Customizing a Neo4j Helm chart
Helm is different from “package managers”, such as apt
, yum
, and npm
, because, in addition to installing applications, Helm allows rich configuration of applications.
The customized configuration should be expressed declaratively in a YAML formatted file, and then passed during installation.
For more information, see Helm official documentation. |
Important configuration parameters
The following is a list of the most important configuration parameters for the Neo4j Helm chart.
For a full list of configuration parameters, run helm show values
See Create a custom values.yaml file.
Standalone servers and cluster servers have no distinction.
This means a standalone server can be upgraded to a cluster by adding more servers.
Therefore, the
parameter, which value links together servers in a cluster, is mandatory, and the installation will fail if it is not specified.
must be unique within a namespace.
The resources (CPU, memory) for the Neo4j container are configured by setting neo4j.resources
object in the values.yaml file.
In the resource requests, you can specify how much CPU and memory the Neo4j container needs, while in the resource limits, you can set a limit on these resources in case the container tries to use more resources than its requests allow.
cpu: "1000m"
memory: "2Gi"
cpu: "2000m"
memory: "4Gi"
If no resource requests and resource limits are specified, the values set in the resources
object are used for both the Neo4j container’s resource requests and resource limits.
cpu: "2"
memory: "5Gi"
The minimum for a Neo4j instance is
JVM heap and page cache
You configure Neo4j to use the memory provided to the container by setting the parameters server.memory.heap.initial_size
and server.memory.pagecache.size
Combined, they must not exceed the memory configuration of the Neo4j container.
In Kubernetes, running processes in the Neo4j container, which exceed the configured memory limit are killed by the underlying operating system.
Therefore, it is recommended to allow an additional 1GB of memory headroom so that heap + pagecache + 1GB < available memory
For example, a 5GB container could be configured like this:
cpu: "2"
memory: "5Gi"
# Neo4j configuration (yaml format)
server.memory.heap.initial_size: "3G"
server.memory.heap.max_size: "3G"
server.memory.pagecache.size: "1G"
and server.memory.heap.initial_size
are not the only settings available in Neo4j to manage memory usage.
For full details of how to configure memory usage in Neo4j, see Performance - Memory Configuration.
The password for the neo4j
You can set an initial password for accessing Neo4j in the values.yaml file.
You cannot use |
If no initial password is set, the Neo4j helm chart will automatically generate one. (Make a note of it.) In cluster deployments, the same password must be set for all cluster members.
# If not set or empty a random password will be generated
password: ""
The password will be printed out in the Helm install output, unless --set logInitialPassword=false
is used.
The initial Neo4j password is stored in a Kubernetes Secret. The password can be extracted from the Secret using this command:
kubectl get secret <release-name>-auth -oyaml | yq -r '.data.NEO4J_AUTH' | base64 -d
To change the initial password, follow the steps in Reset the neo4j user password. Once you change the password in Neo4j, the password stored in Kubernetes Secrets will still exist but will no longer be valid. |
and neo4j.acceptLicenseAgreement
By default, the Helm chart installs Neo4j Community Edition.
If you want to install Neo4j Enterprise Edition, set the configuration parameters edition: "enterprise"
and acknowledge license compliance by setting neo4j.acceptLicenseAgreement
to "yes"
if you have a valid license or to "eval"
if you want to accept the Neo4j evaluation license.
For more information on how to obtain a valid license for Neo4j Enterprise Edition, see and link:, or use the form Contact Neo4j.
parameter maps the data
volume mount of your Neo4j to the persistent volume that you have for that instance.
For more information, see Volume mounts and persistent volumes.
By default, servers in a cluster can host primary and secondary databases.
See the clustering documentation for more details.
is set to 1 by default, which means the server starts without waiting for the other servers.
When installing a cluster, you should set neo4j.minimumClusterSize
to the number of desired members in the cluster.
If you later decide to add an extra cluster server in excess of neo4j.minimumClusterSize
, you need to manually enable it using the Cypher command ENABLE SERVER
For more information on enabling new servers, see Add a server to the cluster.
The Neo4j Helm chart does not use a neo4j.conf
Instead, the Neo4j configuration is set in the Helm deployment’s values.yaml file under the config
The config
object should contain a string map of neo4j.conf setting name to value.
