Configure plugins
Neo4j Enterprise Edition comes bundled with a range of pre-installed products, such as Graph Data Science library and Bloom, which can be used to extend the Neo4j capabilities. The JAR files for these products are located in the products folder and can be installed as plugins.
Neo4j Community Edition comes with the APOC plugin only in the labs directory.
If you want to use your own plugins, ensure that you add them to the designated plugins directory. This directory serves as the central location where Neo4j looks for and loads the plugins at startup.
Bloom Enterprise and GDS Enterprise require a license activation key. Reach out to your Neo4j account representative or request a representative to contact you. |
The following plugins are supported:
Name | Key | License activation key required | Further information |
APOC Extended |
Bloom Enterprise [1] |
GenAI |
GraphQL |
Graph Algorithms |
Graph Data Science |
Graph Data Science Enterprise |
Neo Semantics |
1. You can also get basic access to Bloom via Graph Apps in Neo4j Desktop without a license key. See Bloom deployment modes for more details. |
For more information on using plugins in a different Neo4j setup, see:
Install and configure plugins
Here are the steps to enable the plugins:
Move or copy the plugins (.jar files) from <NEO4J_HOME>/products and <NEO4J_HOME>/labs to the <NEO4J_HOME>/plugins directory. See Default file locations for more information.
Add the following lines in <NEO4J_HOME>/conf/neo4j.conf:
# to enable GDS: ** ** * gds.enterprise.license_file=/path/to/my/license/keyfile # to enable Bloom: ** * dbms.bloom.license_file=/path/to/my/license/keyfile # to enable both GDS and Bloom: **,bloom.* ** * gds.enterprise.license_file=/path/to/my/license/keyfile * dbms.bloom.license_file=/path/to/my/license/keyfile
Install the plugins.
Refer to Bloom documentation, GDS documentation for more details on how to install them.
All installed plugins will automatically be loaded every time Neo4j is started. Because of that, the number of plugins may impact the startup time. Install only the necessary plugins to avoid performance issues. |