Validate configurations

The neo4j-admin server validate-config command validates the Neo4j and Log4j configurations. It is located in the bin directory and is used to validate the configuration files before starting Neo4j.


The neo4j-admin server validate-config command has the following syntax:

neo4j-admin server validate-config [-h] [--expand-commands] [--verbose]


The neo4j-admin server validate-config command has the following options:

Table 1. neo4j-admin server validate-config options
Option Description


Allow command expansion in config value evaluation.

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit.


Enable verbose output.


Invoke neo4j-admin server validate-config
bin/neo4j-admin server validate-config
Example output
Validating Neo4j configuration: /path/to/neo4j-enterprise-{neo4j-version-exact}/conf/neo4j.conf
No issues found.

Validating server Log4j configuration: /path/to/neo4j-enterprise-{neo4j-version-exact}conf/user-logs.xml
No issues found.

Validating user Log4j configuration: /path/to/neo4j-enterprise-{neo4j-version-exact}/conf/server-logs.xml
No issues found.

Validation successful.