For example, this config
object configures the Neo4j metrics:
# Neo4j configuration (yaml format)
server.metrics.enabled: "true"
server.metrics.csv.interval: "10s"
server.metrics.csv.rotation.keep_number: "2"
server.metrics.csv.rotation.compression: "NONE"
All Neo4j |
All neo4j.conf settings are supported except for server.jvm.additional
Additional JVM settings can be set on the jvm
object in the Helm deployment values.yaml file, as shown in the example:
# Jvm configuration for Neo4j
- "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"
- "-XX:HeapDumpPath=/logs/neo4j.hprof"
To find out more about configuring Neo4j and the neo4j.conf file, see Configuration and The neo4j.conf file.
The helm chart uses the official Neo4j Docker image that matches the version of the Helm chart.
To configure the helm chart to use a different container image, set the image.customImage
property in the values.yaml file.
This can be necessary when public container repositories are not accessible for security reasons.
For example, this values.yaml file configures Neo4j to use
as the container repository:
# neo4j-values.yaml
password: "my-password"
customImage: ""
Other configuration options
- Some examples of possible Neo4j configurations
All Neo4j configuration (neo4j.conf) settings can be set directly on the
object in the values.yaml file. -
Neo4j can be configured to use SSL certificates contained in Kubernetes Secrets by modifying the
object in the values file. For more information, see Configure SSL.
- Some examples of possible K8s configurations
Configure (or disable completely) the Kubernetes LoadBalancer that exposes Neo4j outside the Kubernetes cluster by modifying the
object in the values.yml file. -
Set the
used by Neo4j Pods by modifying thesecurityContext
object in the values.yml file. -
Configure manual persistent volume provisioning or set the
to be used as the Neo4j persistent storage.
Create a custom values.yaml file
Ensure your Neo4j Helm chart repository is up to date and get the latest charts. For more information, see Configure the Neo4j Helm chart repository.
To see what options are configurable on the Neo4j helm chart that you want to deploy, use
helm show values
and the Helm chart neo4j/neo4j. For example:helm show values neo4j/neo4j
# Default values for Neo4j. # This is a YAML-formatted file. ## @param nameOverride String to partially override common.names.fullname nameOverride: "" ## @param fullnameOverride String to fully override common.names.fullname fullnameOverride: "" # disableLookups will disable all the lookups done in the helm charts # This should be set to true when using ArgoCD since ArgoCD uses helm template and the helm lookups will fail # You can enable this when executing helm commands with --dry-run command disableLookups: false neo4j: # Name of your cluster name: "" # If password is not set or empty a random password will be generated during installation. # Ignored if `neo4j.passwordFromSecret` is provided password: "" # Existing secret to use for initial database password passwordFromSecret: "" # Neo4j Edition to use (community|enterprise) edition: "community" # Minimum number of machines initially required to form a clustered database. The StatefulSet will not reach the ready state # until at least this many members have discovered each other. The default is 1 (standalone) # minimumClusterSize: 1 # # (Clustering only feature) # Neo4j operations allows you to enable servers (part of cluster) which are added outside the minimumClusterSize # When the enableServer flag is set to true , an operations pod is created which performs the following functions # fetch neo4j creds from the k8s secret (provided by user or created via helm chart) # Use the cluster ip created as part of the respective release to connect to Neo4j via Go Driver # Execute the ENABLE SERVER query and enable the server # The operations pod ends successfully if the server is enabled, or it was already enabled operations: enableServer: false image: "neo4j/helm-charts-operations:5.26.0" # protocol can be "neo4j or "neo4j+ssc" or "neo4j+s". Default set to neo4j # Note: Do not specify bolt protocol will FAIL. protocol: "neo4j" labels: {} # set edition: "enterprise" to use Neo4j Enterprise Edition # # To use Neo4j Enterprise Edition you must have a Neo4j license agreement. # # More information is also available at: # Email inquiries can be directed to: # # Set acceptLicenseAgreement: "yes" to confirm that you have a Neo4j license agreement. acceptLicenseAgreement: "no" # # set offlineMaintenanceModeEnabled: true to restart the StatefulSet without the Neo4j process running # this can be used to perform tasks that cannot be performed when Neo4j is running such as `neo4j-admin dump` offlineMaintenanceModeEnabled: