
This is the APOC Extended documentation.

APOC Extended is not supported by Neo4j. For the officially supported APOC Core, go to the APOC Core page.

Procedure Apoc Extended

apoc.es.query(host-or-port,index-or-null,type-or-null,query-or-null,payload-or-null) yield value - perform a SEARCH operation on elastic search


apoc.es.query(host :: STRING?, index :: STRING?, type :: STRING?, query :: ANY?, payload :: ANY?) :: (value :: MAP?)

Input parameters

Name Type Default
















Output parameters

Name Type



Usage Examples

The examples in this section are based on an Elastic instance populated with the accounts.json sample dataset from the Getting Started with Elasticsearch guide. You can find instructions for setting this up at github.com/neo4j-examples/elastic-example.

We can find the first 10 documents sorted by account_number, by running the following query:

CALL apoc.es.query("localhost","bank","_doc",null,{
  query: { match_all: {} },
  sort: [
    { account_number: "asc" }
YIELD value
UNWIND value.hits.hits AS hit
Table 1. Results

{_index: "bank", _type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 0, firstname: "Bradshaw", address: "244 Columbus Place", balance: 16623, gender: "F", city: "Hobucken", employer: "Euron", state: "CO", age: 29, email: "bradshawmckenzie@euron.com", lastname: "Mckenzie"}, _id: "0", sort: [0], _score: NULL}

{_index: "bank", _type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 1, firstname: "Amber", address: "880 Holmes Lane", balance: 39225, gender: "M", city: "Brogan", employer: "Pyrami", state: "IL", age: 32, email: "amberduke@pyrami.com", lastname: "Duke"}, _id: "1", sort: [1], _score: NULL}

{_index: "bank", _type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 2, firstname: "Roberta", address: "560 Kingsway Place", balance: 28838, gender: "F", city: "Bennett", employer: "Chillium", state: "LA", age: 22, email: "robertabender@chillium.com", lastname: "Bender"}, _id: "2", sort: [2], _score: NULL}

{_index: "bank", _type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 3, firstname: "Levine", address: "328 Wilson Avenue", balance: 44947, gender: "F", city: "Cochranville", employer: "Amtap", state: "HI", age: 26, email: "levineburks@amtap.com", lastname: "Burks"}, _id: "3", sort: [3], _score: NULL}

{_index: "bank", _type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 4, firstname: "Rodriquez", address: "986 Wyckoff Avenue", balance: 27658, gender: "F", city: "Eastvale", employer: "Tourmania", state: "HI", age: 31, email: "rodriquezflores@tourmania.com", lastname: "Flores"}, _id: "4", sort: [4], _score: NULL}

{_index: "bank", _type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 5, firstname: "Leola", address: "311 Elm Place", balance: 29342, gender: "F", city: "Fairview", employer: "Diginetic", state: "NJ", age: 30, email: "leolastewart@diginetic.com", lastname: "Stewart"}, _id: "5", sort: [5], _score: NULL}

{_index: "bank", _type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 6, firstname: "Hattie", address: "671 Bristol Street", balance: 5686, gender: "M", city: "Dante", employer: "Netagy", state: "TN", age: 36, email: "hattiebond@netagy.com", lastname: "Bond"}, _id: "6", sort: [6], _score: NULL}

{_index: "bank", _type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 7, firstname: "Levy", address: "820 Logan Street", balance: 39121, gender: "M", city: "Shrewsbury", employer: "Teraprene", state: "MO", age: 22, email: "levyrichard@teraprene.com", lastname: "Richard"}, _id: "7", sort: [7], _score: NULL}

{_index: "bank", _type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 8, firstname: "Jan", address: "699 Visitation Place", balance: 48868, gender: "M", city: "Wakulla", employer: "Glasstep", state: "AZ", age: 35, email: "janburns@glasstep.com", lastname: "Burns"}, _id: "8", sort: [8], _score: NULL}

{_index: "bank", _type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 9, firstname: "Opal", address: "963 Neptune Avenue", balance: 24776, gender: "M", city: "Olney", employer: "Cedward", state: "OH", age: 39, email: "opalmeadows@cedward.com", lastname: "Meadows"}, _id: "9", sort: [9], _score: NULL}

