Cypher init script

This is the APOC Extended documentation.

APOC Extended is not supported by Neo4j. For the officially supported APOC Core, go to the APOC Core page.

Apoc optionally allows you to run cypher commands after database initialization is finished. This can e.g. be used to ensure indexes/constraints are created up front.

The initializers are defined by Configuration Options using the following naming convention:

apoc.initializer.<database_name>.<identifier> = <some cypher string>

For each database all initializer strings are ordered by <identifier> and each of them is executed in a separate transaction. If you only have one single initializer for a given database you can omit <identifier>.

As an example we want to

  • create another db user in system db

  • create a index for :Person in default db neo4j

  • add two person nodes in default db neo4j

This is achieved by

apoc.initializer.system=create user dummy set password 'abc'
apoc.initializer.neo4j.0=create index person_index for (p:Person) on (
apoc.initializer.neo4j.1=create (:Person{name:'foo'})
apoc.initializer.neo4j.2=create (:Person{name:'bar'})