Going Meta – Ep 10: SPARQL based integrations… and managing graph expectations

27 Oct, 2022

Episode 10 of Going Meta – a series on graphs, semantics and knowledge Jesús Barrasa: https://twitter.com/BarrasaDV Repository: https://github.com/jbarrasa/goingmeta 0:00 Welcome & Intro 9:20 SPARQL overview 12:40 dbpedia SPARQL endpoint 18:40 Cypher + SPARQL 24:30 Data enriching 40:20 Graph generating 54:00 Graph Expectations 59:00 Q&A + Outlook 1:06:16 Wrap-Up APOC: https://development.neo4j.dev/labs/apoc/ neosemantics: https://development.neo4j.dev/labs/neosemantics/ OpenStudyBuilder: https://gitlab.com/Novo-Nordisk/nn-public/openstudybuilder/OpenStudyBuilder-Solution Check out https://community.neo4j.com/ for questions and discussions around Neo4j #neo4j #graphdatabase #semantic #knowledgegraph #rdf #semantics

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