Collapse Nodes

Qualified Name Type

apoc.nodes.collapse(nodes LIST<NODE>, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - merges NODE values together in the given LIST<NODE>. The NODE values are then combined to become one NODE, with all labels of the previous NODE values attached to it, and all RELATIONSHIP values pointing to it.



On apoc.nodes.collapse with config properties you can choose from 3 different behavior:

  • "properties": "overwrite" : if there is the same property in more node, in the new one will have the last relationship’s/node’s property value

  • "properties": "discard" : if there is the same property in more node, the new one will have the first relationship’s/node’s property value

  • "properties": "combine" : if there is the same property in more node, the new one a value’s array with all relationship’s/node’s values

If properties parameter isn’t set relationships properties are discard.

  • "mergeRelsVirtual: true/false" : give the possibility to merge relationships with same type and direction. (DEFAULT true)

  • "selfRel: true/false" : give the possibility to create the self relationship. (DEFAULT false)

  • "countMerge: true/false" : give the possibility count all the Nodes/Relationships merged. (DEFAULT true)

  • "collapsedLabel: true/false" : give the possibility to add the label :Collapsed to the virtualNode. (DEFAULT false)

Nodes collapse example

With this dataset we have:

apoc.nodes.collapse 1

If we want to collapse the people living in the city to a single node, we pass them to the procedure.

MATCH (p:Person)-[:LIVES_IN]->(c:City)
WITH c, collect(p) as subgraph
CALL apoc.nodes.collapse(subgraph,{properties:'combine'}) yield from, rel, to
return from, rel, to

And get this result:

apoc.nodes.collapse 2

With this dataset we have:

apoc.nodes.collapse 3

If we also want to collapse them onto the city itself, we add the city node first to the collection.

MATCH (p:Person)-[:LIVES_IN]->(c:City)
WITH c, c + collect(p) as subgraph
CALL apoc.nodes.collapse(subgraph) yield from, rel, to
return from, rel, to

And get this result:

apoc.nodes.collapse 4