The most current release of Neo4j is 2025.02.0

Neo4j 4.1.5

30 November 2020
Neo4j 4.1.5 is a maintenance release with many important improvements and fixes.


  • Fixes an issue scanning records in high_limit for...

Neo4j 3.5.25

26 November 2020
Neo4j 3.5.25 is a maintenance release with many important improvements and fixes.


  • Fixes an issue scanning records in high_limit for...

Neo4j 4.2.1

26 November 2020
Neo4j 4.2.1 is a maintenance release with many important improvements and fixes.


  • Fixes an issue scanning records in high_limit for...

Neo4j 4.2.0

17 November 2020
We are proud to announce the general availability of our Neo4j Database – Neo4j 4.2 Enterprise Edition. Neo4j 4.2 is the core technology of the N...

Neo4j 3.5.24

13 November 2020
Neo4j 3.5.24 is a maintenance release with many important improvements and fixes.


  • Update jetty from 9.4.17.v20190418 to 9.4.34.v202...

Neo4j 4.0.9

13 November 2020
Neo4j 4.0.9 is a maintenance release with many important improvements and fixes.


  • Update dependencies due to security issues Jet...

Neo4j 4.1.4

9 November 2020
Neo4j 4.1.4 is a maintenance release with many important improvements and fixes.


  • Special handling of unrelated SSL policies in the...

Neo4j 3.5.23

29 October 2020
Neo4j 3.5.23 is a maintenance release with many important improvements and fixes.


  • Fixes a volumetric checkpoint triggering issue wh...

Neo4j 4.1.3

1 October 2020
Neo4j 4.1.3 is a maintenance release with many important improvements and fixes.


  • Handle relationship property reads on missing rel...