We can find documents with an account number of 7, by running the following query:

CALL apoc.es.query("localhost","bank","_doc",null,{
  query: { match: {account_number: 7} }
YIELD value
UNWIND value.hits.hits AS hit
Table 2. Results

{_index: "bank", _type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 7, firstname: "Levy", address: "820 Logan Street", balance: 39121, gender: "M", city: "Shrewsbury", employer: "Teraprene", state: "MO", age: 22, email: "levyrichard@teraprene.com", lastname: "Richard"}, _id: "7", sort: [7], _score: NULL}

We can find documents that belong to customers who are 40 years old, but excluding anyone who lives in Idaho (ID), by running the following query:

CALL apoc.es.query("localhost","bank","_doc",null,{
  query: {
    bool: {
      must: [ { match: { age: "40" } }],
      must_not: [{ match: { state: "ID" } }]
YIELD value
UNWIND value.hits.hits AS hit
Table 3. Results

{_type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 474, firstname: "Obrien", address: "192 Ide Court", balance: 35896, gender: "F", city: "Crucible", employer: "Suremax", state: "UT", age: 40, email: "obrienwalton@suremax.com", lastname: "Walton"}, _id: "474", _index: "bank", _score: 1.0}

{_type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 479, firstname: "Cameron", address: "904 Bouck Court", balance: 31865, gender: "M", city: "Nord", employer: "Telpod", state: "MO", age: 40, email: "cameronross@telpod.com", lastname: "Ross"}, _id: "479", _index: "bank", _score: 1.0}

{_type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 549, firstname: "Jacqueline", address: "444 Schenck Place", balance: 1932, gender: "M", city: "Oretta", employer: "Fuelworks", state: "OR", age: 40, email: "jacquelinemaxwell@fuelworks.com", lastname: "Maxwell"}, _id: "549", _index: "bank", _score: 1.0}

{_type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 878, firstname: "Battle", address: "234 Hendrix Street", balance: 49159, gender: "F", city: "Wanamie", employer: "Zilphur", state: "PA", age: 40, email: "battleblackburn@zilphur.com", lastname: "Blackburn"}, _id: "878", _index: "bank", _score: 1.0}

{_type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 885, firstname: "Valdez", address: "227 Scholes Street", balance: 31661, gender: "F", city: "Chilton", employer: "Delphide", state: "MT", age: 40, email: "valdezroberson@delphide.com", lastname: "Roberson"}, _id: "885", _index: "bank", _score: 1.0}

{_type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 948, firstname: "Sargent", address: "532 Fiske Place", balance: 37074, gender: "M", city: "Umapine", employer: "Accuprint", state: "AK", age: 40, email: "sargentpowers@accuprint.com", lastname: "Powers"}, _id: "948", _index: "bank", _score: 1.0}

{_type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 998, firstname: "Letha", address: "206 Llama Court", balance: 16869, gender: "F", city: "Dunlo", employer: "Dognosis", state: "WV", age: 40, email: "lethabaker@dognosis.com", lastname: "Baker"}, _id: "998", _index: "bank", _score: 1.0}

{_type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 40, firstname: "Pace", address: "263 Ovington Court", balance: 33882, gender: "M", city: "Silkworth", employer: "Cytrak", state: "OR", age: 40, email: "pacemolina@cytrak.com", lastname: "Molina"}, _id: "40", _index: "bank", _score: 1.0}

{_type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 165, firstname: "Sims", address: "205 Jackson Street", balance: 18956, gender: "F", city: "Tilden", employer: "Comtour", state: "DC", age: 40, email: "simsmckay@comtour.com", lastname: "Mckay"}, _id: "165", _index: "bank", _score: 1.0}

{_type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 177, firstname: "Harris", address: "468 Suydam Street", balance: 48972, gender: "F", city: "Yettem", employer: "Kidstock", state: "KY", age: 40, email: "harrisgross@kidstock.com", lastname: "Gross"}, _id: "177", _index: "bank", _score: 1.0}