5. The Customer Journey is a Graph

25 Jul, 2022


• Matt Butler, Co-Founder, Bonsai
• Corey Lanum, Chief Product Evangelist, Cambridge Intelligence
Session type: Full Length Session

Abstract: Most marketing analytics tools focus on aggregate views of customer behavior: a webpage had 1000 unique visitors, an email was opened 200 times, a campaign generated 50 new leads. But any marketer will tell you that modern customer behavior is rarely linear. Aggregated analysis can never tell the full story, because the customer journey isn’t a straightforward model – it’s a graph. At Bonsai, we built a marketing analytics platform based on that principle. Using Neo4j, it maps out a business’s touch points and plots the varied paths between them. The Bonsai platform combines Neo4j Bloom and KeyLines by Cambridge Intelligence. Marketers can visualize typical customer journeys and analyze each interaction, its timing and sequence, to understand which links in the chain add incremental value – and which need improving. In this session, we will share our experience at Bonsai of building the platform on Neo4j Bloom and KeyLines, and explain how modeling our data as a graph has transformed the way marketers think about their customer journey. Corey Lanum of Cambridge Intelligence will also demonstrate how graph visualization enhances the platform by making complex customer data accessible and understandable to business users.

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