command allocates the database, therefore there is no requirement to execute REALLOCATE DATABASES (described in Hosting databases on added servers). However, over time, or after several CREATE DATABASE commands have been issued, the distribution of databases can become unbalanced. At this point you can run REALLOCATE DATABASES to make the cluster re-balance databases across all servers that are part of the cluster.


To alter the topology of or read/write access to a database after it has been created, use the command ALTER DATABASE.

Alter database topology

To change the topology of the database foo from the previous example, the command can look like this:


Alternatively, you can use parameters to provide the number of primaries and secondaries:

  "dbname": "foo",
  "primary": 2,
  "secondary": 1

Like the CREATE DATABASE command, this command results in an error if the cluster does not contain sufficient servers to satisfy the requested topology.

Additionally, ALTER DATABASE is optionally idempotent and also results in an error if the database does not exist. It is possible to append the command with IF EXISTS to make sure that no error is returned if the database does not exist.

When there is more than one possible permutation of the specified topology, Neo4j uses an allocator to decide how to spread the database across the cluster. Note, like CREATE DATABASE, the ALTER DATABASE command allocates the database and there is no requirement to execute REALLOCATE DATABASES unless there is a desire to re-balance databases across all servers that are part of the cluster.

This normally happens when the cluster is configured with more servers than the sum of the number of primaries and secondaries for any one database.

It is not possible to automatically transition to a topology with a single primary host. Attempting to do so results in an error.

However, it is possible to manually do this transition. The first step is to back up the database, see Backup and restore for more information. Once the database is backed up, the next step is to drop the database, see Delete databases for more information. The last step is to either seed a cluster from the backup with the new topology, or to restore the backup on a single server. See Seed a cluster further on for information on seeding.

Also, it is possible to automatically transition from a topology with a single primary host to multiple primary hosts. Keep in mind that during such a transition, the database will be unavailable for a short period of time.

ALTER DATABASE commands are optionally idempotent, with the default behavior to fail with an error if the database does not exist. Appending IF EXISTS to the command ensures that no error is returned and nothing happens should the database not exist.

If the ALTER DATABASE command decreases the number of allocations of a database, allocations on cordoned servers are removed first.


Alter database access

To alter the access to the database foo, the syntax looks like this:


By default, a newly created database has both read and write access.

Deallocate databases

To relieve the load of a specific server(s), you can use one of the following procedures to deallocate databases causing the pressure from the server(s):

You must have the SERVER MANAGEMENT privilege to execute these procedures.

For example, server01 hosts two small databases, foo and bar, and one very large database baz, while other servers contain fewer or smaller databases, and server01 is under pressure.

You can use one of the following approaches to deallocate baz from server01 or to deallocate a number of databases from server01:

Deallocating a database from a server
// With dry run
neo4j@system> CALL dbms.cluster.deallocateDatabaseFromServer("server01", "baz", true);

// Without dry run
neo4j@system> CALL dbms.cluster.deallocateDatabaseFromServer("server01", "baz");
Deallocating a database from multiple servers
// With dry run
neo4j@system> CALL dbms.cluster.deallocateDatabaseFromServers(["server01", "server02"], "baz", true);

// Without dry run
neo4j@system> CALL dbms.cluster.deallocateDatabaseFromServers(["server01", "server02"], "baz");
Deallocating three databases from a server
// With dry run
neo4j@system> CALL dbms.cluster.deallocateNumberOfDatabases("server01", 3, true);

// Without dry run
neo4j@system> CALL dbms.cluster.deallocateNumberOfDatabases("server01", 3);

Reallocate databases

To rebalance all database allocations across the cluster, for example, because you added new servers, use either procedures or Cypher commands to reallocate databases onto the new servers.

