Release Date: 30 September 2024
GDS 2.10.1 is compatible with Neo4j 5 (≥ 5.22). For GDS compatibility with previous releases, please use GDS Compatibility Table.

Breaking changes

  • Raise an exception if relationship types are specified in undirectedRelationshipTypes or inverseIndexedRelationshipTypes, but not projected in the graph projection. This affects the following projections:
    • Cypher projection
    • Apache Arrow projection

New features

  • Added procedures RandomWalk mutate mode:
    • gds.randomWalk.mutate
    • gds.randomWalk.mutate.estimate

Bug fixes

  • Modified the FastRP initialization procedure to scale both the random values and property values to match the range of the embedding dimension. This adjustment addresses the issue of discontinuous behavior of embedding values when propertyRatio is close to 0 or 1.
  • Fixed a bug where NodeSimilarity using relationship weights and JACCARD similarity metric produced incorrect similarity values.
  • Fixed a bug where Graph implementations that do not override streamRelationships could not export relationships with a single property via arrow.
  • Fixed a bug where Cypher projections would fail when a string, number or boolean literal is used in the query when query literal obfuscation is turned on.


  • Added failIfMissing configuration option to gds.graph.nodeProperties.drop procedure.
  • Added progress logging for the gds.graph.project aggregation function.

Other changes

  • The arrow triplet import action now accepts job_id and task_volume parameters.