Excerpt of article written by Emil Eifrem, published for ComputerWeekly.com. What propels this success is graph’s unique focus on data relationships. And we’ve witnessed the value of connected data explode, as businesses look to drive innovation as they connect supply chain, IoT devices, marketing technology, logistics, payment history, making the value of connectedness across all those data elements increase exponentially. But only a decade ago, the graph industry was just Neo4j and a few niche players. In the subsequent years other startups made their entrance as part of the NoSQL revolution, while more recently tech giants such as Oracle, Microsoft, SAP and IBM have each produced graph offerings of their own. Today the graph paradigm offers choices – with native platforms, NoSQL multi-model containers and embedded-in-SQL variants. Amazon’s long-standing absence from this list of tech behemoths was always a notable irony, given that its business models, in both ecommerce and the data centre, are so graph-influenced. So the recent launch of Amazon Neptune is a welcome progression, marking the full acceptance of graph software into the mainstream. Amazon’s entrance should be welcomed by the graph database market, as it will drive the growth generally and contribute to graph technology’s commercial success. Read the full article  