false # # set resources for the Neo4j Container. The values set will be used for both "requests" and "limit". resources: cpu: "1000m" memory: "2Gi" #add labels if required labels: # Volumes for Neo4j volumes: data: #labels for data pvc on creation (Valid only when mode set to selector | defaultStorageClass | dynamic | volumeClaimTemplate) labels: {} # Set it to true when you do not want to use the subPathExpr disableSubPathExpr: false # REQUIRED: specify a volume mode to use for data # Valid values are share|selector|defaultStorageClass|volume|volumeClaimTemplate|dynamic # To get up-and-running quickly, for development or testing, use "defaultStorageClass" for a dynamically provisioned volume of the default storage class. mode: "" # Only used if mode is set to "selector" # Will attach to existing volumes that match the selector selector: storageClassName: "manual" accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce requests: storage: 100Gi # A helm template to generate a label selector to match existing volumes n.b. both storageClassName and label selector must match existing volumes selectorTemplate: matchLabels: app: "{{ }}" "data" # Only used if mode is set to "defaultStorageClass" # Dynamic provisioning using the default storageClass defaultStorageClass: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce requests: storage: 10Gi # Only used if mode is set to "dynamic" # Dynamic provisioning using the provided storageClass dynamic: storageClassName: "neo4j" accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce requests: storage: 100Gi # Only used if mode is set to "volume" # Provide an explicit volume to use volume: # If set an init container (running as root) will be added that runs: # `chown -R <securityContext.fsUser>:<securityContext.fsGroup>` AND `chmod -R g+rwx` # on the volume. This is useful for some filesystems (e.g. NFS) where Kubernetes fsUser or fsGroup settings are not respected setOwnerAndGroupWritableFilePermissions: false # Example (using a specific Persistent Volume Claim) # persistentVolumeClaim: # claimName: my-neo4j-pvc # Only used if mode is set to "volumeClaimTemplate" # Provide an explicit volumeClaimTemplate to use volumeClaimTemplate: {} # provide a volume to use for backups # n.b. backups will be written to /backups on the volume # any of the volume modes shown above for data can be used for backups backups: #labels for backups pvc on creation (Valid only when mode set to selector | defaultStorageClass | dynamic | volumeClaimTemplate) labels: {} disableSubPathExpr: false mode: "share" # share an existing volume (e.g. the data volume) share: name: "data" # provide a volume to use for logs # n.b. logs will be written to /logs/$(POD_NAME) on the volume # any of the volume modes shown above for data can be used for logs logs: #labels for logs pvc on creation (Valid only when mode set to selector | defaultStorageClass | dynamic | volumeClaimTemplate) labels: {} disableSubPathExpr: false mode: "share" # share an existing volume (e.g. the data volume) share: name: "data" # provide a volume to use for csv metrics (csv metrics are only available in Neo4j Enterprise Edition) # n.b. metrics will be written to /metrics/$(POD_NAME) on the volume # any of the volume modes shown above for data can be used for metrics metrics: #labels for metrics pvc on creation (Valid only when mode set to selector | defaultStorageClass | dynamic | volumeClaimTemplate) labels: {} disableSubPathExpr: false mode: "share" # share an existing volume (e.g. the data volume) share: name: "data" # provide a volume to use for import storage # n.b. import will be mounted to /import on the underlying volume # any of the volume modes shown above for data can be used for import import: #labels for import pvc on creation (Valid only when mode set to selector | defaultStorageClass | dynamic | volumeClaimTemplate) labels: {} disableSubPathExpr: false mode: "share" # share an existing volume (e.g. the data volume) share: name: "data" # provide a volume to use for licenses # n.b. licenses will be mounted to /licenses on the underlying volume # any of the volume modes shown above for data can be used for licenses licenses: #labels for licenses pvc on creation (Valid only when mode set to selector | defaultStorageClass | dynamic | volumeClaimTemplate) labels: {} disableSubPathExpr: false mode: "share" # share an existing volume (e.g. the data volume) share: name: "data" # add additional volumes and their respective mounts additionalVolumes: [] # - name: neo4j1-conf # emptyDir: {} additionalVolumeMounts: [] # - mountPath: "/config/neo4j1.conf" # name: neo4j1-conf # ldapPasswordFromSecret defines the secret which holds the password for ldap system account # Secret key