Release Date: 26 November 2021
GDS 1.8 is compatible with Neo4j 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 but not Neo4j 3.5.x. For a 3.5 compatible release, please see GDS 1.1.7. For a 4.0 compatible release, please see GDS 1.6.5
Breaking changes
- GDS now throws error messages on identifiers with trailing whitespaces to avoid input errors. This affects
, and several property parameters such asnodeWeightProperty
. - We have removed the separate
parameter from the model parameter space
. Theconcurrency
value in the configuration of the train procedure will be used. - The procedure
has been improved and aligned with theNode2Vec
implementation. Please consult the documentation to find out about the new configuration options. - The procedure
has been merged withgds.fastRP
New features
- Link Prediction
- Add new link prediction stream procedure
. - Added
to the result
. - To improve prediction performance, we’ve added kNN-based approximate search strategy option to link prediction procedures|mutate
. - Node property steps in Link Prediction pipelines can use a relationship property.
- Add new link prediction stream procedure
- Node Classification pipelines: similar to link prediction pipelines, we’ve added a pipeline procedure for node classification, where users can define the features, splitting strategy, and model training options. We’ve added:|stream|write
- New algorithm: Conductance,
, can be used to compute a metric to evaluate the quality of communities identified by community detection algorithms. - Added support for preserving a relationship property in
. - The procedure
has received additional configuration parameters:featureProperties
: to configure using node properties as part of the embedding.propertyRatio
: to control how much of the embedding is computed from properties.nodeSelfInfluence
: allows using each node’s initial random vector as a contribution to the node’s embedding. Especially useful for graphs with disconnected nodes.
Bug fixes
- Added check that
is meeting determinism constraints for K-Nearest Neighbors wheneverrandomSeed
is overridden. - Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds error that could happen in triangle count on some graphs with multiple relationship types.
- Fixed an issue where seeded algorithms (such as WCC) on graphs with multiple node labels could assign seeded communities to new nodes.
- Fixed an issue where KNN did not add candidates to the topK result.
- Fixed an issue where running an algorithm could return incorrect results on graphs filtered with the configuration parameter
. - Fixed an issue where running
could result in an error on graphs filtered with the configuration parameternodeLabels
. - Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds error that could happen in triangle count on some graphs with multiple relationship types.
- Fixed an issue with unmapped Neo4j node ids throwing
. - Fixed a bug where the in-memory storage engine would not find the correct graph store if the db name was not lowercase
- Fixed a bug where the graph store would be released when storing the CypherGraphStore in the catalog
- Fixed a bug where Node2Vec would produce an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds error on sufficiently large graphs.
- Added context information to log entries in debug and warning.
- Log Training loss as part of general progress logging
- Running transactions while projecting a graph now has less chance of breaking the projected graph
- Improve runtime performance for FastRP
- Use Neo4j node id instead of internal GDS node id when seeding generation of initial random vectors in FastRP.
- The in-memory cypher db is now capable of querying relationship ids, types and properties
- The procedure
has been improved and should now run faster and more stable.
Recent Graph Data Science Releases
- Graph Data Science 2.15
- Graph Data Science 2.14
- Graph Data Science 2.13
- Graph Data Science 2.12
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