Parallel Cypher Execution

This is the APOC Extended documentation.

APOC Extended is not supported by Neo4j. For the officially supported APOC Core, go to the APOC Core page.

This section describes procedures and functions for parallel execution of Cypher statements.

Procedure and Function Overview

The available procedures and functions are described below:

Qualified Name Type Release


- executes fragments in parallel through a list defined in paramMap with a key keyList


Apoc Extended


- executes fragments in parallel batches through a list defined in paramMap with a key keyList


Apoc Extended


apoc.cypher.mapParallel(fragment, params, list-to-parallelize) yield value - executes fragment in parallel batches with the list segments being assigned to _


Apoc Extended


apoc.cypher.mapParallel2(fragment, params, list-to-parallelize) yield value - executes fragment in parallel batches with the list segments being assigned to _


Apoc Extended


Given this dataset:

UNWIND range(0, 9999) as idx CREATE (:Person {name: toString(idx)})

we can execute parallel statements through (:Person) nodes with this procedure:

MATCH (p:Person) WITH collect(p) as people
CALL apoc.cypher.parallel('RETURN + t as title', {a: people, t: ' - suffix'}, 'a')
YIELD value RETURN value.title as title

In the above query, we passed a map as a second parameter and a string from the previous map as a third parameter. The value with key 'a' will be the list to cycle in parallel. Note that it is not needed to pass a and t as query parameters (that is $a and $t) because, under the hood, the procedure will prepend them in the query WITH $parameterName as parameterName. So in this case, WITH $a as a, $t as t.

In this example, we execute multiple queries in parallel WITH $a as a, $t as t RETURN + t as title, where a is one of the (:Person) nodes included in people list.

The result of the procedure is:

Table 1. Result

"0 - suffix"

"1 - suffix"

"2 - suffix"

"3 - suffix"

"4 - suffix"






This procedure is similar to apoc.cypher.parallel2, but works differently under the hood (see below). With the previous dataset, we can execute:

MATCH (p:Person) WITH collect(p) as people
CALL apoc.cypher.parallel('RETURN + t as title', {a: people, t: $suffix}, 'a')
YIELD value RETURN value.title as title

The result of the procedure is:

Table 2. Result

"0 - suffix"

"1 - suffix"

"2 - suffix"

"3 - suffix"

"4 - suffix"





The parallel put the collection to parallelize - in this case, people in a java.util.parallelStream() - and then executed multiple queries like this: WITH $a as a, $t as t RETURN + t as title.

In the parallel2 transformation example, the fragment parameter first split the collection people into batchSizes of total / partitions, where partitions are 100 * number of processors available to the JVM (or 1 if total / partitions < 1). Then, it created a java.util.concurrent.Future for each batch, where each Future executed a query like this: WITH $t AS t UNWIND $a AS a RETURN + $t as title (where $a is the current batch of people). Finally, it computed the futures.

Generally, the apoc.cypher.parallel2 procedure is more recommended than the apoc.cypher.parallel.