name must be LDAP_PASS # This secret is accessible by Neo4j at the path defined in ldapPasswordMountPath ldapPasswordFromSecret: "" # The above secret gets mounted to the path mentioned here ldapPasswordMountPath: "" # nodeSelector labels # please ensure the respective labels are present on one of the cluster nodes or else helm charts will throw an error nodeSelector: {} # label1: "value1" # label2: "value2" # Services for Neo4j services: # A ClusterIP service with the same name as the Helm Release name should be used for Neo4j Driver connections originating inside the # Kubernetes cluster. default: # Annotations for the K8s Service object annotations: { } # A LoadBalancer Service for external Neo4j driver applications and Neo4j Browser neo4j: enabled: true # Annotations for the K8s Service object annotations: {} spec: # Type of service. type: LoadBalancer # in most cloud environments LoadBalancer type will receive an ephemeral public IP address automatically. If you need to specify a static ip here use: # loadBalancerIP: ... # ports to include in neo4j service ports: http: enabled: true # Set this to false to remove HTTP from this service (this does not affect whether http is enabled for the neo4j process) # uncomment to publish http on port 80 (neo4j default is 7474) #port: 80 #targetPort: 7474 #name: http #nodePort: <your-nodeport>, enabled only when type set to NodePort https: enabled: true # Set this to false to remove HTTPS from this service (this does not affect whether https is enabled for the neo4j process) # uncomment to publish http on port 443 (neo4j default is 7473) #port: 443 #targetPort: 7473 #name: https #nodePort: <your-nodeport>, enabled only when type set to NodePort bolt: enabled: true # Set this to false to remove BOLT from this service (this does not affect whether https is enabled for the neo4j process) # Uncomment to explicitly specify the port to publish Neo4j Bolt (7687 is the default) #port: 7687 #targetPort: 7687 #name: tcp-bolt #nodePort: <your-nodeport>, enabled only when type set to NodePort backup: enabled: false # Set this to true to expose backup port externally (n.b. this could have security implications. Backup is not authenticated by default) # Uncomment to explicitly specify the port to publish Neo4j Backup (6362 is the default) #port: 6362 #targetPort: 6362 #name: tcp-backup #nodePort: <your-nodeport>, enabled only when type set to NodePort selector: "": "include" # By default the load balancer will match all Neo4j instance types. # When Neo4j drivers connect from outside K8s using the load balancer they will not fetch a routing table. # In this case drivers can only use instances included in the load balancer. # To only include Neo4j Core instances uncomment the setting below. # To only route to Neo4j Read Replicas uncomment the setting and change the value to "READ_REPLICA" # "": "false" # This flag allows you to open internal neo4j ports necessary in multi zone /region neo4j cluster scenario multiCluster: false # The neo4j LoadBalancer service is shared between all servers in the cluster. Because of this, the ` keep` # annotation is used to avoid helm ownership conflicts when another release attempts to update the service. # To prevent the service being orphaned when uninstalling a release, a pre-delete helm hook is provided by the template `delete-loadbalancer-hook.yaml` # This is enabled by default, and will create a Job, Service Account, Role and Role Binding that will run a kubectl image and delete the service # If enabled: is set to false, the LoadBalancer will be orphaned and will have to manually deleted post uninstall and the hook job will not be created cleanup: enabled: true image: registry: repository: bitnami/kubectl # Will default to use the Kubernetes server version where the chart is deployed, eg 1.22 tag: "" digest: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent # A service for admin/ops tasks including taking backups # This service is available even if the deployment is not "ready" admin: enabled: true # Annotations for the admin service annotations: { } spec: type: ClusterIP # n.b. there is no ports object for this service. Ports are autogenerated based on the neo4j configuration # A ClusterIP service for admin/ops and Neo4j cluster-internal communications # This is no longer a headless service as headless service have been seen to introduce latency whenever a cluster member restarts # This service is available even if the deployment is not "ready" internals: enabled: false # Annotations for the internals service annotations: { } spec: type: ClusterIP # n.b. there is no ports object for this service. Ports are autogenerated based on the neo4j configuration # Neo4j Configuration (yaml format) config: