9 – Building an ML Pipeline in Neo4j Link Prediction Deep Dive

08 Jul, 2021

Building an ML Pipeline in Neo4j: Link Prediction Deep Dive Hands on deep dive into building a link prediction model in Neo4j, not just covering the marketing highlights but also all the tricky technical bits that make the difference between a great model and nonsense. Alicia M. Frame Director of Data Science, Neo4j Alicia Frame is the Director of Graph Data Science at Neo4j. Jacob Sznajdman Graph Analytics Engineer, Neo4j Jacob Sznajdman is an algorithm developer for Neo4j and the Graph Data Science library. He has experience in Machine Learning and Data Science from text classification, machine learning library building, query resource prediction and data-driven load balancing. He also holds a PhD in mathematics and has done research on the intersection of graph algorithms and machine learning.

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