Reallocate databases using a procedure

You can use the procedure dbms.cluster.reallocateDatabase to rebalance a specific database across the cluster, or dbms.cluster.reallocateNumberOfDatabases to rebalance a number of database allocations across the cluster and relieve overloaded servers. Note that if the cluster is already balanced, no reallocations will happen when running these procedures. These procedures do not require a server name and can be executed with or without a dry run.

You must have the SERVER MANAGEMENT privilege to execute these procedures.

For example, you add three new servers and want to move a very large database, baz, from all the servers containing it to the new servers.

Reallocate one database to new servers
// With dry run
neo4j@system> CALL dbms.cluster.reallocateDatabase("baz", true);

// Without dry run
neo4j@system> CALL dbms.cluster.reallocateDatabase("baz");
Reallocating a number of databases to new servers
// With dry run
neo4j@system> CALL dbms.cluster.reallocateNumberOfDatabases(3, true);

// Without dry run
neo4j@system> CALL dbms.cluster.reallocateNumberOfDatabases(3);

Reallocate databases using a Cypher command

You can use the Cypher command REALLOCATE DATABASES to rebalance all database allocations across the cluster and relieve overloaded servers. This command can also be used with DRYRUN to preview the new allocation of databases.

REALLOCATE DATABASES on a large cluster with many databases has the potential to move a lot of allocations at once, which might stress the cluster. Consider starting with more limited reallocations, such as dbms.cluster.reallocateNumberOfDatabases with a small number, and let the databases complete their reallocation before calling it again, until no more reallocations are necessary.

| database | fromServerName | fromServerId                           | toServerName | toServerId                             | mode      |
| "bar"    | "server-1"     | "00000000-27e1-402b-be79-d28047a9418a" | "server-5"   | "00000003-b76c-483f-b2ca-935a1a28f3db" | "primary" |
| "bar"    | "server-3"     | "00000001-7a21-4780-bb83-cee4726cb318" | "server-4"   | "00000002-14b5-4d4c-ae62-56845797661a" | "primary" |

Recreate a database

The dbms.cluster.recreateDatabase() procedure allows you to:

  • Change the database store to a specified backup, while keeping all the associated privileges for the database.

  • Make your database write-available again after it has been lost (for example, due to a disaster). See Disaster recovery for more information.

The recreate procedure works only for real user databases and not for composite databases, or the system database.

Remember that the recreate procedure results in downtime while the stores get updated. The time is unbounded and may depend on different factors — for example, the size of the store, network speed, etc.

The database in question can be in an online or offline state when it is recreated, but a successful operation starts the database regardless of its previous state.

If your database has Change Data Capture (CDC) enabled, the CDC chain will stop when the database is recreated, even though CDC remains enabled in the recreated database. To restore CDC functionality, follow the guide on how to initialize CDC applications from an existing database.

Before recreating a database, any eventual quarantined states need to be addressed. For more information, see Standard databases → Error handling.

You need the CREATE DATABASE and DROP DATABASE privileges to run the recreate procedure.

To check if the recreation is successful, use the SHOW DATABASES command and verify that all allocations have been started.

Additionally, you have the option to modify the topology during the recreation process. However, note that the store format, access, and enrichment cannot be altered during recreation.

Seeding options

The store to be used during the recreation of a database can be defined in different ways. One method uses a backup, while others use available allocations in the cluster.

You can use either seedURI or seedingServers to specify the source from which the database should be recreated.

  • If you define neither, an error is thrown.

  • If you define both of them, then seedingServers must be an empty list. See Undefined servers with fallback backup for more details.

  • If seedingServers is not empty and seedURI is also defined, an error will occur.

Use backup as a seed

If you provide a URI to a backup or a dump, the stores on all allocations will be replaced by the backup or the dump at the given URI. The new allocations can be put on any ENABLED server in the cluster. See Seed from URI for more details.

CALL dbms.cluster.recreateDatabase("neo4j", {seedURI: "s3:/myBucket/myBackup.backup"});

Use available servers as a seed

After the recreation is complete, the database will have the latest data store from the seeding servers.

