Procedures & Functions
This is the APOC Extended documentation. APOC Extended is not supported by Neo4j. For the officially supported APOC Core, go to the APOC Core page. |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.bolt.load(url-or-key, kernelTransaction, params, config) - access to other databases via bolt for read |
Procedure |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.config.list | Lists the Neo4j configuration as key,value table |
Procedure | | Lists the Neo4j configuration as map |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.couchbase.append(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, content, config) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - append a couchbase json document to an existing one. |
Procedure |
apoc.couchbase.exists(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, config) yield value - check whether a couchbase json document with the given ID does exist. |
Procedure |
apoc.couchbase.get(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, config) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - retrieves a couchbase json document by its unique ID. |
Procedure |
apoc.couchbase.insert(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, jsonDocument, config) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - insert a couchbase json document with its unique ID. |
Procedure |
apoc.couchbase.namedParamsQuery(hostkOrKey, bucket, statement, paramNames, paramValues, config) yield queryResult - executes a N1QL statement with named parameters. |
Procedure |
apoc.couchbase.posParamsQuery(hostOrKey, bucket, statement, params, config) yield queryResult - executes a N1QL statement with positional parameters. |
Procedure |
apoc.couchbase.prepend(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, content, config) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - prepend a couchbase json document to an existing one. |
Procedure |
apoc.couchbase.query(hostOrKey, bucket, statement, config) yield queryResult - executes a plain un-parameterized N1QL statement. |
Procedure |
apoc.couchbase.remove(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, config) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - remove the couchbase json document identified by its unique ID. |
Procedure |
apoc.couchbase.replace(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, jsonDocument, config) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - replace the content of the couchbase json document identified by its unique ID. |
Procedure |
apoc.couchbase.upsert(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, jsonDocument) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - insert or overwrite a couchbase json document with its unique ID. |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.custom.declareFunction(signature, statement, forceSingle, description) - register a custom cypher function |
Procedure |
apoc.custom.declareProcedure(signature, statement, mode, description) - register a custom cypher procedure |
Procedure |
apoc.custom.list() - provide a list of custom procedures/function registered |
Procedure |
apoc.custom.removeFunction(name, type) - remove the targeted custom function |
Procedure |
apoc.custom.removeProcedure(name) - remove the targeted custom procedure |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.cypher.mapParallel(fragment, params, list-to-parallelize) yield value - executes fragment in parallel batches with the list segments being assigned to _ |
Procedure |
apoc.cypher.mapParallel2(fragment, params, list-to-parallelize) yield value - executes fragment in parallel batches with the list segments being assigned to _ |
Procedure |
apoc.cypher.parallel(fragment, |
Procedure |
apoc.cypher.parallel2(fragment, |
Procedure |
apoc.cypher.runFile(file or url,[{statistics:true,timeout:10,parameters:{}}]) - runs each statement in the file, all semicolon separated - currently no schema operations |
Procedure |
apoc.cypher.runFiles([files or urls],[{statistics:true,timeout:10,parameters:{}}])) - runs each statement in the files, all semicolon separated |
Procedure |
apoc.cypher.runSchemaFile(file or url,[{statistics:true,timeout:10}]) - allows only schema operations, runs each schema statement in the file, all semicolon separated |
Procedure |
apoc.cypher.runSchemaFiles([files or urls],{statistics:true,timeout:10}) - allows only schema operations, runs each schema statement in the files, all semicolon separated |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
---|---|'email_address') as {personal,user,domain} - extract the personal name, user and domain as a map |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
Add a virtualized resource configuration |
Procedure |
List all virtualized resource configs |
Procedure |
Remove a virtualized resource config by name |
Procedure |
Query a virtualized resource by name and return virtual nodes |
Procedure |
Query a virtualized resource by name and return virtual nodes linked using virtual rels to the node passed as first param |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
