The most current release of Neo4j is 2025.02.0

Graph Data Science 1.8.0

1 December 2021

GDS 1.8 is compatible with Neo4j 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 but not Neo4j 3.5.x. For a 3.5 compatible release, please see GDS 1.1.7. For a 4.0 compatibl...

Neo4j 4.4

2 December 2021
We are proud to announce the general availability of our Neo4j Database – Neo4j 4.4 Enterprise Edition. Neo4j 4.4 is the core technology of the N...

Graph Data Science 1.8.0 Preview

26 November 2021

GDS 1.8 is compatible with Neo4j 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 but not Neo4j 3.5.x. For a 3.5 compatible release, please see GDS 1.1.7. For a 4.0 compatibl...

Bloom 1.9.1

24 November 2021
This is a patch release introducing:
  • support for the built-in SSO features in Neo4j 4.4
  • a stability improvement in the database connection

Neo4j 4.1.11

16 November 2021
Neo4j 4.1.11 is a maintenance release with many important improvements and fixes.


  • Update netty to 4.1.66 to address vulnerabilitie...

Neo4j 3.5.30

10 November 2021
Neo4j 3.5.30 is a maintenance release with many important improvements and fixes.


  • Upgrade to Apache Shiro 1.8.0
  • Bump commons com...

Neo4j 4.3.7

9 November 2021
Neo4j 4.3.7 is a maintenance release with many important improvements and fixes.


  • Fixes another issue where a created node/relations...

Graph Data Science 1.1.7

1 November 2021

GDS 1.1.7 is compatible with Neo4j Neo4j 3.5.x. For a 4.x compatible release, please see GDS 1.7.2.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in Louva...

Graph Data Science 1.7.2

1 November 2021

GDS 1.7.2 is compatible with Neo4j 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 but not Neo4j 3.5.x. For a 3.5 compatible release, please see GDS 1.1.7. For a 4.0 compatible r...