Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.text.doubleMetaphone(value) yield value - Compute the Double Metaphone phonetic encoding of all words of the text value which can be a single string or a list of strings |
Procedure |
apoc.text.phonetic(value) yield value - Compute the US_ENGLISH phonetic soundex encoding of all words of the text value which can be a single string or a list of strings |
Procedure |
apoc.text.phoneticDelta(text1, text2) yield phonetic1, phonetic2, delta - Compute the US_ENGLISH soundex character difference between two given strings |
Procedure |
apoc.text.base64Decode(text) YIELD value - Decode Base64 encoded string |
Function |
apoc.text.base64Encode(text) YIELD value - Encode a string with Base64 |
Function |
apoc.text.base64UrlDecode(url) YIELD value - Decode Base64 encoded url |
Function |
apoc.text.base64UrlEncode(text) YIELD value - Encode a url with Base64 |
Function |
apoc.text.byteCount(text,[charset]) - return size of text in bytes |
Function |
apoc.text.bytes(text,[charset]) - return bytes of the text |
Function |
apoc.text.camelCase(text) YIELD value - Convert a string to camelCase |
Function |
apoc.text.capitalize(text) YIELD value - capitalise the first letter of the word |
Function |
apoc.text.capitalizeAll(text) YIELD value - capitalise the first letter of every word in the text |
Function |
apoc.text.charAt(text, index) - the decimal value of the character at the given index |
Function |
apoc.text.clean(text) - strip the given string of everything except alpha numeric characters and convert it to lower case. |
Function |
apoc.text.code(codepoint) - Returns the unicode character of the given codepoint |
Function |
apoc.text.compareCleaned(text1, text2) - compare the given strings stripped of everything except alpha numeric characters converted to lower case. |
Function |
apoc.text.decapitalize(text) YIELD value - decapitalize the first letter of the word |
Function |
apoc.text.decapitalizeAll(text) YIELD value - decapitalize the first letter of all words |
Function |
apoc.text.distance(text1, text2) - compare the given strings with the Levenshtein distance algorithm. |
Function |
apoc.text.doubleMetaphone(value) yield value - Compute the Double Metaphone phonetic encoding of all words of the text value |
Function |
apoc.text.format(text,[params],language) - sprintf format the string with the params given |
Function |
apoc.text.fuzzyMatch(text1, text2) - check if 2 words can be matched in a fuzzy way. Depending on the length of the String it will allow more characters that needs to be edited to match the second String. |
Function |
apoc.text.hammingDistance(text1, text2) - compare the given strings with the Hamming distance algorithm. |
Function |
apoc.text.hexCharAt(text, index) - the hex value string of the character at the given index |
Function |
apoc.text.hexValue(value) - the hex value string of the given number |
Function |
apoc.text.indexOf(text, lookup, from=0, to=-1==len) - find the first occurence of the lookup string in the text, from inclusive, to exclusive, -1 if not found, null if text is null. |
Function |
apoc.text.indexesOf(text, lookup, from=0, to=-1==len) - finds all occurences of the lookup string in the text, return list, from inclusive, to exclusive, empty list if not found, null if text is null. |
Function |
apoc.text.jaroWinklerDistance(text1, text2) - compare the given strings with the Jaro-Winkler distance algorithm. |
Function |
apoc.text.join(['text1','text2',…], delimiter) - join the given strings with the given delimiter. |
Function |
apoc.text.levenshteinDistance(text1, text2) - compare the given strings with the Levenshtein distance algorithm. |
Function |
apoc.text.levenshteinSimilarity(text1, text2) - calculate the similarity (a value within 0 and 1) between two texts. |
Function |
apoc.text.lpad(text,count,delim) YIELD value - left pad the string to the given width |
Function |
apoc.text.phonetic(text) yield value - Compute the US_ENGLISH phonetic soundex encoding of all words of the text |
Function |
apoc.text.random(length, valid) YIELD value - generate a random string |
Function |
apoc.text.regexGroups(text, regex) - return all matching groups of the regex on the given text. |
Function |
apoc.text.regreplace(text, regex, replacement) - replace each substring of the given string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement. |
Function |
apoc.text.repeat(item, count) - string multiplication |
Function |
apoc.text.replace(text, regex, replacement) - replace each substring of the given string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement. |
Function |
apoc.text.rpad(text,count,delim) YIELD value - right pad the string to the given width |
Function |
apoc.text.slug(text, delim) - slug the text with the given delimiter |
Function |
apoc.text.snakeCase(text) YIELD value - Convert a string to snake-case |
Function |
apoc.text.sorensenDiceSimilarityWithLanguage(text1, text2, languageTag) - compare the given strings with the Sørensen–Dice coefficient formula, with the provided IETF language tag |
Function |
apoc.text.split(text, regex, limit) - splits the given text around matches of the given regex. |
Function |
apoc.text.swapCase(text) YIELD value - Swap the case of a string |
Function |
apoc.text.toCypher(value, {skipKeys,keepKeys,skipValues,keepValues,skipNull,node,relationship,start,end}) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a cypher-property-string |
Function |
apoc.text.toUpperCase(text) YIELD value - Convert a string to UPPER_CASE |
Function |
apoc.text.upperCamelCase(text) YIELD value - Convert a string to camelCase |
Function |
apoc.text.urldecode(text) - return the urldecoded text |
Function |
apoc.text.urlencode(text) - return the urlencoded text |
Function |