---|---|,index-or-null,type-or-null,id-or-null,query-or-null,payload-or-null) yield value - perform a GET operation on elastic search |
Procedure |,path,payload-or-null) yield value - perform a raw GET operation on elastic search |
Procedure |,index-or-null,type-or-null,query-or-null,payload-or-null) yield value - perform a POST operation on elastic search |
Procedure |,path,payload-or-null) yield value - perform a raw POST operation on elastic search |
Procedure |,index-or-null,type-or-null,id-or-null,query-or-null,payload-or-null) yield value - perform a PUT operation on elastic search |
Procedure |,index-or-null,type-or-null,query-or-null,payload-or-null) yield value - perform a SEARCH operation on elastic search |
Procedure | - elastic search statistics |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.export.xls.all(file,config) - exports whole database as xls to the provided file |
Procedure |,rels,file,config) - exports given nodes and relationships as xls to the provided file |
Procedure |
apoc.export.xls.graph(graph,file,config) - exports given graph object as xls to the provided file |
Procedure |
apoc.export.xls.query(query,file,{config,…,params:{params}}) - exports results from the cypher statement as xls to the provided file |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
---|---|, edgesPerNode, label, type) - generates a random graph according to the Barabasi-Albert model |
Procedure |
apoc.generate.complete(noNodes, label, type) - generates a random complete graph |
Procedure |, noEdges, label, type) - generates a random graph according to the Erdos-Renyi model |
Procedure |
apoc.generate.simple(degrees, label, type) - generates a simple random graph according to the given degree distribution |
Procedure |, degree, beta, label, type) - generates a random graph according to the Watts-Strogatz model |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.gephi.add(url-or-key, workspace, data, weightproperty, ['exportproperty']) | streams passed in data to Gephi |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.get.nodes(node|id|[ids]) - quickly returns all nodes with these id’s |
Procedure |
apoc.get.rels(rel|id|[ids]) - quickly returns all relationships with these id’s |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.load.csv('urlOrBinary',{config}) YIELD lineNo, list, map - load CSV from URL as stream of values, config contains any of: {skip:1,limit:5,header:false,sep:'TAB',ignore:['tmp'],nullValues:['na'],arraySep:';',mapping:{years:{type:'int',arraySep:'-',array:false,name:'age',ignore:false}} |
Procedure |
apoc.load.csvParams('urlOrBinary', {httpHeader: value}, payload, {config}) YIELD lineNo, list, map - load from CSV URL (e.g. web-api) while sending headers / payload to load CSV from URL as stream of values, config contains any of: {skip:1,limit:5,header:false,sep:'TAB',ignore:['tmp'],nullValues:['na'],arraySep:';',mapping:{years:{type:'int',arraySep:'-',array:false,name:'age',ignore:false}} |
Procedure |'pattern', 'urlDir', {config}) YIELD value - Loads list of all files in the folder specified by the parameter urlDir satisfying the given pattern. If the parameter urlDir is not specified or empty, the files of the import folder are loaded instead. |
Procedure |, cypher, pattern, urlDir, {}) YIELD name, status, pattern, cypher, urlDir, config, error - Adds or replaces a folder listener with a specific name, which is triggered for all files with the given pattern and executes the specified Cypher query when triggered. Returns a list of all listeners. It is possible to specify the event type in the config parameter. |
Procedure | YIELD name, status, pattern, cypher, urlDir, config, error - Lists all folder listeners |
Procedure | YIELD name, status, pattern, cypher, urlDir, config, error - Removes a folder listener by name and returns all remaining listeners, if any |
Procedure | - Removes all folder listeners |
Procedure |
apoc.load.driver('org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver') register JDBC driver of source database |
Procedure |
apoc.load.html('url',{name: jquery, name2: jquery}, config) YIELD value - Load Html page and return the result as a Map |
Procedure |
apoc.load.htmlPlainText('urlOrHtml',{name: jquery, name2: jquery}, config) YIELD value - Load Html page and return the result as a Map |
Procedure |
apoc.load.jdbc('key or url','table or statement', params, config) YIELD row - load from relational database, from a full table or a sql statement |
Procedure |
apoc.load.jdbcUpdate('key or url','statement',[params],config) YIELD row - update relational database, from a SQL statement with optional parameters |
Procedure |
apoc.load.ldap("key" or {connectionMap},{searchMap}) Load entries from an ldap source (yield entry) |
Procedure |
apoc.load.xls('url','selector',{config}) YIELD lineNo, list, map - load XLS fom URL as stream of row values, config contains any of: {skip:1,limit:5,header:false,ignore:['tmp'],arraySep:';',mapping:{years:{type:'int',arraySep:'-',array:false,name:'age',ignore:false, dateFormat:'iso_date', dateParse:['dd-MM-yyyy']}} |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.log.debug(message, params) - logs debug message |
