Neo4j on Google Cloud

The Leading Graph Data Platform on Google Cloud

Unlock fast, flexible, and secure GenAI solutions with Neo4j AuraDB on Google Cloud's advanced, AI-ready platform. Developers can accelerate graph adoption to build today's intelligent applications and machine learning workflows with Neo4j on Google Cloud.

Neo4j in the Google Cloud Ecosystem
Google Cloud Premium Parter

Neo4j recognized as Global Technology Partner of the Year

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Harnessing Google's leading technology and advanced models, Neo4j AuraDB enables rapid deployment and flexible integration of generative AI to drive innovation with unwavering trust and security. The Neo4j graph database plugs into your Google Cloud architecture. Integrations include Cloud Storage, Dataflow, Dataproc, Gemini, Vertex AI, and Gemini Workspace

Neo4j is a leading vector store and can be used in a GraphRAG pattern to ground Google LLMs including Gemini.

Why Use Neo4j on Google Cloud?

Market Leadership

Neo4j is the world’s leading graph database, used by a thriving community of over 220,000 developers. Fortune 500 organizations trust Neo4j as their graph database vendor for a broad set of use cases in production environments. Neo4j’s focus on graph technology and a relationship-centric culture drives our #1 priority to make every customer’s project successful. Neo4j is also recognized by industry analysts, including Forrester, Gartner, and DB Engines.

Strategic Google Partnership

Since the announcement of our strategic partnership in 2019, Neo4j and Google have expanded beyond the initial Neo4j Aura’s integration with the Google Cloud Console. Today we offer product integrations. Most recently we announced deep integrations related to Generative AI.

Ease of Deployment

Neo4j offers a variety of ways to run on Google Cloud.


Neo4j Aura offers a fully managed service on Google Cloud. You can learn more here or get started at Google Cloud Marketplace.


Neo4j offers Deployment Manager templates that are available through the Google Cloud Marketplace. The underlying code is open source on GitHub and you can read the documentation here.


Neo4j runs well in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). The easiest way to get started is at the Google Cloud Marketplace listing. Documentation on the Helm charts underlying that listing is available as well.

Market Leadership

Learn more about ease of deployment on SaaS

A quick demonstration about how to quickly launch AuraDS from Google Cloud Marketplace


Supply Chain Optimization With Neo4j and Google Cloud

Google Cloud and Neo4j provide a seamless solution template to optimize supply chains, ensuring predictability, resilience, and automation.

Featured Resources

Get Started

Neo4j Aura on Google Cloud Marketplace


Understanding graph databases with Neo4j


Streaming graph data with Confluent Cloud and Neo4j on Google Cloud

Landing Page

Neo4j Aura on Google Cloud


Discussion: Current builds customer-centric financial products with MongoDB and Neo4j


Neo4j on GCP


Graph Data Science on Google Cloud: Neo4j AuraDS and Vertex AI


Use graphs for smarter AI with Neo4j and Google Cloud Vertex AI


Loading Data into Neo4j With Google Cloud Dataflow

Press Release

Neo4j and Google Cloud Announce Strategic Partnership


Bringing the best of open source to Google Cloud customers


Neo4j Aura for Google Cloud - Manufacturing


Build Your Mission Critical, Global-Scale Applications on Google Cloud


Transform publicly available BigQuery data and Stackdriver logs into graph databases with Neo4j


Announcing Neo4j AuraDB on Google Cloud Platform


Deploying GenAI Applications and APIs with Vertex AI Reasoning Engine


Dataflow Demo Video


Understanding graph databases with Neo4j


Neo4j: How to create knowledge graphs with gen AI


How generative AI is revolutionizing data processing


How the new Google Cloud to Neo4j Dataflow template streamlines data movement

Press Release

Neo4j Announces New Product Integrations with Generative AI Features in Google Cloud Vertex AI