Neo4j Live: Graph-Powered Code Debugging with GenAI

25 Jul, 2024

See how BLAR App's Code Base Agent uses graph technology to debug and optimize your code effortlessly! In this demo, we’ll sync repositories, address unexpected errors, and demonstrate how Blar allows you to improve your development workflow.
Discover the power of graph technology in coding and how it can streamline your debugging process.

Guest: José Domínguez, Blar


0:00 - Introduction
0:27 - Today's Topic and Guest Introduction
1:22 - Audience Engagement and Introduction to Graph Debugging
1:47 - Jose's Journey to Graphs and Neo4j
3:03 - Overview of Blar and its Transition to Graphs
4:54 - Benefits of Graphs for Relevance
7:50 - Graph Representation in Code Debugging
13:47 - Visualization Tool in Application
17:02 - Traversing the Graph for Debugging
24:03 - Constructing the Graph from Code
27:02 - Manual and Automated Debugging Approaches
43:10 - Conclusion and Questions

#neo4j #graphdatabase #genai #llm #codedebugging #code #optimization

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