The properties that can be passed to the BasicNvlWrapper component.

interface BasicReactWrapperProps {
    layout?: Layout;
    layoutOptions?: LayoutOptions;
    nodes: Node[];
    nvlCallbacks?: ExternalCallbacks;
    nvlOptions?: NvlOptions;
    onInitializationError?: ((error: unknown) => void);
    rels: Relationship[];

Hierarchy (view full)


layout?: Layout

The layout, can be 'forceDirected' or 'hierarchical'

layoutOptions?: LayoutOptions

Options for the current layout

nodes: Node[]

The nodes of the graph of type Node[]

nvlCallbacks?: ExternalCallbacks

an Object containing functions for callbacks on certain actions

nvlOptions?: NvlOptions

An object containing options for the Nvl instance

onInitializationError?: ((error: unknown) => void)

A callback to handle any errors that happen during NVL initialization

rels: Relationship[]

The rels of the graph of type Relationship[]