073 What’s New in Neo4j 5 and Aura 5 for Developers – NODES2022 – John Stegeman

21 Nov, 2022

In this session, we'll share an overview of new features in Neo4j 5 with a focus on developers. This will include Aura.

Speakers: John Stegeman
Format: Full Session 30-45 min
Level: Beginner
Topics: #Database, #Cypher, #Cloud, #General, #Beginner
Region: EMEA
Slides: https://dist.neo4j.com/nodes-20202-slides/073%20What%27s%20New%20in%20Neo4j%205%20and%20Aura%205%20for%20Developers%20-%20NODES2022%20EMEA%20Beginner%202%20-%20John%20Stegeman.pdf

Visit https://development.neo4j.dev/nodes-2022 learn more at https://development.neo4j.dev/developer/get-started and engage at https://community.neo4j.com

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