
Based on the given type definitions, here are two examples of how to write queries for reading or fetching values:

Return all User nodes from their ID and name
query {
    users {
Query User with name "Jane Smith" and their posts
query {
    users(where: { name: "Jane Smith" }) {
        posts {

Undirected queries

All relationships are created with a direction from one node to another. By default, all queries follow the direction defined in the relationship. However, in some cases it is necessary to query for all related nodes, regardless of the direction of the relationship. This can be achieved with the argument directed: false.

For example, the following query should return all User friends, regardless of the direction of the relationship "FRIENDS_WITH":

query {
    users {
        friends: friends(directed: false) {

In addition, undirected relationships can also be used in the same fashion with connections. For instance, this query is asking for a list of users and their friends' names with an undirected friendship connection:

query Query {
  users {
    friendsConnection(directed: false) {
      edges {
        node {

Keep in mind that undirected relationships are only supported in queries. The type definitions for a relationship may define a different behavior, so the directed option may not be available in some cases.