Release Date: 4 April 2022
GDS 2.0.1 is compatible with Neo4j 4.3 and 4.4 but not Neo4j 3.5.x, 4.0, 4.1, or 4.2. For a 3.5 compatible release, please see GDS 1.1.7. For a 4.0 compatible release, please see GDS 1.6.5. For a 4.1 or 4.2 compatible release, please see GDS 1.8.6

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in where configuring start nodes could lead to AIOOB exceptions.
  • Fixed a bug in gds.beta.pipeline.[nodeClassification|linkPrediction].addNodeProperty where gds.beta.graphSage.mutate could not be added.
  • Improvements

  • When an algorithm is blocked by the memory guard, information is now logged, in addition to raising an exception to the user.