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Dev Conference by Neo4j

Neo4rs: A Native Rust Driver for Neo4j

Session Track: Applications

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Session description

Rust is becoming an increasingly important tool in the data science space, either from using it directly or because it underpins a number of important Python libraries in the ecosystem, such as Polars. At Neo4j Labs, we are incubating a native driver for Rust—neo4rs. In this session, Paul will showcase how the driver integrates into the Rust and data science ecosystem, how it compares to an official product driver, and what the future plans are. The driver is available from Github at

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photo of Paul Horn

Paul Horn

Senior Software Engineer, Neo4j

Paul has been writing code for over a decade in various languages and for various scale-up and scale-out systems. Currently, he works on implementing a scalable Graph Data Science solution for Neo4j. Paul is also involved in a number of open-source Rust projects.