Schema Information
To drop or create index or constraint, you can use the following procedure:
Qualified Name | Type | Release |
CALL apoc.schema.assert({indexLabel:[[indexKeys]], ...}, {constraintLabel:[constraintKeys], ...}, dropExisting : true)
YIELD label, key, keys, unique, action
Where the outputs are:
keys, list of the key
unique, if the index or constraint are unique
action, can be the following values: DROPPED, CREATED
To retrieve indexes and constraints information for all the node labels in your database, you can use the following procedure:
CALL apoc.schema.nodes()
YIELD name, label, properties, status, type
Where the outputs are:
name of the index/constraint,
properties, (for Neo4j 3.1 and lower versions is a single element array) that are affected by the constraint
status, for index can be one of the following values: ONLINE, POPULATING and FAILED
type, always "INDEX" for indexes, constraint type for constraints
failure, the failure description of a failed index
populationProgress, the population progress of the index in percentage
size, the size of the index
valuesSelectivity, computes the selectivity of the unique values
userDescription, a user friendly description of what this index indexes
To retrieve the constraint information for all the relationship types in your database, you can use the following procedure:
CALL apoc.schema.relationships()
YIELD name, type, properties, status
Where the outputs are:
name of the constraint
type of the relationship
properties, (for Neo4j 3.1 and lower versions is a single element array) that are affected by the constraint
Config optional param is a map and its possible values are:
labels : list of labels to retrieve index/constraint information
excludeLabels: list of labels to exclude from retrieve index/constraint information
relationships: list of relationships type to retrieve constraint information
excludeRelationships: list of relationships' type to exclude from retrieve constraint information
Exclude has more power than include, so if excludeLabels and labels are both valued, procedure considers excludeLabels only, the same for relationships.
CALL apoc.schema.nodes({labels:['Book']})
YIELD name, label, properties, status, type
N.B. Constraints for property existence on nodes and relationships are available only for the Enterprise Edition.
To retrieve the index existence on node, you can use the following user function:
RETURN apoc.schema.node.indexExists(labelName, propertyNames)
The output return the index existence on node is present or not
To retrieve if the constraint exists on node, you can use the following user function:
RETURN apoc.schema.node.constraintExists(labelName, propertyNames)
The output return the constraint existence on node.
To retrieve if the constraint exists on relationship, you can use the following user function:
RETURN apoc.schema.relationship.constraintExists(type, propertyNames)
The output return the constraint on the relationship is present or not
List Schema assert
When you:
CALL apoc.schema.assert({Foo:['bar']},null)
you will receive this result:

When you:
CALL apoc.schema.assert(null,{Foo:['bar']})
you will receive this result:

When you:
CALL apoc.schema.assert(null,null)
you will receive this result:

List indexes and constraints for nodes
Given the following cypher statements:
CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (bar:Bar) ASSERT exists(bar.foobar)
CREATE INDEX ON :Person(name)
CREATE INDEX ON :Publication(name)
CREATE INDEX ON :Source(name)
When you
CALL apoc.schema.nodes()
you will receive this result:

List constraints for relationships
Given the following cypher statements:
CREATE CONSTRAINT ON ()-[starred:STARRED]-() ASSERT exists(starred.month)
When you
CALL apoc.schema.relationships()
you will receive this result:

Check if an index or a constraint exists for a Label and property
Given the previous index definitions, running this statement:
RETURN apoc.schema.node.indexExists("Publication", ["name"])
produces the following output:

Given the previous constraint definitions, running this statement:
RETURN apoc.schema.node.constraintExists("Bar", ["foobar"])
produces the following output:

If you want to check if a constraint exists for a relationship you can run this statement:
RETURN apoc.schema.relationship.constraintExists('LIKED', ['day'])
and you get the following result: