How Knowledge Graphs and Generative AI Revolutionise Biopharma and Life Sciences

17 Jun, 2024

Discover how graphs and Neo4j are transforming data management at AstraZeneca in this insightful presentation. Learn how AstraZeneca uses knowledge graphs to enhance data contextualization and apply generative AI across diverse projects. From transforming raw data into meaningful insights to overcoming challenges like data integration and standardization, Antonio Fabregat demonstrates the power of graph databases in optimizing performance and enabling data-driven decision-making. Explore the future applications across life sciences and beyond, where relationships between data points are as crucial as the data itself. Join us to uncover the transformative potential of knowledge graphs in navigating the complexities of modern data environments.

Antonio Fabregat
Knowledge Graph Lead – AstraZeneca

#neo4j #graphdatabase #pharma #lifescience #healthcare #knowledgegraph

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