Prevent Tax Evasion, Money Laundering and More
The Financial Fraud Detection Insights program improves your efforts at detecting and deterring financial fraud in real time
In order to determine the risk exposure and linkage of your employee, customer, trader and compliance data to potential threats of money laundering or tax evasion, you need a real-time database that draws all of your disparate data together into one place. With Financial Fraud Detection Insights from the Neo4j Professional Services team, your data is combined from a wide range of sources into a connected graph data model.
With Neo4j, you can easily identify and deter the nexus of individuals, banks and companies most likely to commit fraudulent financial transactions.
Learn more about Financial Fraud Detection Insights with Neo4j
Financial Fraud Detection Insights Overview
Every customer engagement starts with a free risk-exposure workshop, followed by a two-week risk-exposure assessment. Next is the discovery and prototyping stage focused on connecting your current data. Once the prototype is complete, the project concludes with a two- to five-month production-ready deployment.
Risk-Exposure Workshop (Free)
This two-day complimentary workshop brings together key stakeholders, data scientists and compliance officers to accurately define and scope the business and data requirements at hand. In this session, your team and Neo4j Professional Services will brainstorm and whiteboard a reference data model for maximum mitigation of risks.
At the end of the workshop, we will determine possible solutions and reach an agreement on a go-forward strategy.
Risk-Exposure Assessment Service
Following the risk-exposure workshop, Neo4j Professional Services conducts a thorough assessment to review and validate the workshop’s findings, including interviews with senior management and key stakeholders.
An estimated two weeks in duration, this service provides a detailed analysis and recommendation of potential problem and focus areas, including a detailed call-to-action plan.
Discovery and Prototyping
During this three-week stage of the engagement, the Neo4j Professional Services team creates a prototype in which your team can explore and review data loaded from at least two to three key data sources, including the Panama Papers dataset.
Production-Ready Deployment
Once the direction of the prototype is approved and finalized, the production-ready deployment of the Financial Fraud Detection Insights project gets fully underway. Implementation of the final project includes additional data sources and complete integration into your existing IT infrastructure, processes and operations. The scope and duration of this stage can take between two and five months and comes with custom pricing.
Prepare your organization to fight financial fraud: Click below to contact Neo4j Professional Services with your proposed project or questions.