Release Date: 21 November 2022
GDS 2.2.3 is compatible with Neo4j 5 versions & 4.4 versions ≥ 4.4.9 & 4.3 versions ≥ 4.3.15.

For GDS compatibility with previous releases, please use GDS Compatibility Table.

Bug fixes

  • gds.alpha.nodeSimilarity.filtered – would give incorrect node IDs.
  • Pregel framework – the computation would not stop after terminating the underlying transaction. This affects gds.pageRank, gds.articleRank, gds.eigenvector.
  • alpha.hits and gds.alpha.sllpa could not be used as a nodeProperty step inside ml pipeline including gds.beta.pipeline.linkPrediction, gds.beta.pipeline.nodeClassification, and gds.alpha.pipeline.nodeRegression.
  • nodeProperty steps could not be added to ml pipelines when running against Neo4j 5.x. This affected gds.beta.pipeline.linkPrediction, gds.beta.pipeline.nodeClassification, and gds.alpha.pipeline.nodeRegression.


  • gds.graph.list will only calculate the graph size when the procedure is called without any YIELD or if the fields memoryUsage or sizeInBytes are explicitly YIELD-ed. Using YIELD to return other fields but not one of memoryUsage or sizeInBytes can speed up the execution time of gds.graph.list.