This is the APOC Extended documentation. APOC Extended is not supported by Neo4j. For the officially supported APOC Core, go to the APOC Core page. |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.redis.append(uri, key, value, {config}) | Execute the 'APPEND key value' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.configGet(uri, parameter, {config}) | Execute the 'CONFIG GET parameter' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.configSet(uri, parameter, {config}) | Execute the 'CONFIG SET parameter value' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.copy(uri, source, destination, {config}) | Execute the 'COPY source destination' command and returns true if source was copied and false otherwise |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.eval(uri, script, outputType, keys, values, {config}) | Execute the 'EVAL script' command. In the parameters provided to the procedure, keys are bound to the KEYS[n] like special array of the Lua script and values are bound to the ARGV[n] like special array of the Lua script. |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.exists(uri, keys, {config}) | Execute the 'EXISTS keys' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.get(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'GET key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.hdel(uri, key, fields, {config}) | Execute the 'HDEL key fields' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.hexists(uri, key, field, {config}) | Execute the 'HEXISTS key field' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.hget(uri, key, field, {config}) | Execute the 'HGET key field' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.hgetall(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'HGETALL key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.hincrby(uri, key, field, amount, {config}) | Execute the 'HINCRBY key field amount' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.hset(uri, key, field, value, {config}) | Execute the 'HSET key field value' command and returns true if it is a new field in the hash or false if the field already exists |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.incrby(uri, key, amount, {config}) | Execute the 'INCRBY key increment' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.info(uri, {config}) | Execute the 'INFO' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.lrange(uri, key, start, stop, {config}) | Execute the 'LRANGE key start stop' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.persist(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'PERSIST key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.pexpire(uri, key, time, isExpireAt {config}) | Execute the 'PEXPIRE key time' command, or the 'PEPXPIREAT' if isExpireAt=true |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.pop(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'LPOP key' command, or the 'RPOP' if config right=true (default) |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.pttl(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'PTTL key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.push(uri, key, values, {config}) | Execute the 'LPUSH key field values' command, or the 'RPUSH' if config right=true (default) |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.sadd(uri, key, members, {config}) | Execute the 'SADD key members' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.scard(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'SCARD key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.getSet(uri, key, value, {config}) | Execute the 'SET key value' command and return old value stored (or null if did not exists) |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.smembers(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'SMEMBERS key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.spop(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'SPOP key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.sunion(uri, keys, {config}) | Execute the 'SUNION keys' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.zadd(uri, keys, scoresAndMembers, {config}) | Execute the 'ZADD key scoresAndMembers' command, where scoresAndMembers is a list of score,member,score,member,… |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.zcard(uri, key, {config}) | Execute the 'ZCARD key' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.zrangebyscore(uri, key, min, max, {config}) | Execute the 'ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max' command |
Procedure |
apoc.redis.zrem(uri, key, members, {config}) | Execute the 'ZREM key members' command |
Procedure |