Configuring SSL for FIPS 140-2 compatibility

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140 is a U.S. government standard established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) which is used to accredit cryptographic modules such as those used in TLS network encryption. While FIPS 140 compliance is primarily required for federal agencies and their contractors, it also is used in the healthcare sector under regulations like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to protect patient data.

This guide helps configure Neo4j to use TLS/SSL encryption in a FIPS-compliant way. It is supplementary to the SSL framework documentation, as many of the configuration processes and requirements are the same.


  • Verify that the machine running Neo4j has FIPS-compatible hardware and operating system. Only Linux operating systems are supported for Neo4j FIPS compatibility at this time.

  • Use Neo4j Enterprise 5.23.0 or later.

  • Install and configure a non-native authentication provider, for example LDAP or SSO. See Authentication and authorization.

Enable FIPS SSL provider

The secure networking in Neo4j is provided through the Netty library, which supports both the native JDK SSL provider and Netty-supported OpenSSL derivatives. Specifically Netty’s Forked Tomcat Native library called netty-tcnative.

The netty-tcnative library is provided in several variants. However, to achieve FIPS compliance, you must use the dynamically linked version of netty-tcnative alongside a FIPS-compatible installation of OpenSSL.

The dynamically linked library requires the following dependencies to be installed[1]:

  • Apache Portable Runtime Library

  • A FIPS certified version of OpenSSL, with a FIPS provider installed and set as default.

Refer to Forked Tomcat Native for more information.

Netty provides a convenient pre-build, statically linked version of netty-tcnative using BoringSSL, but this is not FIPS certified[2].

By using the dynamic netty-tcnative library variant combined with a FIPS certified OpenSSL installation, Neo4j’s cryptographic operations are delegated by netty-tcnative to OpenSSL, transitively giving FIPS compatibility.

Install Apache portable runtime library

To install Apache Portable Runtime Library, use the operating system’s package manager.

In Debian/Ubuntu this package is usually called libapr1

Install Apache Portable Runtime Library in Debian or Ubuntu
apt install -y libapr1

In RedHat Enterprise Linux, the package is usually called apr:

Install Apache Portable Runtime Library in RedHat
dnf install -y apr

Install OpenSSL

Instructions on how to build and install a FIPS-compatible OpenSSL are out of scope for this document. Installation steps can differ depending on operating system, and other security requirements you might have for OpenSSL.

In general:

  • For a list of FIPS certified OpenSSL versions, see

  • A FIPS provider must be installed into OpenSSL.

  • OpenSSL must be configured to use the FIPS provider by default.

Install the correct netty-tcnative library

Since Neo4j 5.23.0, builds of netty-tcnative dynamic library are provided in the Neo4j lib directory under their own subfolder called netty-tcnative.

To install the netty-tcnative dynamic library:

  1. Locate the Neo4j lib directory.

    The location of the lib directory is different depending on the method used to install Neo4j. Check the file locations documentation for the correct location.

    This location will be referred to as <NEO4J_LIB>.

  2. Make sure there are no netty-tcnative-boringssl libraries present in the <NEO4J_LIB> folder.

    find <NEO4J_LIB> -name "netty-tcnative-boringssl*.jar" -delete
  3. Check which netty-tcnative libraries are available:

    ls -l <NEO4J_LIB>/netty-tcnative

    There are Linux and Fedora Linux variants available, compiled for both x86_64 and ARM 64 architectures. Select the one matching the local machine’s operating system and architecture.

  4. Verify the dependencies are correctly installed using ldd:

    Verify netty-tcnative dependencies are installed
    unzip -d /tmp <NEO4J_LIB>/netty-tcnative/netty-tcnative-*-linux-$(arch).jar
    ldd /tmp/META-INF/native/libnetty_tcnative_linux_*.so
    rm -rf /tmp/META-INF
    Verify Fedora variant of netty-tcnative dependencies are installed
    unzip -d /tmp <NEO4J_LIB>/netty-tcnative/netty-tcnative-*-linux-$(arch)-fedora.jar
    ldd /tmp/META-INF/native/libnetty_tcnative_linux_$(arch).so
    rm -rf /tmp/META-INF

    The ldd command shows a list of library dependencies and where they are loaded from on the local machine.

    • If any dependencies are missing, they must be installed, or Neo4j will fail to run.

    • The and libraries listed must be the ones installed with OpenSSL in the previous steps.

  5. Copy the verified JAR file to <NEO4J_LIB>.

    Only copy one of the JAR files. Otherwise Neo4j will not be able to resolve dependencies at runtime. In case of this error, you will get a message like:

    "Failed to load any of the given libraries: [netty_tcnative_linux_x86_64, netty_tcnative_linux_x86_64_fedora, netty_tcnative_x86_64, netty_tcnative]".

Generate SSL certificate and private key

Neo4j SSL encryption requires a certificate in the X.509 standard and a private key in PKCS #8 format, both encoded in PEM format.

For FIPS compatibility, the private key must be secured with a password.

Refer to the SSL certificate and key instructions for more information.

Configure Neo4j to use SSL encryption

SSL configuration is described in detail in SSL framework configuration.

This section describes configuration that must be done in addition to standard non-FIPS compliant SSL configuration.


  1. Set dbms.netty.ssl.provider=OPENSSL

  2. Set server.bolt.tls_level=REQUIRED

  3. Follow instructions on how to Configure SSL over Bolt.

  4. Set additional Bolt configurations:

  5. Follow the instructions in SSL Framework → Using encrypted private key to configure dbms.ssl.policy.bolt.private_key_password to dynamically read the password from an encrypted password file. The password must not be set in plain text.


This section is only applicable if HTTPS is enabled.

  1. Follow instructions on how to Configure SSL over HTTPS.

  2. Set additional HTTPS configurations:

  3. Follow the instructions in SSL Framework → Using encrypted private key to configure dbms.ssl.policy.https.private_key_password to dynamically read the password from an encrypted password file. The password must NOT be set in plain text.

Intra-cluster encryption

For FIPS compatbility, intra-cluster encryption must be enabled if you are running a Neo4j cluster.

  1. Follow instructions to configure SSL for intra-cluster communication.

  2. Set additional cluster configurations:

  3. Follow the instructions in SSL Framework → Using encrypted private key to configure dbms.ssl.policy.cluster.private_key_password to dynamically read the password from an encrypted password file. The password must not be set in plain text.


This section is applicable on instances or cluster members used for taking backups.

  1. Follow instructions on how to Configure SSL for backup communication.

  2. Set additional backup configurations:

  3. Follow the instructions in SSL Framework → Using encrypted private key to configure dbms.ssl.policy.backup.private_key_password to dynamically read the password from an encrypted password file. The password must not be set in plain text.