Recreation is based on remaining stores or a store defined by the user. This means that stores which were lost or not defined are not used for the recreation. If not used stores were more up to date than the used ones, this results in data loss.

Specified servers

You can specify a set of available servers. The stores on all allocations will be synchronized to the most up-to-date store from the defined servers. The number of defined servers cannot exceed the number of total allocations in the desired topology.

CALL dbms.cluster.recreateDatabase("neo4j", {seedingServers: ["serverId1", "serverId2", "serverId3"]});
Undefined servers

If you provide an empty list of seeding servers and do not specify a seedURI, Neo4j automatically selects all available allocations of the database as seeders. The store will be replaced by the most up-to-date seeder available in the cluster.

CALL dbms.cluster.recreateDatabase("neo4j", {seedingServers: []});
Undefined servers with fallback backup

If both an empty list of seeding servers and a seedURI are provided, Neo4j finds all available allocations of the database and use those as seeders. However, if no available servers can be found, the database is recreated based on the backup or the dump defined by the URI. This means the store is replaced by the most up-to-date seeder if available; otherwise, the backup is used.

CALL dbms.cluster.recreateDatabase("neo4j", {seedingServers: [], seedURI: "s3:/myBucket/myBackup.backup"});

Change the topology

There is an option to define a new topology when recreating a database. This can be beneficial during a disaster, if enough servers are not available to recreate the database with the original topology. When altering the total number of allocations down during a recreation, it is important to remember that the number of seeding servers cannot exceed the number of total allocations of the database. This also holds true when using recreate with an empty list of seeders. If there are more available servers in the cluster hosting the database than the number of new allocations, the recreation will fail.

CALL dbms.cluster.recreateDatabase("neo4j", {seedingServers: [], primaries: 3, secondaries: 0});

Seed a cluster

There are two different ways to seed a cluster with data. The first option is to use a designated seeder, where a designated server is used to create a backed-up database on other servers in the cluster. The other options is to seed the cluster from URI, where all servers to host a database are seeded with an identical seed from an external source specified by the URI. Keep in mind that using a designated seeder can be problematic in some situations as it is not known in advance how a database is going to be allocated to the servers in a cluster. Also, this method relies on the seed already existing on one of the servers.

Designated seeder

In order to designate a server in the cluster as a seeder, a database backup is transferred to that server using the neo4j-admin database restore command. Subsequently, that server is used as the source for other cluster members to copy the backed-up database from.

This example creates a user database called foo, hosted on three servers in primary mode. The foo database should not previously exist on any of the servers in the cluster.

If a database with the same name as your backup already exists, use the command DROP DATABASE to delete it and all users and roles associated with it.

  1. Restore the foo database on one server. In this example, the server01 member is used.

    bin/neo4j-admin database restore --from-path=/path/to/foo-backup-dir foo
  2. Find the server ID of server01 by logging in to Cypher Shell and running SHOW SERVERS. Cross-reference the address to find the server ID. Use any database to connect.

    SHOW SERVERS YIELD serverId, name, address, state, health, hosting;
    | serverId                               | name                                   | address          | state     | health      | hosting              |
    | "25a7efc7-d063-44b8-bdee-f23357f89f01" | "25a7efc7-d063-44b8-bdee-f23357f89f01" | "localhost:7689" | "Enabled" | "Available" | ["system",  "neo4j"] |
    | "782f0ee2-5474-4250-b905-4cd8b8f586ba" | "782f0ee2-5474-4250-b905-4cd8b8f586ba" | "localhost:7688" | "Enabled" | "Available" | ["system",  "neo4j"] |
    | "8512c9b9-d9e8-48e6-b037-b15b0004ca18" | "8512c9b9-d9e8-48e6-b037-b15b0004ca18" | "localhost:7687" | "Enabled" | "Available" | ["system",  "neo4j"] |

    In this case, the address for server01 is localhost:7687 and thus, the server ID is 8512c9b9-d9e8-48e6-b037-b15b0004ca18.

