Procedure APOC Core
apoc.refactor.cloneSubgraphFromPaths([path1, path2, …], {standinNodes:[], skipProperties:[]}) YIELD input, output, error | from the subgraph formed from the given paths, clone nodes with their labels and properties (optionally skipping any properties in the skipProperties list via the config map), and clone the relationships (will exist between cloned nodes only). Relationships can be optionally redirected according to standinNodes node pairings (this is a list of list-pairs of nodes), so given a node in the original subgraph (first of the pair), an existing node (second of the pair) can act as a standin for it within the cloned subgraph. Cloned relationships will be redirected to the standin.
apoc.refactor.cloneSubgraphFromPaths(paths :: LIST? OF PATH?, config = {} :: MAP?) :: (input :: INTEGER?, output :: NODE?, error :: STRING?)
Usage Examples
The examples in this section are based on the following sample graph:
CREATE (rootA:Root{name:'A'}),
(n1:Node{name:'node1', id:1}),
(n2:Node{name:'node2', id:2}),
(n3:Node{name:'node3', id:3}),
(n4:Node{name:'node4', id:4}),
(n5:Node{name:'node5', id:5}),
(n6:Node{name:'node6', id:6}),
(n7:Node{name:'node7', id:7}),
(n8:Node{name:'node8', id:8}),
(n9:Node{name:'node9', id:9}),
(n10:Node{name:'node10', id:10}),
(n11:Node{name:'node11', id:11}),
(n12:Node{name:'node12', id:12})
CREATE (rootA)-[:LINK]->(n1)-[:LINK]->(n2)-[:LINK]->(n3)-[:LINK]->(n4)
CREATE (n1)-[:LINK]->(n5)-[:LINK]->(n6)<-[:LINK]-(n7)
CREATE (n5)-[:LINK]->(n8)
CREATE (n5)-[:LINK]->(n9)-[:DIFFERENT_LINK]->(n10)
CREATE (rootB)-[:LINK]->(n11);

This procedure clones a subgraph defined by a list of paths. This is useful when you want to ensure the cloned subgraph isn’t connected to the original nodes, or to nodes outside the subgraph.
The following query clones a subtree starting from rootA consisting of outgoing :LINK
relationships, and attaches that subgraph to rootB. rootB acts as a standin for rootA, which is not cloned:
MATCH (rootA:Root{name:'A'}),
MATCH path = (rootA)-[:LINK*]->(node)
WITH rootA, rootB, collect(path) as paths
CALL apoc.refactor.cloneSubgraphFromPaths(paths, {
standinNodes:[[rootA, rootB]]
YIELD input, output, error
RETURN input, output, error;
input | output | error |
31424 |
(:Node {name: "node3", id: 3}) |
31425 |
(:Node {name: "node4", id: 4}) |
31426 |
(:Node {name: "node5", id: 5}) |
31427 |
(:Node {name: "node6", id: 6}) |
31429 |
(:Node {name: "node8", id: 8}) |
31430 |
(:Node {name: "node9", id: 9}) |
31422 |
(:Node {name: "node1", id: 1}) |
31423 |
(:Node {name: "node2", id: 2}) |