079 What’s New in Graph Data Science Land – NODES2022 – Luke Gannon

21 Nov, 2022

In this session, we'll discuss what's new in graph data science since the release of Neo4j Graph Data Science 2.0.

Speakers: Luke Gannon
Format: Lighting Talk 10-15 min
Level: Beginner
Topics: #Cloud, #MachineLearning, #GraphDataScience, #Analytics, #General, #Beginner
Region: EMEA
Slides: https://dist.neo4j.com/nodes-20202-slides/079%20What%27s%20New%20in%20Graph%20Data%20Science%20Land%20-%20NODES2022%20EMEA%20Beginner%204%20-%20Luke%20Gannon.pptx

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