  3. On one of the servers, use the system database and create the database foo using the server ID of server01. The topology of foo is stored in the system database and when you create it, it is allocated according to the default topology (which can be shown with CALL dbms.showTopologyGraphConfig). This may be different from the topology of foo when it was backed up. If you want to ensure a certain allocation across the cluster, you can specify the desired topology with the TOPOLOGY clause in the CREATE DATABASE command. See CREATE DATABASE for more information.

    TOPOLOGY [desired number of primaries] PRIMARIES [desired number of secondaries] SECONDARIES
    OPTIONS {existingData: 'use', existingDataSeedServer: '8512c9b9-d9e8-48e6-b037-b15b0004ca18'};
  4. Verify that the foo database is online on the desired number of servers, in the desired roles. If the foo database is of considerable size, the execution of the command can take some time.

    | name  | type       | aliases | access       | address          | role      | writer | requestedStatus | currentStatus | statusMessage | default | home  | constituents |
    | "foo" | "standard" | []      | "read-write" | "localhost:7687" | "primary" | FALSE  | "online"        | "online"      | ""            | FALSE   | FALSE | []           |
    | "foo" | "standard" | []      | "read-write" | "localhost:7688" | "primary" | FALSE  | "online"        | "online"      | ""            | FALSE   | FALSE | []           |
    | "foo" | "standard" | []      | "read-write" | "localhost:7689" | "primary" | TRUE   | "online"        | "online"      | ""            | FALSE   | FALSE | []           |
    9 rows available after 3 ms, consumed after another 1 ms

Seed from URI

This method seeds all servers with an identical seed from an external source, specified by the URI. The seed can either be a full backup, a differential backup (see CloudSeedProvider), or a dump from an existing database. The sources of seeds are called seed providers.

The mechanism is pluggable, allowing new sources of seeds to be supported (see Java Reference → Implement custom seed providers for more information). The product has built-in support for seed from a mounted file system (file), FTP server, HTTP/HTTPS server, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Cloud Storage.

Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Cloud Storage are supported by default, but the other providers require configuration of dbms.databases.seed_from_uri_providers.

The URI of the seed is specified when the CREATE DATABASE command is issued:

CREATE DATABASE foo OPTIONS {existingData: 'use', seedURI:'s3://myBucket/myBackup.backup'}

Download and validation of the seed is only performed as the new database is started. If it fails, the database is not available and it has the statusMessage: Unable to start database of the SHOW DATABASES command.

neo4j@neo4j> SHOW DATABASES;
| name    | type       | aliases | access       | address          | role      | writer | requestedStatus | currentStatus | statusMessage                                            | default | home  | constituents |
| "seed3" | "standard" | []      | "read-write" | "localhost:7682" | "unknown" | FALSE  | "online"        | "offline"     | "Unable to start database `DatabaseId{3fe1a59b[seed3]}`" | FALSE   | FALSE | []           |

To determine the cause of the problem, it is recommended to look at the debug.log.

Starting from Neo4j 2025.01, seed from URI can also be used in combination with CREATE OR REPLACE DATABASE.


The FileSeedProvider supports:

  • file:


The URLConnectionSeedProvider supports the following:

  • ftp:

  • http:

  • https:

Starting from Neo4j 2025.01, the URLConnectionSeedProvider does not support file.


The CloudSeedProvider supports:

  • s3:

  • gs:

  • azb:

The CloudSeedProvider supports using differential backup files as seeds. With the provided differential backup file, the CloudSeedProvider searches the directory containing differential backup files for a backup chain ending at the specified differential backup, and then seeds using this backup chain.

Neo4j uses the AWS SDK v2 to call the APIs on AWS using AWS URLs. Alternatively, you can override the endpoints so that the AWS SDK can communicate with alternative storage systems, such as Ceph, Minio, or LocalStack, using the system variables aws.endpointUrls3, aws.endpointUrlS3, or aws.endpointUrl, or the environments variables AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_S3 or AWS_ENDPOINT_URL.