server.config.strict_validation.enabled: "false" #dbms.cluster.minimum_initial_system_primaries_count: "3" # The amount of memory to use for mapping the store files. # The default page cache memory assumes the machine is dedicated to running # Neo4j, and is heuristically set to 50% of RAM minus the Java heap size. # server.memory.pagecache.size: "74m" #The number of Cypher query execution plans that are cached. # server.db.query_cache_size: "10" # Java Heap Size: by default the Java heap size is dynamically calculated based # on available system resources. Uncomment these lines to set specific initial # and maximum heap size. # server.memory.heap.initial_size: "317m" # server.memory.heap.max_size: "317m" apoc_config: {} # apoc.trigger.enabled: "true" # apoc.import.file.enabled: "true" #apoc_credentials allow you to set configs like apoc.jdbc.<aliasname>.url and<aliasname>.url via a kubernetes secret mounted on the provided path #ensure the secret exists beforehand or else an error will be thrown by the helm chart #aliasName , secretName and secretMountPath are compulsory fields. Empty fields will result in error #please ensure you are using the compatible apoc-extended plugin jar while using apoc_credentials #please ensure the secret is created with the key named as "URL" #Ex: kubectl create secret generic jdbcsecret --from-literal=URL="jdbc:mysql://" apoc_credentials: {} # jdbc: # aliasName: "jdbc" # secretName: "jdbcsecret" # secretMountPath: "/secret/jdbcCred" # # elasticsearch: # aliasName: "es" # secretName: "essecret" # secretMountPath: "/secret/esCred" # securityContext defines privilege and access control settings for a Pod. Making sure that we dont run Neo4j as root user. securityContext: runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 7474 runAsGroup: 7474 fsGroup: 7474 fsGroupChangePolicy: "Always" # securityContext defines privilege and access control settings for a Container. Making sure that we dont run Neo4j as root user. containerSecurityContext: runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 7474 runAsGroup: 7474 capabilities: drop: [ "ALL" ] # Readiness probes are set to know when a container is ready to be used. # Because Neo4j uses Java these values are large to distinguish between long Garbage Collection pauses (which don't require a restart) and an actual failure. # These values should mark Neo4j as not ready after at most 5 minutes of problems (20 attempts * max 15 seconds between probes) readinessProbe: failureThreshold: 20 timeoutSeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 5 # Liveness probes are set to know when to restart a container. # Because Neo4j uses Java these values are large to distinguish between long Garbage Collection pauses (which don't require a restart) and an actual failure. # These values should trigger a restart after at most 10 minutes of problems (40 attempts * max 15 seconds between probes) livenessProbe: failureThreshold: 40 timeoutSeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 5 # Startup probes are used to know when a container application has started. # If such a probe is configured, it disables liveness and readiness checks until it succeeds # When restoring Neo4j from a backup it's important that startup probe gives time for Neo4j to recover and/or upgrade store files # When using Neo4j clusters it's important that startup probe give the Neo4j cluster time to form startupProbe: failureThreshold: 1000 periodSeconds: 5 # top level setting called ssl to match the "ssl" from "dbms.ssl.policy" ssl: # setting per "connector" matching neo4j config bolt: privateKey: secretName: # we set up the template to grab `private.key` from this secret subPath: # we specify the privateKey value name to get from the secret publicCertificate: secretName: # we set up the template to grab `public.crt` from this secret subPath: # we specify the publicCertificate value name to get from the secret trustedCerts: sources: [ ] # a sources array for a projected volume - this allows someone to (relatively) easily mount multiple public certs from multiple secrets for example. revokedCerts: sources: [ ] # a sources array for a projected volume https: privateKey: secretName: subPath: publicCertificate: secretName: subPath: trustedCerts: sources: [ ] revokedCerts: sources: [ ] cluster: privateKey: secretName: subPath: publicCertificate: secretName: subPath: trustedCerts: sources: [ ] revokedCerts: sources: [ ] # Kubernetes cluster domain suffix clusterDomain: "cluster.local" # Override image settings in Neo4j pod image: imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent # set a customImage if you want to use your own docker image # customImage: #imagePullSecrets list # imagePullSecrets: # - "demo" #imageCredentials