Procedure |
apoc.log.error(message, params) - logs error message |
Procedure |, params) - logs info message |
Procedure |
apoc.log.warn(message, params) - logs warn message |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.metrics.get(metricName, {}) - retrieve a system metric by its metric name. Additional configuration options may be passed matching the options available for apoc.load.csv. |
Procedure |
apoc.metrics.list() - get a list of available metrics |
Procedure | - retrieve storage metrics about the devices Neo4j uses for data storage. directorySetting may be any valid neo4j directory setting name, such as ''. If null is provided as a directorySetting, you will get back all available directory settings. For a list of available directory settings, see the Neo4j operations manual reference on configuration settings. Directory settings are not paths, they are a neo4j.conf setting key name |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.model.jdbc('key or url', {schema:'<schema>', write: <true/false>, filters: { tables:[], views: [], columns: []}) YIELD nodes, relationships - load schema from relational database |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.mongo.aggregate(uri, pipeline, $config) yield value - perform an aggregate operation on mongodb collection |
Procedure |
apoc.mongo.count(uri, query, $config) yield value - perform a count operation on mongodb collection |
Procedure |
apoc.mongo.delete(uri, query, $config) - delete the given documents from the mongodb collection and returns the number of affected documents |
Procedure |
apoc.mongo.find(uri, query, $config) yield value - perform a find operation on mongodb collection |
Procedure |
apoc.mongo.insert(uri, documents, $config) yield value - inserts the given documents into the mongodb collection |
Procedure |
apoc.mongo.update(uri, query, update, $config) - updates the given documents from the mongodb collection and returns the number of affected documents |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.mongodb.get.byObjectId(hostOrKey, db, collection, objectIdValue, config(default:{})) - get the document by Object id value |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.monitor.ids() returns the object ids in use for this neo4j instance |
Procedure |
apoc.monitor.kernel() returns informations about the neo4j kernel |
Procedure | returns informations about the sizes of the different parts of the neo4j graph store |
Procedure |
apoc.monitor.tx() returns informations about the neo4j transaction manager |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
Creates a (virtual) entity graph for provided text |
Procedure |
Returns a stream of entities for provided text |
Procedure |
Creates a (virtual) key phrases graph for provided text |
Procedure |
Returns a stream of key phrases for provided text |
Procedure |
Creates a (virtual) sentiment graph for provided text |
Procedure |
Returns stream of sentiment for items in provided text |
Procedure |
Creates a (virtual) entity graph for provided text |
Procedure |
Provides a entity analysis for provided text |
Procedure |
Creates a (virtual) key phrase graph for provided text |
Procedure |
Provides a entity analysis for provided text |
Procedure |
Creates a (virtual) sentiment graph for provided text |
Procedure |
Provides a sentiment analysis for provided text |
Procedure |
Classifies a document into categories. |
Procedure |
Classifies a document into categories. |
Procedure |
Creates a (virtual) entity graph for provided text |
Procedure |
Returns a stream of entities for provided text |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.redis.append(uri, key, value, {config}) | Execute the 'APPEND key value' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.configGet(uri, parameter, {config}) | Execute the 'CONFIG GET parameter' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.configSet(uri, parameter, {config}) | Execute the 'CONFIG SET parameter value' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.copy(uri, source, destination, {config}) | Execute the 'COPY source destination' command and returns true if source was copied and false otherwise |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.eval(uri, script, outputType, keys, values, {config}) | Execute the 'EVAL script' command. In the parameters provided to the procedure, keys are bound to the KEYS[n] like special array of the Lua script and values are bound to the ARGV[n] like special array of the Lua script. |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.exists(uri, keys, {config}) | Execute the 'EXISTS keys' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.get(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'GET key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.hdel(uri, key, fields, {config}) | Execute the 'HDEL key fields' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.hexists(uri, key, field, {config}) | Execute the 'HEXISTS key field' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.hget(uri, key, field, {config}) | Execute the 'HGET key field' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.hgetall(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'HGETALL key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.hincrby(uri, key, field, amount, {config}) | Execute the 'HINCRBY key field amount' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.hset(uri, key, field, value, {config}) | Execute the 'HSET key field value' command and returns true if it is a new field in the hash or false if the field already exists |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.incrby(uri, key, amount, {config}) | Execute the 'INCRBY key increment' command |