  1. Install the AWS CLI by following the instructions in the AWS official documentation — Install the AWS CLI version 2.

  2. Create an S3 bucket and a directory to store the backup files using the AWS CLI:

    aws s3 mb --region=us-east-1 s3://myBucket
    aws s3api put-object --bucket myBucket --key myDirectory/

    For more information on how to create a bucket and use the AWS CLI, see the AWS official documentation — Use Amazon S3 with the AWS CLI and Use high-level (s3) commands with the AWS CLI.

  3. Verify that the ~/.aws/config file is correct by running the following command:

    cat ~/.aws/config

    The output should look like this:

  4. Configure the access to your AWS S3 bucket by setting the aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key in the ~/.aws/credentials file and, if needed, using a bucket policy. For example:

    1. Use aws configure set aws_access_key_id aws_secret_access_key command to set your IAM credentials from AWS and verify that the ~/.aws/credentials is correct:

      cat ~/.aws/credentials

      The output should look like this:

    2. Additionally, you can use a resource-based policy to grant access permissions to your S3 bucket and the objects in it. Create a policy document with the following content and attach it to the bucket. Note that both resource entries are important to be able to download and upload files.

          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Id": "Neo4jBackupAggregatePolicy",
          "Statement": [
                  "Sid": "Neo4jBackupAggregateStatement",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": [
  5. Create database from myBackup.backup.

    CREATE DATABASE foo OPTIONS { existingData: 'use', seedURI: 's3:/myBucket/myBackup.backup' }
  1. Ensure you have a Google account and a project created in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

    1. Install the gcloud CLI by following the instructions in the Google official documentation — Install the gcloud CLI.

    2. Create a service account and a service account key using Google official documentation — Create service accounts and Creating and managing service account keys.

    3. Download the JSON key file for the service account.

    4. Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS and GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variables to the path of the JSON key file and the project ID, respectively:

      export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/path/to/keyfile.json"
    5. Authenticate the gcloud CLI with the e-mail address of the service account you have created, the path to the JSON key file, and the project ID:

      gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=$GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS --project=$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT

      For more information, see the Google official documentation — gcloud auth activate-service-account.

    6. Create a bucket in the Google Cloud Storage using Google official documentation — Create buckets.

    7. Verify that the bucket is created by running the following command:

      gcloud storage ls

      The output should list the created bucket.

  2. Create database from myBackup.backup.

    CREATE DATABASE foo OPTIONS { existingData: 'use', seedURI: 'gs:/myBucket/myBackup.backup' }
  1. Ensure you have an Azure account, an Azure storage account, and a blob container.

    1. You can create a storage account using the Azure portal.
      For more information, see the Azure official documentation on Create a storage account.

    2. Create a blob container in the Azure portal.
      For more information, see the Azure official documentation on Quickstart: Upload, download, and list blobs with the Azure portal.

  2. Install the Azure CLI by following the instructions in the Azure official documentation — Azure official documentation.

  3. Authenticate the neo4j or neo4j-admin process against Azure using the default Azure credentials.
    See the Azure official documentation on default Azure credentials for more information.

    az login

    Then you should be ready to use Azure URLs in either neo4j or neo4j-admin.

  4. To validate that you have access to the container with your login credentials, run the following commands:

    # Upload a file:
    az storage blob upload --file someLocalFile  --account-name accountName - --container someContainer --name remoteFileName  --auth-mode login
    # Download the file
    az storage blob download  --account-name accountName --container someContainer --name remoteFileName --file downloadedFile --auth-mode login
    # List container files
    az storage blob list  --account-name someContainer --container someContainer  --auth-mode login
  5. Create database from myBackup.backup.

