
This is the APOC Extended documentation.

APOC Extended is not supported by Neo4j. For the officially supported APOC Core, go to the APOC Core page.

Qualified Name Type

apoc.couchbase.append(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, content, config) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - append a couchbase json document to an existing one.


apoc.couchbase.exists(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, config) yield value - check whether a couchbase json document with the given ID does exist.


apoc.couchbase.get(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, config) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - retrieves a couchbase json document by its unique ID.


apoc.couchbase.insert(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, jsonDocument, config) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - insert a couchbase json document with its unique ID.


apoc.couchbase.namedParamsQuery(hostkOrKey, bucket, statement, paramNames, paramValues, config) yield queryResult - executes a N1QL statement with named parameters.


apoc.couchbase.posParamsQuery(hostOrKey, bucket, statement, params, config) yield queryResult - executes a N1QL statement with positional parameters.


apoc.couchbase.prepend(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, content, config) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - prepend a couchbase json document to an existing one.


apoc.couchbase.query(hostOrKey, bucket, statement, config) yield queryResult - executes a plain un-parameterized N1QL statement.


apoc.couchbase.remove(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, config) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - remove the couchbase json document identified by its unique ID.


apoc.couchbase.replace(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, jsonDocument, config) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - replace the content of the couchbase json document identified by its unique ID.


apoc.couchbase.upsert(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, jsonDocument) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content - insert or overwrite a couchbase json document with its unique ID.