list for which secret of type docker-registry will be created automatically using the details provided # password, name are compulsory fields for an imageCredential , without these fields helm chart will throw an error # registry ,username and email are optional fields # imageCredential name should be part of the imagePullSecrets list or else the respective imageCredential will be ignored and no secret creation will be done # In case of a secret already pre-existing you don't need to mention the imageCredential , just add the pre-existing secretName to the imagePullSecret list # and that will be used as an imagePullSecret # imageCredentials: # - registry: "" # username: "" # password: "" # email: "" # name: "" statefulset: metadata: #Annotations for Neo4j StatefulSet annotations: # imageregistry: "" # demo: alpha # additional environment variables for the Neo4j Container env: {} # Other K8s configuration to apply to the Neo4j pod podSpec: #Annotations for Neo4j pod annotations: {} # imageregistry: "" # demo: alpha nodeAffinity: {} # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # nodeSelectorTerms: # - matchExpressions: # - key: # operator: In # values: # - antarctica-east1 # - antarctica-west1 # preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # - weight: 1 # preference: # matchExpressions: # - key: another-node-label-key # operator: In # values: # - another-node-label-value # Anti Affinity # If set to true then an anti-affinity rule is applied to prevent database pods with the same `` running on a single Kubernetes node. # If set to false then no anti-affinity rules are applied # If set to an object then that object is used for the Neo4j podAntiAffinity podAntiAffinity: true # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # - labelSelector: # matchLabels: # app: "demo" # "neo4j-instance" # topologyKey: #Add tolerations to the Neo4j pod tolerations: [] # - key: "key1" # operator: "Equal" # value: "value1" # effect: "NoSchedule" # - key: "key2" # operator: "Equal" # value: "value2" # effect: "NoSchedule" # topologySpreadConstraints fields for Neo4j Pod # topologySpreadConstraints: [] # - maxSkew: 1 # topologyKey: # whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule # labelSelector: # matchLabels: # app: foo # matchLabelKeys: # - pod-template-hash #Priority indicates the importance of a Pod relative to other Pods. # More Information : priorityClassName: "" #This indicates that the neo4j instance be included to the loadbalancer. Can be set to exclude to not add the stateful set to loadbalancer loadbalancer: "include" # set pod's dns policy. ClusterFirst by default # dnsPolicy: "ClusterFirst" # Name of service account to use for the Neo4j Pod (optional) # this is useful if you want to use Workload Identity to grant permissions to access cloud resources e.g. cloud object storage (AWS S3 etc.) # For clusters, please ensure that it has the appropriate roles and role-bindings to be able to query kubernetes services serviceAccountName: "" # How long the Neo4j pod is permitted to keep running after it has been signalled by Kubernetes to stop. Once this timeout elapses the Neo4j process is forcibly terminated. # A large value is used because Neo4j takes time to flush in-memory data to disk on shutdown. terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 3600 # initContainers for the Neo4j pod initContainers: [ ] # additional runtime containers for the Neo4j pod containers: [ ] # print the neo4j user password set during install to the `helm install` log logInitialPassword: true # Jvm configuration for Neo4j jvm: # If true any additional arguments are added after the Neo4j default jvm arguments. # If false Neo4j default jvm arguments are not used. useNeo4jDefaultJvmArguments: true # additionalJvmArguments is a list of strings. Each jvm argument should be a separate element: additionalJvmArguments: [] # - "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError" # - "-XX:HeapDumpPath=/logs/neo4j.hprof" # - "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=180m" # - "-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=40m" logging: serverLogsXml: |- # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> # <!-- Example JSON logging configuration --> # <Configuration status="ERROR" monitorInterval="30" packages="org.neo4j.logging.log4j"> # <Appenders> # <!-- Default debug.log, please keep --> # <RollingRandomAccessFile name="DebugLog" fileName="${config:server.directories.logs}/debug.log" # filePattern="$${config:server.directories.logs}/debug.log.