    CREATE DATABASE foo OPTIONS { existingData: 'use', seedURI: 'azb://myStorageAccount/myContainer/myBackup.backup' }

Starting from Neo4j 2025.01, the CloudSeedProvider supports seeding up to a specific date or transaction ID using the seedRestoreUntil option.

Seed up to a specific date

To seed up to a specific date, you need to pass the differential backup, which contains the data up to that date.

CREATE DATABASE foo OPTIONS { existingData: 'use', seedURI: 's3:/myBucket/myBackup.backup', seedRestoreUntil: datetime("2019-06-01T18:40:32.142+0100") }

This will seed the database with transactions committed before the provided timestamp.

Seed up to a specific transaction ID

To seed up to a specific transaction ID, you need to pass the differential backup that contains the data up to that transaction ID.

CREATE DATABASE foo OPTIONS { existingData: 'use', seedURI: 's3:/myBucket/myBackup.backup', seedRestoreUntil: 123 }

This will seed the database with transactions up to, but not including transaction 123.


The S3SeedProvider supports:

  • s3: Deprecated in 5.26

Neo4j comes bundled with necessary libraries for AWS S3 connectivity. Therefore, if you use S3SeedProvider,aws cli is not required but can be used with the CloudSeedProvider.

The S3SeedProvider requires additional configuration. This is specified with the seedConfig option. This option expects a comma-separated list of configurations. Each configuration value is specified as a name followed by = and the value, as such:

CREATE DATABASE foo OPTIONS { existingData: 'use', seedURI: 's3:/myBucket/myBackup.backup', seedConfig: 'region=eu-west-1' }

S3SeedProvider also requires passing in credentials. These are specified with the seedCredentials option. Seed credentials are securely passed from the Cypher command to each server hosting the database. For this to work, Neo4j on each server in the cluster must be configured with identical keystores. This is identical to the configuration required by remote aliases, see Configuration of DBMS with remote database alias. If this configuration is not performed, the seedCredentials option fails.

CREATE DATABASE foo OPTIONS { existingData: 'use', seedURI: 's3:/myBucket/myBackup.backup', seedConfig: 'region=eu-west-1', seedCredentials: [accessKey];[secretKey] }

Where accessKey and secretKey are provided by AWS.

Seed provider reference

URL scheme Seed provider URI example












S3SeedProvider Deprecated in 5.26,








Controlling locations with allowed/denied databases

A database can by default be allocated to run on any server in a cluster. However, it is possible to constrain the servers that specific databases are hosted on. This is done with ENABLE SERVER and ALTER SERVER, described in Managing servers in a cluster. The following options are available:

  • allowedDatabases - a set of databases that are allowed to be hosted on a server.

  • deniedDatabases - a set of databases that are denied to be hosted on a server. Allowed and denied are mutually exclusive.

  • modeConstraint - controls in what mode (primary, secondary, or none) databases can be hosted on a server. If not set, there are no mode constraints on the server.

Change the default database

You can use the procedure dbms.setDefaultDatabase("newDefaultDatabaseName") to change the default database for a DBMS.

  1. Ensure that the database to be set as default exists, otherwise create it using the command CREATE DATABASE <database-name>.

  2. Show the name and status of the current default database by using the command SHOW DEFAULT DATABASE.

  3. Stop the current default database using the command STOP DATABASE <database-name>.

  4. Run CALL dbms.setDefaultDatabase("newDefaultDatabaseName") against the system database to set the new default database.

  5. Optionally, you can start the previous default database as non-default by using START DATABASE <database-name>.

Be aware that the automatically created initial default database may have a different topology to the default configuration values. See Default database in a cluster for more information.

Handling errors

Databases can get into error states. Typically you can observe this with the SHOW DATABASES command, and use the error handling guidance to help.

In more serious cases you may be dealing with a disaster situation, where the whole DBMS may not be responding correctly, or some specific databases cannot be restored without downtime. Refer to the disaster recovery guide for those situations.