Install a Neo4j standalone instance
Getting everything to work in Kubernetes requires that certain K8s objects have specific names that are referenced elsewhere.
Each individual Neo4j instance is a Helm “release” and has a release name.
All other names and labels of K8s objects created by the Helm charts derive from both
and release name.
Release name must consist of lowercase alphanumeric characters, -
or .
, and must start and end with an alphanumeric character.
This guide assumes the release name is my-neo4j-release
is my-standalone
Install Neo4j using the deployment values.yaml file, created in Create a value.yaml file, and the neo4j/neo4j Helm chart:
Create a
namespace and configure it to be used in the current context:kubectl create namespace neo4j kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=neo4j
Install the Neo4j standalone server:
helm install my-neo4j-release neo4j/neo4j --namespace neo4j -f my-neo4j.values.yaml
Example outputLAST DEPLOYED: Wed Oct 26 15:19:17 2022 NAMESPACE: neo4j STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: Thank you for installing neo4j. Your release "my-neo4j-release" has been installed in namespace "neo4j". The neo4j user's password has been set to "my-password".To view the progress of the rollout try: $ kubectl --namespace "neo4j" rollout status --watch --timeout=600s statefulset/my-neo4j-release Once rollout is complete you can log in to Neo4j at "neo4j://my-neo4j-release.neo4j.svc.cluster.local:7687". Try: $ kubectl run --rm -it --namespace "neo4j" --image "neo4j:5.26.0" cypher-shell \ -- cypher-shell -a "neo4j://my-neo4j-release.neo4j.svc.cluster.local:7687" -u neo4j -p "my-password" Graphs are everywhere!
Run the
kubectl rollout
command provided in the output ofhelm install
to watch the Neo4j’s rollout until it is complete.kubectl rollout status --watch --timeout=600s statefulset/my-neo4j-release
Since you have not passed a password for the
user, the Neo4j Helm chart has set an automatically generated one. You can find it in the Helm install output. Please make a note of it.