%02i"> # <JsonTemplateLayout eventTemplateUri="classpath:org/neo4j/logging/StructuredLayoutWithMessage.json"/> # <Policies> # <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="20 MB"/> # </Policies> # <DefaultRolloverStrategy fileIndex="min" max="7"/> # </RollingRandomAccessFile> # # <RollingRandomAccessFile name="HttpLog" fileName="${config:server.directories.logs}/http.log" # filePattern="$${config:server.directories.logs}/http.log.%02i"> # <JsonTemplateLayout eventTemplateUri="classpath:org/neo4j/logging/StructuredLayoutWithMessage.json"/> # <Policies> # <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="20 MB"/> # </Policies> # <DefaultRolloverStrategy fileIndex="min" max="5"/> # </RollingRandomAccessFile> # # <RollingRandomAccessFile name="QueryLog" fileName="${config:server.directories.logs}/query.log" # filePattern="$${config:server.directories.logs}/query.log.%02i"> # <JsonTemplateLayout eventTemplateUri="classpath:org/neo4j/logging/QueryLogJsonLayout.json"/> # <Policies> # <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="20 MB"/> # </Policies> # <DefaultRolloverStrategy fileIndex="min" max="7"/> # </RollingRandomAccessFile> # # <RollingRandomAccessFile name="SecurityLog" fileName="${config:server.directories.logs}/security.log" # filePattern="$${config:server.directories.logs}/security.log.%02i"> # <JsonTemplateLayout eventTemplateUri="classpath:org/neo4j/logging/StructuredLayoutWithMessage.json"/> # <Policies> # <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="20 MB"/> # </Policies> # <DefaultRolloverStrategy fileIndex="min" max="7"/> # </RollingRandomAccessFile> # </Appenders> # # <Loggers> # <!-- Log levels. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR or OFF --> # # <!-- The debug log is used as the root logger to catch everything --> # <Root level="INFO"> # <AppenderRef ref="DebugLog"/> <!-- Keep this --> # </Root> # <!-- The query log, must be named "QueryLogger" --> # <Logger name="QueryLogger" level="INFO" additivity="false"> # <AppenderRef ref="QueryLog"/> # </Logger> # <!-- The http request log, must be named "HttpLogger" --> # <Logger name="HttpLogger" level="INFO" additivity="false"> # <AppenderRef ref="HttpLog"/> # </Logger> # <!-- The security log, must be named "SecurityLogger" --> # <Logger name="SecurityLogger" level="INFO" additivity="false"> # <AppenderRef ref="SecurityLog"/> # </Logger> # </Loggers> # </Configuration> userLogsXml: |- # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> # <!-- Example JSON logging configuration --> # <Configuration status="ERROR" monitorInterval="30" packages="org.neo4j.logging.log4j"> # <Appenders> # <RollingRandomAccessFile name="Neo4jLog" fileName="${config:server.directories.logs}/neo4j.log" # filePattern="$${config:server.directories.logs}/neo4j.log.%02i"> # <JsonTemplateLayout eventTemplateUri="classpath:org/neo4j/logging/StructuredLayoutWithMessage.json"/> # <Policies> # <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="20 MB"/> # </Policies> # <DefaultRolloverStrategy fileIndex="min" max="7"/> # </RollingRandomAccessFile> # <!-- Only used by "neo4j console", will be ignored otherwise --> # <Console name="ConsoleAppender" target="SYSTEM_OUT"> # <PatternLayout pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ}{GMT+0} %-5p %m%n"/> # </Console> # </Appenders> # <Loggers> # <!-- Log level for the neo4j log. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR or OFF --> # <Root level="INFO"> # <AppenderRef ref="Neo4jLog"/> # <AppenderRef ref="ConsoleAppender"/> # </Root> # </Loggers> # </Configuration> # define your podDisruptionBudget details here podDisruptionBudget: enabled: false matchLabels: {} # "demo": "neo4j" matchExpressions: [] # - key: "demo" # operator: "Equals" # value: "neo4j" labels: {} # "name": "neo4j" minAvailable: "" maxUnavailable: "" # Service Monitor for prometheus # Please ensure prometheus operator or the service monitor CRD is present in your cluster before using service monitor config serviceMonitor: enabled: false labels: {} # "demo": "value" jobLabel: "" interval: "" port: "" path: "" namespaceSelector: {} # any: false # matchNames: # - default targetLabels: [] # - "demo" # - "value" selector: {} # matchLabels: # "admin" # this section is to be used only when setting up (1 primary + n secondary neo4j instances scenario) # Disabled by default. analytics: # This flag will enable the internal ports and certain configs necessary to allow 1 primary + n secondary neo4j instances scenario enabled: false type: # values can be primary or secondary # this field denotes the neo4j instance type either primary or secondary name: primary
Pass the neo4j-values.yaml file during installation. The
parameter is mandatory and can be supplied either inneo4j-values.yaml
or by using the--set
argument.helm install <release-name> neo4j/neo4j --set "" -f neo4j-values.yaml
To see the values that have been set for a given release, use
helm get values <release-name>