028 Let’s Get Functional! Pull Off a Trifecta With Spring Cloud Function, Azure Function – NODES2022

20 Nov, 2022

So-called "serverless" may be the least accurate tech term in history, although there are countless worthy contenders for that (dis)honor. And while functions may not have a perfectly precise definition in terms of size or scope, we're far more likely to reach a general agreement on functions – their purpose, scope, pros/cons, and utility – than we are to ever locate those missing servers!

This session examines what makes a capability an ideal candidate for development and deployment as a function. The presenter will lead attendees in a Live Coding Adventure(TM) to demonstrate how to create candidate functions using the power of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Function. Next, we'll incorporate the power of the graph, connecting our functions to a cloud-based, global-scale Neo4j database. Finally, we will deploy these open source functions via Azure Functions to demonstrate how to integrate everything in the cloud. Come to this session to learn how to incorporate functions into your critical systems.

Speakers: Mark Heckler
Format: Full Session 30-45 min
Level: Beginner
Topics: #Cloud, #API/Drivers, #Featured, #General, #Beginner

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