Procedure |, {config}) | Execute the 'INFO' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.lrange(uri, key, start, stop, {config}) | Execute the 'LRANGE key start stop' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.persist(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'PERSIST key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.pexpire(uri, key, time, isExpireAt {config}) | Execute the 'PEXPIRE key time' command, or the 'PEPXPIREAT' if isExpireAt=true |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.pop(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'LPOP key' command, or the 'RPOP' if config right=true (default) |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.pttl(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'PTTL key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.push(uri, key, values, {config}) | Execute the 'LPUSH key field values' command, or the 'RPUSH' if config right=true (default) |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.sadd(uri, key, members, {config}) | Execute the 'SADD key members' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.scard(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'SCARD key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.smembers(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'SMEMBERS key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.spop(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'SPOP key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.sunion(uri, keys, {config}) | Execute the 'SUNION keys' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.zadd(uri, keys, scoresAndMembers, {config}) | Execute the 'ZADD key scoresAndMembers' command, where scoresAndMembers is a list of score,member,score,member,… |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.zcard(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'ZCARD key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.zrangebyscore(uri, key, min, max, {config}) | Execute the 'ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.zrem(uri, key, members, {config}) | Execute the 'ZREM key members' command |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.static.list(prefix) - returns statically stored values from config (apoc.static.<prefix>.*) or server lifetime storage |
Procedure |
apoc.static.set(name, value) - stores value under key for server lifetime storage, returns previously stored or configured value |
Procedure |
apoc.static.get(name) - returns statically stored value from config (apoc.static.<key>) or server lifetime storage |
Function |
apoc.static.getAll(prefix) - returns statically stored values from config (apoc.static.<prefix>.*) or server lifetime storage |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
Procedure |
Procedure |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
Function |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
CALL apoc.ttl.expire(node,time,'time-unit') - expire node at specified time by setting :TTL label and |
Procedure |
CALL apoc.ttl.expireIn(node,timeDelta,'time-unit') - expire node after specified length of time time by setting :TTL label and |
Procedure |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
CALL apoc.uuid.drop(label, databaseName) yield label, installed, properties | eventually removes previously added UUID handler and returns uuid information |
Procedure |
CALL apoc.uuid.dropAll(databaseName) yield label, installed, properties | eventually removes all previously added UUID handlers and returns uuids' information |
Procedure |
CALL apoc.uuid.install(label, {addToExistingNodes: true/false, uuidProperty: 'uuid'}) yield label, installed, properties, batchComputationResult | it will add the uuid transaction handler
for the provided |
Procedure |
CALL apoc.uuid.list() yield label, installed, properties | provides a list of all the uuid handlers installed with the related configuration |
Procedure |
CALL apoc.uuid.remove(label) yield label, installed, properties | remove previously added uuid handler and returns uuid information. All the existing uuid properties are left as-is |
Procedure |
CALL apoc.uuid.removeAll() yield label, installed, properties | it removes all previously added uuid handlers and returns uuids information. All the existing uuid properties are left as-is |
Procedure |
CALL apoc.uuid.setup(label, databaseName, $config) | eventually adds the uuid transaction handler for the provided |
Procedure |
CALL | it lists all eventually installed UUID handler for a database |
Procedure |